Annotations and comments

Terry Foreman has posted 16,447 annotations/comments since 28 June 2005.

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Third Reading

About Thursday 9 August 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

What my Lord Winchelsea, Embassador to Constantinople, will find there


On 24 July 1660, a great conflagration broke out in Istanbul. An Ottoman writer conveys the horror of the event: “[t]housands of homes and households burned with fire. And in accordance with God's eternal will, God changed the distinguishing marks of night and day by making the very dark night luminous with flames bearing sparks, and darkening the light-filled day with black smoke and soot.” The fire began in a store that sold straw products outside the appropriately named Firewood Gate (Odun kapısı) west of Eminönü, and it devastated densely crowded neighborhoods consisting of wooden homes. The strong winds of Istanbul caused the fire to spread violently in all directions, despite the efforts of the deputy grand vizier (kaimmakam) and others who attempted the impossible task of holding it back with hooks, axes, and water carriers. Sultan Mehmed IV's boon companion and chronicler, Abdi Paşa, notes that the fire marched across the city like an invading army: the flames “split into divisions, and every single division, by the decree of God, spread to a different district.” .... Two-thirds of Istanbul was destroyