Monday 8 July 1661

[Pepys wrote no diary entries from this date until 13th July. P.G.]

62 Annotations

First Reading

Pedro.  •  Link

Come back on the 13th.

Why did you not tell us earlier we could have booked up a holiday!

Bradford  •  Link

. . . who got it from Maureen, and passed it to Pauline and Jenny, who sent it to . . . at cyberspeed!

dirk  •  Link

And how are we supposed to survive that long without Sam's diary? We're all hopelessly hooked now! What about detox effects?

A. De Araujo  •  Link

And it came so sudden!...

Bob T  •  Link

8 - 13th July. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Sam is experiencing some difficulties that he had not foreseen, and they really put him off his cornflakes :-)

daniel  •  Link

No daily entry?......becoming hard to concentrate....lights growing dim......

vicente  •  Link

Theres the house of blahs dailey bill making, then there is Rev. Josslyn keeping us abrest of the daisys and the the all English problem of the weather. Of course There is J Evelyn telling us about boyls vacating aire frome the a viper, compessing Water, or playing with his marbles, polishing so with olive oil that it takes a 42 lb weight to separate them. Then Diving bell being tried out at Deptford. Oh! his a missing so much.

Ruben  •  Link

No daily entry
To all Pepys-addicts:
Try a stronger coffee. If your hands are still trembling, open "badkground information" in a systematic way. Open all the blue patches you find in your way. Not all the sites the same day!
Save some for other days without fat cows.
Try "Recent annotations", if you are addicted to chronological order.
Vicente probably and Pepys for sure would say: "Omnem movere lapidem",
"Turn every stone", try to make a maximal workout.
Remember that life yet exists (precariously so) in the XXI century, and most of all, remember that our hero will be back to tell us all after the following announcements from our sponsors...

adam w  •  Link

There's always something to learn here, even with Pepys away from his desk. Todd, what is a rawk?

BradW  •  Link


For a pronunciation example see _Nemo, Finding_, e.g. Crush: "Yew RAWK, dude." TOE-tally.

JWB  •  Link

6 days covered by one entry on the 13th. Why not bring it up? Sure we could spend that many days wrestling with probate and in-laws.

Glyn  •  Link

PG tips

Instead of the diary why not read this full-page article about Phil Gyford in yesterday's science section of "The Guardian":…

Apparently Phil is "a shining example of what is good about the internet" and the people who read this Pepys Diary site are "a large community of seasoned web surfers, enthusiasts and academics" (it says here).

Glyn  •  Link

Captain Scott, K2 and me

Doh! I see Todd and a lot of other people already got there before me, sorry.

cindy b  •  Link

Isn't this a spoiler?
Did Sam know that he wan't going to write anything until the 13th or did he just reach the end of the day without enough energy left to write?

What would Sam have thought if he could have known that 343 years after the fact people all over the world would panic at the knowledge that he took a few days off?

daniel  •  Link

i343 years later

i am sure that Sam would be quite taken aback.

Nix  •  Link

Settle down -- it's summertime.

If you really want to know what happens, go to the Project Gutenberg text. I'll be packing for vacation, carrying with me the good feelings from the recognition Phil has earned -- congratulations!

bardi  •  Link

This will be the longest week "ever in all my life."

ian  •  Link

Bear up folks, its only until Tuesday, Go away and enjoy the weekend, or alternatively find one of Phil's other sites (see Guardian article above for ideas) and get political.

Glyn  •  Link

Pepys' Walk in the City of London

Well, if anyone wants to take a self-guided Walk around the City of London based on Samuel Pepys, to take their mind off things, I've just finished finished writing one, with a lot of help from contributors to this site.

So click on my name, send me a message, and I'll e-mail it to you.

tc  •  Link

A respite...

...and back to the 21st century for a few days, a wonderful opportunity to thank Phil again for this wonderful diversion, the days of Sam.

And a good time to go sailing...with Sam in mind (like a fish I go...)

language hat  •  Link

By an amazing coincidence, I'm taking a vacation too!
Doesn't quite match (going to Calif tomorrow, coming back the 17th), but there's enough overlap I won't have too much to catch up with on my return...

And thanks for posting the Phil interview, Todd (and Glyn)!

dirk  •  Link


Maybe some of us could fill their empty time by trying to make brief summaries (some 10 lines per month) of the past months of Sam's diary - so that Phil may finally see the "Story so far" updated. I'm trying my hand at December 1660. Any other volunteers?

Coffee  •  Link

...err, can't wait that long! Can't we vote on this?? =)

kent kelly  •  Link

Well, this is jolly. I took a week's bicycling holiday and what with work and other things, it's now two weeks since I visited this site. I hated having to skip the annotations so I could catch up but had resigned myself to it. Thanks to Sam's break, I can read them.

vicente  •  Link

Just found an interesting tit bit, Sam borrows 10L on Monday 2 January 1659/60. it was in his impecunious days.
"...Then I went to Mr. Crew

Martin  •  Link

Are there any future gaps in the diary? If so I feel we ought to be told in good time, so that holiday arrangements etc. can be made!

Lorry  •  Link

Somehow there was a large "void" in this week but I'm sure like all of you - I will survive! Thank you, Glyn, for the self-guided walk in London.

Phil Gyford  •  Link

I guess this particular entry could be classed as a 'spoiler' - there's no evidence Sam planned not to write his diary in advance. To be completely authentic I could have just not posted an entry for several days. But then I'd have (quite rightly) received lots of emails from everyone wondering where the next entry was!

Ruben  •  Link

This lapse in SP's diary was bad for me, as I had an operation and a lot of time to spend at home.
I rented a very old movie, Captain Blood, and had the pleasure to see again,like in my childhood, a fictional Dr. Blood in the year 1685, pirates and the like. He is more or less a rebel against King James.
They are lot of anachronic blunders but it is only entertainment. You can see a nice trailer with a young Basil Rathbone in…
I did not know were to insert this background annotation. May be in "fictional Pepys"?

A. Hamilton  •  Link

Wishing to extend this already impressively long list of annotations, and ready to throw relevance to the winds, I am seizing on Ruben's last remark to tell two utterly unconnected stories. My wife's maiden name is Rathbone, of no known connection to Basil. My mother's maiden name is Verner, which as readers of Sherlock Holmes know, is the also the maiden name of the detective's mother. At one point, when my daughter was thinking of applying for membership in the Baker Street Irregulars, I advised her to claim that she was related to Holmes on both sides. As for the second anecdote, I'm told that Basil Rathbone's daughter for a time ran a catering service in New York City named "Forever Basil."

language hat  •  Link

Just for a little added value: in case you didn't know the derivations, Rathbone is from Welsh rhathbon 'field with stumps' and Verner is a variant of Warner, from Old French Guarnier, from Germanic warn- 'warn' + heri 'army, troop.'

Second Reading

Louise Hudson  •  Link

This would never have happened if Sam had email! :(

If he were on Facebook, his name would be MUD!

Paul  •  Link

Poor Sam. Yesterday's entry wistful and sad compared to his usual ebullient self. Uncle gone, property to Sam after Dad goes, a good sermon, a full day's ride from home, Aunt in a nasty ugly pickle, lots to reflect on

Chris Squire UK  •  Link

Heres the 2014 url of the 2004 article about our esteemed editor/moderator:…

‘Man of the moment: His innovative and practical websites - usually created in his spare time - have won Phil Gyford a loyal following. Bobbie Johnson went to meet him

Phil Gyford is not a name that trips off the tongue alongside those of internet visionaries such as Jeff Bezos, Sergei Brin or Larry Page. For Gyford's business - if you could call it that - is not big, and it doesn't make headline news. He would probably be the last person to describe himself as a guru, but Gyford has made a real mark on the net.

An unassuming freelance web designer by day, by night he's an amateur agitator, an unpaid online inventor with a track record of qualified, but recognisable, innovation. Gyford's wide range of pet projects combined with his no-nonsense approach to the net, continue to draw admiration from casual surfers and web experts alike.

His latest project,, was launched last month with the intention of bringing parliament closer to the British people. With a team of almost 20 volunteers, Gyford helped build the site, which provides information on members of parliament and a readable version of Hansard, the parliamentary record . . ‘

Thank you, Phil, both for this and for .

eileen d.  •  Link

thank you, Chris Squire UK, for updating the link about our much-admired founder.

as someone who spends way too much time thinking about cool ways to leverage the internet for the non-commercial user, I find Phil, and this site, a source of inspiration and joy.

Terry Foreman  •  Link

In the interim, some reading of what Parliament is up to:

Bills depending.

Mr. Pryn having made Report from the Committee to whom it was referred to see which of the Bills depending in the House, and which were committed to Committees, were of most Necessity to be proceeded in before the Adjournment.

Ordered, That these Bills following be proceeded in; viz.…

Third Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Sandwich's log -- in the Med.:

"July 9th. Tuesday. About 8 oclock at night we were about 4 leagues westward of Cape Tenez."

Copied from
The Journal of Edward Mountagu,
First Earl of Sandwich
Admiral and General-at-Sea 1659 - 1665

Edited by RC Anderson
Printed for the Navy Records Society

Section III - Mediterranean 1661/62


Ténès, town, northern Algeria. A small Mediterranean Sea port, it is built on the site of the ancient Phoenician and Roman colonies of Catenna. Ruins of the Roman colony’s ramparts and tombs remain, and the Roman cisterns are still in use. Old Ténès, probably founded in 875 CE by Spanish colonists, belonged to the city of Tlemcen from 1299 until its capture by the corsair Khayr al-Dīn (Barbarossa) in 1517. It was occupied by the French in 1843.…

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Sandwich's log -- in the Med.:

"July 11th. Thursday. About noon we came to an anchor in the road of Alicante."

Copied from
The Journal of Edward Mountagu,
First Earl of Sandwich
Admiral and General-at-Sea 1659 - 1665

Edited by RC Anderson
Printed for the Navy Records Society

Section III - Mediterranean 1661/62


Alicante, Spain…

Remember, sailing ships tack to catch the wind; very rarely can you sail in a straight line between two points -- the wind does not cooperate.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Sandwich's log -- in the Alicante road:

"July 12th. Friday. In the morning I went ashore at Alicante to recover my health, being in a high fever."

Copied from
The Journal of Edward Mountagu,
First Earl of Sandwich
Admiral and General-at-Sea 1659 - 1665

Edited by RC Anderson
Printed for the Navy Records Society

Section III - Mediterranean 1661/62


Alicante, Spain…

Here's a use for some of the 1,000/.s advance Sandwich received…

MartinVT  •  Link

For readers who would like to use Sam's lapse to explore more of Phil Gyford's work, as suggested above back in '04, start at his website here:

Linked there is a quite recent piece by Carol Wazer on the History News Network HNN, on this history of, which you may have missed if you don't check the Site News section. Here's the link: https://www.historynewsnetwork.or….

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

There I was, sleepless nights, worried that the Commons had forgotten to discuss the Regicides and the follow-up to the Act of Oblivion -- turns out it was included in another Bill:

On Monday, July 9:

"Message to attend the King.
"Sir John Eaton, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, came into this House; and delivered the Message following:

"Mr. Speaker,

"The King is come to the House of Peers; and commands this honourable House to attend him in the House of Peers.

"Whereupon Mr. Speaker left the Chair: And, being attended by the Members of this House, did wait upon his Majesty in the said House of Peers.

"And, upon his Return, did make Report unto this House, That the King had made a gracious Speech; wherein he had expressed his ardent Desire to pass the Act for Confirmation of publick Acts, wherein the Act of Indemnity was included; and that all former Offences might be no more remembered, till a new Occasion should be given: And that it was his Majesty's Pleasure, that the publick Business might be dispatched so as the House might be adjourned by the Twentieth of this Month: And that, in the mean time, this House would only intend the Dispatch of the publick Business."

And they had done some good work this session:

"Bills depending.
"Mr. Pryn having made Report from the Committee to whom it was referred to see which of the Bills depending in the House, and which were committed to Committees, were of most Necessity to be proceeded in before the Adjournment.

"Ordered, That these Bills following be proceeded in; viz.
Bill for mending the Highways:
Bill against Tumuks:
Bill for better providing Carriages for his Majesty:
Bill against Rogues and Vagabonds:
Bill against Quakers:
A Bill for Uniformity to Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments:
A Bill for Pains and Penalties:
A Bill against Perjury:
Bill for the Militia:
A Bill for taking away Fines and Damage-clere:
Bill to invest the King with publick Monies:
Bill to moderate Interest to the Royal Party:
Bill for Allowance to Cures:
Bill against Pluralities:
Bill for Vicarages:
Bill for restoring Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction:
Bills concerning the Duchy Lands of Lancaster and Cornewall.
Ordered, That the Bill against killing Deer, this Day read the Second time, and upon the Question committed to a Committee, be added to the abovesaid List; to be proceeded in before the Adjournment.
Ordered, That the Bill for confirming publick Acts; and also the Bill for restoring Impropriations, Advowsons, &c. be added to the said List of Bills, to be proceeded in before the Adjournment.
Ordered, That the Businesses of the King's Majesty's Revenue be proceeded in, and reported, according to former Order, before the Adjournment.
Resolved, That the temporary Bill for the Fens be added to the List of Bills, to be proceeded in before the Adjournment."

What's a Tumuks?

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Turns out there was still a lot of loose ends to tie up, so Charles II can't have signed as many bills as I suspect he hoped to on Monday.

On Tuesday, July 9, the Commons discussed some important things, amongst others:

Publick Revenue.
Ordered, That the Chairman of the Committee appointed to examine the Business of his Majesty's Revenue do make Report To-morrow Morning.

Disbanding the Army, &c.
Ordered, That the Committee for disbanding and paying of the Army and Navy do, in the next Place, make their Report To-morrow Morning.

Pains and Penalties against Regicides.
Ordered, That Mr. Thurland be added to the Committee to whom the Bill declaring the Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures, to be imposed upon the Estates and Persons of certain notorious Offenders, excepted out of the Act of Oblivion, is committed.

Carriages for the King.
Ordered, That the Committee to whom the Bill for providing necessary Carriages for his Majesty in his Royal Progress, is committed, be revived.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

On Wednesday, July 10, the Commons were still deep into essential discussions:

Carriages for the King.
Mr. Edward Seymour reports Amendments to the Bill for necessary Carriages for his Majesty for his Royal Progress: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and afterwards, delivered in the same at the Clerk's Table: Which Amendments and Proviso being twice read at the Table; and, upon the Question, agreed to;

Resolved, That the Bill, with the said Amendments and Proviso, be ingrossed.

Publick Revenue.
Ordered, That the Report from the Committee of the King's Majesty's Revenue, be heard To-morrow Morning.

Disbanding the Army, &c.
Ordered, That the Report from the Committee for disbanding the Army and Navy, be heard To morrow Morning.

Publick Money.
Ordered, That the Committee to whom the Bill for investing the King with Monies as have been received for publick Uses, and not pardoned by the Act of Oblivion, was referred, be revived; and sit in the former Place this Afternoon, at Two of the Clock; and so de die in diem, till they have perfected their Report.

Pains and Penaities against Regicides.
Ordered, That the Committee to whom the Bill declaring the Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures, to be imposed upon the Estates and Persons of certain notorious Offenders exempted out of the Act of free and general Pardon, Indemnity, and Oblivion, was committed, do speed their Report without taking Notice of any Provisoes or Petitions, or examining the Titles or Claims of any Persons pretending Interest in the said Offenders Estates, but what were particularly recommended to them by the former Order of this House.

Quakers, &c.
Ordered, That the Committee to whom the Bill for preventing the Mischiefs and Dangers that may arise by certain Persons called Quakers, and other Schismaticks; and to whom the Bill against Vagrants, and wandering, idle, dissolute Persons; was also committed, be revived; and do sit in the Exchequer Chamber this Afternoon, at Two of the Clock.

Ordered, That the same Committee be likewise revived, as to the Bill against Perjury, which is committed to the same Committee; and do sit upon the said Bill, at the Time and Place aforesaid.

Charge against Haslerig.
Ordered, That the Evidence against Sir Arthur Haslerig, deceased, being one of the Persons excepted by the Act of Indemnity and Oblivion, as to Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures, not extending to Life, be heard at the Bar To-morrow Morning, at Nine of the Clock: Whereof his Majesty's Attorney General is to have Notice, that he may come prepared accordingly.

Executing Regicides.
Ordered, That the Bill for the Execution of certain Persons attainted of High Treason, be read To-morrow Morning, at Ten of the Clock, the First time.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

On Thursday, 11 July, the Commons report gives an unusually detailed account of the state of the Navy -- the shortage of money may explain why Pepys doesn't have much work to do.

Disbanding the Army, &c.
Mr. Pryn made Report unto this House, from the Commissioners for disbanding the Army, and discharging the Navy of the Pay and Entertainment due and in Arrear to the Officers and Soldiers of the Army and Garisons in England and Scotland, appointed by Act of Parliament to be disbanded; as also what Monies had been issued by the Treasurers of the Assessments and Poll Money, for paying off and disbanding the said Forces: And delivered in an Abstract thereof, and of the necessary Charges expended in and about that Service, fairly written, at the Clerk's Table.

Sir William Doyley likewise made Report unto this House, from the said Commissioners, of the Wages, Pay, and Entertainment, due and in Arrears, to the Commanders, Officers, Mariners, and Seamen of the 8 Ships, of the 65 Ships, and of the 36 Ships, appointed to be paid off and discharged; that is to say, for Men borne upon each Ship, and Men paid off upon Tickets; and of the necessary Charges and Expences in performing that Service, until the 22nd Day of June inclusive: And delivered in an Abstract thereof, fairly written, at the Clerk's Table.

Col. Birch also made Report from the said Commissioners, That, as to the Land Forces, the Account was in effect closed; but, as to the Navy, there was a great Debt yet remaining: That the 8 Ships, and the 65 Ships, and 26 of the 38 Ships, were, in effect, discharged, as to Men borne; and that the Tickets of the 8 Ships were paid off; and that all, or the greatest Part of the Tickets of the 65 Ships, will be, in effect, paid off, as this Day; and that the Tickets of the 26 Ships were, in effect, paid: But of the 12 Ships, residue of the said 38 Ships, all, or the greatest Part, were still to be paid off; which would require a great Sum of Money: Towards the Satisfaction whereof, he reported several Arrears of the Assessments and Poll Money to be yet unpaid.

* * * *

Ordered, That the Commissioners for the Army and Navy do prepare Letters to be sent for bringing in the Arrears of the said Assessments and Poll Money; and also for such Sheriffs as have not returned in the Duplicates of their Accounts of the Poll Money, forthwith to do the same.

Ordered, That Letters be likewise prepared to be sent to the several Receivers and Treasurers of the said Assessments and Poll Money, to give an Account of the Monies in their Hands, and of the Times when they received the same.

And Mr. Speaker is authorized to sign all the said Letters.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link


Ordered, That the several Auditors do, on Tuesday next, bring in their Certificates of all such Monies as are still remaining due or payable to the Navy, and, in particular, for Quarters and Cures of sick and wounded Seamen, to any Town or Corporation, as well set on Shore out of his Majesty's Ships, as sent out of Flanders; and for any Monies, Cloaths, Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes, that have been paid, or should by any publick Minister, Officer, or other Person, to any Commander, Officer, or Seamen, of the aforesaid Ships, upon Account of their Pay, since the 14th of March 1658; and what is due to any Shipkeepers and Officers, on Shore, in the Yards and Storehouses, from the 14th of March 1648 to the 24 of June 1660; and what Monies are due to Victuallers from the said 14th March 1658 to the Day of the several Ships discharged, for as many of the said Ships as are out of Employment; and to the 24th June 1660, for the remaining Part of the Navy in his Majesty's Service, as a Winter Guard; and what just Debts are due to any Person for any Pay, Provision, Maintenance of Prisoners, Goods, Wares, Merchandizes, Stores, Ammunitions, and other Necessaries sold, and delivered to and for the Use of the Navy aforesaid.


The Commons' Minutes also set out the charges against Gen. Sir Arthur Hesilrige, who had died in the Tower in January 1661. Worth reading, as what amounted to treason worthy of hanging, drawing and quartering is sometimes hard to fathom.…

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

After such an informative day yesterday, the Commons was back to discussing draining the fens, privilege, enclosures, and those pesky Quakers again -- Friday, July 12:

Quakers, &c.
Mr. Crouch made report from the Committee to whom the Bill for preventing the Mischiefs and Dangers that may arise by certain Persons called Quakers, and other Schismaticks, was committed, several Amendments to the said Bill: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and then delivered in at the Clerk's Table: And the said Amendments being severally twice read; and much Debate being had, touching some Alterations and Additions to be made therein;

Resolved, That the said Bill and Amendments be recommitted to the former Committee; who are to consider of the whole Subject Matter of the Debate: And they are to meet this Afternoon in the Speaker's Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

The Commons sat again on Saturday, July 13.

They agreed to pay for Charles' coaches to go to Worcester -- plus

Publick Revenue.
And then the House resolved into a Grand Committee, to take into Debate the Advance and Increase of his Majesty's Revenue; according to the Order, which was Yesterday made. ...

That the Way of advancing his Majesty's Revenue be, by a general Charge upon all Beer and Ale:

That this additional Charge upon all Beer and Ale shall be levied by way of Poll: And

That it was the Desire of the said Committee, that this House might again resolve into a Grand Committee, on Monday next, at Nine of the Clock, to settle the Proportions.

Whereupon it was resolved, That this House shall adjourn itself into a Grand Committee, on Monday next, at Nine of the Clock, to settle the said Proportions.


That won't be popular. And how would it be implemented? Every inn basically produced their own ale, so how could any tax collector guess how much to collect? Self-reporting doesn't sound efficient to me.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Meanwhile the Lords are also sitting. On Monday, July 8 the Main Event was a visit from Charles II:

The King present.
His Majesty this Day was present, sitting in His Throne, arrayed with His Royal Robes, the Peers being also in their Robes.

The Commons by His Majesty's Command were sent for; who being come, Sir Edward Turner Knight, their Speaker, made this following Speech:

Speaker of H. C. Speech.
"May it please Your most Excellent Majesty,

"The Writ of Summons, whereby Your Majesty was pleased to call together the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, of the Commons House of Parliament, gave us to understand, "That Your Majesty had divers weighty and urgent Matters to communicate to us; such as did concern Your Royal Person, Your State and Dignity, the Defence of the Kingdom, and the Church of England;" and in the same Method propounded to us by Your Majesty, we have applied ourselves to offer you our best Counsel and Advice.

"We found Your Majesty miraculously preserved, by the Hand of GOD, from the Hands of Your Enemies; we found You peaceably seated in the Throne of Your Ancestors; we found the hereditary Imperial Crown of these Nations auspiciously set upon Your Royal Head: And all this after a sharp and a bloody Civil War.

"We held it our Duties, in the First Place, to endeavour the Safety and Preservation of Your Majesty's Person and Government; and to that Purpose have prepared a Bill.

"Next to the Safety of Your Majesty, we took into Consideration the State and Power that is necessary for so great a Prince; and do hope are long to settle Your Militia so, that, by the Blessing of GOD, You need not fear Storms from Abroad, or Earthquakes here at Home.

"Your Majesty was pleased, at the Opening of the Parliament, to recommend unto us Two Bills; one, for confirming of Public Acts; another, for the Private Acts that passed the last Parliament. They were so many in Number, and great in Weight, that hitherto we could not consider of them all: But some we have perused; the Act for Confirmation of Judicial Proceedings; for taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Purveyances; and also all those that do relate to Your Majesty's Customs and Excise.

"And, that we might with some Chearfulness see Your Majesty's Face, we have brought our Brother Benjamin with us; I mean, Your Act of Oblivion: I take the Boldness to call it Yours, for so it is by many Titles; Your Majesty first conceived it at Breda; You helped to contrive and form it here in England; and, we must all bear You Witness, You laboured and travailed till it was brought forth: And since it had a Being, some Question being made of its Legitimation, Your Royal Heart is not at Ease until it be confirmed. And now, Sir, give me Leave to say, by the Suffrage of a full, a free, and legal Parliament, it is presented to Your Majesty, to be naturalized.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link


Your Majesty's Desires are fully answered by all the Representatives of the People: And their hearty Prayer to GOD is, That all Your Subjects may be truly thankful to You; and that Your Majesty may long live to enjoy the Fruits of this unparalleled Mercy.

"Your Majesty was pleased to intimate to us on Saturday last, "That You so valued the Quiet and Satisfaction of Your People, and the Keeping of Your Royal Word with them, that, although divers other Bills were made ready for You, You would vouchsafe the Honour to this Bill alone, Your Favourite, to come and pass it. Sir, Hereby You have made this a great Holiday; and we shall observe it with Joy and Thanksgiving. Upon such solemn Festivals, there useth to be a Second Service, an Anthem, and a Collect, or at least an Offering. My Anthem shall be, Quid tibi retribuam, Domine ? And my Collect, a short Report of Your Revenue. We know, Great Sir, that Money is both the Sinews of War, and Bond of Peace. We have, therefore, taken Care of Your Majesty's Revenue; and do desire to make it in some good Proportion suitable both to Your Grandeur and Your Merit.

"We do believe, the State of our King is the Honour of our State; and the best Way to preserve our Peace, is to be well provided for War. Our Time hath not permitted us to finish this Work; but, as an Earnest of our good Affections, we desire Your Majesty to accept an Offering from us.

"We cannot enough admire Your Majesty's Patience, Providence, and Frugality Abroad. You did not bring Home a Debt for us to pay, great as a Prince's Ransom. And since Your Return, You have not, with King Edward III after His Wars in France, or Henry IV, Henry VII, or Henry VIII, desired new and great Aids and heavy Subsidies from Your People for Your Supplies.

"No, Sir; You have been so far from asking, that Part of the Money which was given You last Parliament for Your Household Provision, You have issued out towards Payment of our Debts; You have robbed Your own Table (I had almost said given the Meat out of Your own Belly), to feed the hungry Seamen.

"Dear Sir, These Things have a just Influence upon the People; they fill our Hearts with Joy and Affection to Your Majesty.

"I do not pretend much to Physiognomy; but, if I mistake not greatly, the Faces of the People do promise great Frankness and Chearfulness in Your present Supplies.

"What would not Your Majesty's Friends have given, within these 18 Months, to have seen Your Majesty thus happily settled? And what can be too much for those to return, who have received all they enjoy from Your Majesty's Mercy?

San Diego Sarah  •  Link


Bill brought up by him.
"Great Sir, To conclude this solemn Service; the Commons of England do, by me their Servant, humbly present You with this Bill, intituled, "An Act for a free and voluntary Present;" and wish it a Success answerable to Your Royal Heart's Desire."

Bills passed.
The Clerk of the Parliaments, receiving this Bill from the Hand of the Speaker, brought it to the Table.

Then the Clerk of the Crown read the Titles of these Bills following:

"1. An Act for confirming Public Acts."
The Clerk of the Parliaments pronounced the Royal Assent in these Words,
"Le Roy le veult."

"2. An Act for a free and voluntary Present to His Majesty."
The Royal Assent was pronounced in these Words,
"Le Roy, remerciant Ses bons Subjects, accepte leur Benevolence, et ainsi le veult."

The King's Speech.
After this, His Majesty was pleased to make a very Gracious Speech, as followeth:

"My Lords and Gentlemen,

"It is a good Time since I heard of your passing this Bill for Money; and I am sure you would have presented it to Me sooner, if you had thought I had desired it: But the Truth is, though I have Need enough of it, I had no Mind to receive it from you, till I might at the same Time give My Assent to this other very good Bill that accompanies it, for which I longed very impatiently. I thank you for both with all My Heart; and though there are other good Bills ready, with which you will easily believe I am very well pleased, and in which I am indeed enough concerned, yet I choose rather to pass these Two Bills together, and to pass them by themselves without any other, that you may all see, and in you the whole Kingdom, that I am at least equally concerned for you and them, as for Myself: And in Truth it will be Want of Judgement in Me, if I ever desire any Thing for Myself, that is not equally good for you and them. I am confident, you all believe that My Well-being is of some Use and Benefit to you; and I am sure your Well-being, and being well pleased, is the greatest Comfort and Blessing I can receive in this World.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link


"I hope you will be ready within few Days to dispatch those other Public Bills which are still depending before you, that I may come hither and pass all together, and then adjourn till Winter, when what remains may be provided for: And I would be very glad that you would be ready by the 20th of this Month, or thereabouts, for the Adjournment; which methinks you might easily be, if you suspended all Private Business till the Recess.
The last Parliament, by God's Blessing, laid the Foundation of the Happiness we all enjoy; and therefore I thought it but Justice to the Memory of it, to send you Bills for the Confirmation of what was enacted then; and I cannot doubt but you will dispatch what remains of that Kind with all convenient Speed; and that you will think, that what was then thought necessary or fit for the Public Peace to be enacted, ought not to be shaken now, or any good Man less secure of what he possesses, than he was when you came together.
It is to put Myself in Mind as well as you, that I so often (I think as often as I come to you) mention to you My Declaration from Breda: And let Me put you in Mind of another Declaration, published by yourselves about the same Time, and which, I am persuaded, made Mine the more effectual; an honest, generous, and Christian Declaration, signed by the most eminent Persons, who had been the most eminent Sufferers, in which you renounced all former Animosities, all Memory of former Unkindnesses, vowed all imaginable Good-will to, and all Confidence in, each other.

"My Lords and Gentlemen, Let it be in no Man's Power to charge Me or you with Breach of our Word or Promise, which can never be a good Ingredient to our future Security. Let us look forward, and not backward; and never think of what is past, except Men put us in Mind of it, by repeating Faults we had forgot; and then let us remember no more than what concerns those very Persons.

"God hath wrought a wonderful Miracle in settling us as He hath done. I pray let us do all we can to get the Reputation at Home and Abroad of being well settled. We have Enemies and Enviers enough, who labour to have it thought otherwise; and if we would indeed have our Enemies fear us, and our Neighbours love and respect us, and fear us enough to love us, let us take all the Ways we can, that, as the World cannot but take Notice of your extraordinary Affection to Me, and of the Comfort I take in that Affection, so that it may likewise take Notice of your Affection to and Confidence in each other; which will disappoint all Designs against the Public Peace, and fully establish our joint Security."

After this, His Majesty retired.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Tuesday, July 9, the Lords didn't do much.

But Wednesday, July 10 has an interesting discussion:

Bill for regulating the Navy.
Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, "An Act for the establishing Articles and Orders for the regulating and better Government of His Majesty's Navies, Ships of War, and Forces by Sea, of the Kingdom of England."

ORDERED, That the Consideration of this Bill is referred to these Lords following:
His Royal Highness the Duke of Yorke.
Ds. Thesaurarius.
L. Privy Seal.
Duke Albemarle.
L. Steward.
L. Chamberlain.
Comes Dorsett.
Comes Bridgwater.
Comes Portland.
Ds. D'acres.
Ds. Craven.
Ds. Lovelace.
Ds. Berkeley de Stra.
Ds. Holles.
Ds. Cornwallis.
Their Lordships, or any Five; to meet To-morrow Morning at Eight of the Clock, in the Prince's Lodgings.


I wonder if this has something to do with the recent Carteret -vs- the Sir Williams as to the selection of captains? Or it may be about the Paying off of the fleet?

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Thursday, July 10, the Lords upheld the Earl of Manchester's rights to be the only person allowed to fish in the river on his property, and turfing out the two men who had been dredging there since 1645.

They took another stab at settling the Oxford claim that he should be the Great Lord Chamberlain of England.

The poor Irish protestants' petition was sent to committee.

And they worked on enclosing land for a new road at Parson's Green.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

The Lords on July 11 discussed more substantial things:

Bill for regulating the Navy.
The Lord Steward reported the Bill for establishing Articles and Orders for the Navy, from the Committee, with some Alterations and Amendments, which are offered to the Consideration of this House.

The said Alterations and Amendments were read Twice, and Agreed; and the Bill ordered to be engrossed, with these Alterations and Amendments.

Anabaptists and Good Christians heard.
This Day the House heard the Anabaptists, and those that call themselves Good Christians, what they could offer to this House as their Desires.

And upon Consideration thereof:

It is ORDERED, That on Tuesday next this House will proceed in the Report of the Committee concerning the Penal Laws; and when that Business is determined, then to read the Act of Uniformity, brought from the House of Commons.

Poor Bill for London, &c.
ORDERED, That some of His Majesty's Counsel, as also of the Counsel of the City of London, and some of the Justices of the several Precincts mentioned in a Bill, intituled, "An Act for the better Relief and Employment of the Poor, and Punishment of Vagrants and other disorderly Persons, within the Cities of London and Westm. and the Liberties thereof, and the Precincts usually mentioned in the Bills of Mortality," be, and are hereby, appointed to attend the Lords Committees to whom the said Bill stands committed, on Saturday the 13th of July Instant, at 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Prince's Lodgings, in order to the fitting of the said Bill to be reported to this House.

Yes, there's more, including a Bill for naturalizing Anna Marie Brudnell Talbot, Countess of Shre'sbury and her brother Francis Brudnell. More about her later.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

On Friday, July 12 the Lords was pretty dull.

Things picked up on July 13:

Message from H. C. with Bills.
A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir Phillip Warwicke Knight, and others; who brought up several Bills, which have passed that House, wherein their Lordships Concurrence is desired:

1. "An Act against Tumults and Disorders, upon Pretence of preparing or presenting Public Petitions, or other Addresses, to His Majesty or the Parliament," which Bill was sent down to them from their Lordships; wherein the House of Commons have made some Alterations, and desire their Lordships Concurrence therein.

2. "An Act for the declaring, vesting, and settling, of all such Monies, Goods, and other Things, in His Majesty, which were received, levied, or collected, in these late Times, and are remaining in the Hands or Possession of any Treasurers, Receivers, Collectors, or others, not pardoned by the Act of Oblivion."

3. "An Act for the restoring of all such Advowsons, Rectories Impropriate, Glebe Lands, and Tithes, to His Majesty's loyal Subjects, as were taken from them; and making void certain Charges imposed on them upon their Compositions for Delinquency, by the late usurped Powers."

Message from H. C. with Bills; and to expedite Two formerly brought up.
A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Edward Seymour Esquire, and others; who brought up several Bills, which have been passed that House, wherein their Lordships Concurrence is desired:

1. "An Act for Explanation of a Clause contained in an Act of Parliament made the 17th Year of the late King Charles, intituled, An Act for Repeal of a Branch of a Statute, Primo Eliz. concerning Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical."

2. "An Act for providing necessary Carriages for His Majesty, in His Royal Progress and Removals."

3. "An Act for settling the Manor and Lands of Kemsford in Sir Henry Fredericke Thynn and the Heirs of his Body; and the Manor of Buckland and divers other Manors and Lands in him and the Heirs Males of his Body."

4. To put their Lordships in Mind of the Dispatch of Two Bills lately brought up; videlicet, the Bill for Conformity, and the Bill concerning Corporations.

Bill to prevent Tumults, &c.
Next, the Amendments and Alterations in the Bill against Tumults were read Thrice, and Agreed to.

Ah-ha -- that's what a "Tunuks" is!

Chrissie  •  Link

As well as exploring the links MartinVT provided ( thank you) I will be whiling away the time reading a new biography-“ The lost queen: the surprising life of Catherine of Braganza, Britain’s forgotten monarch” by Sophie Shorland

Dorset Richard  •  Link

No diary entries for nearly a week? I’m diagnosing a humongous hangover after too much wine at his uncle’s funeral yesterday (Sam having been drowning either his grief or, more likely, his disappointment at not having been left anything substantial).

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

... his disappointment at not having been left anything substantial).

John Snr. (and therefore Sam's mother) is taken care of handsomely. That's a weight off Sam's shoulders. Had the house come to him directly, Sam would probably have installed his parents there anyways, as he continued his career in London.

I don't think Estate Taxes were an issue in those days.

Maybe Sam was worried John Snr. would see his success, and could leave the house to John Jnr. or Tom as they were more needy, despite what this will specified, leading to a sibling legal battle.
Given Sam's job, John Jnr. and Tom will probably have more opportunities and time to pay attention to John Snr. and Margaret in their dotage. Sam will have to remain attentive to the parents, even if they are a 9-hour ride away.

Sam may also be worried that his London taylor father won't take easily to being a country landowner thinking about cows in fields, or his mother to growing her own food, and making her own herbals. Elderly town folk are used to buying services.
So it's possible the parents will refuse to move, rent out the property to people who don't care for it, and Pepys will inherit a slum with tenants.

A bird in the hand is always better than one in your father's hand.

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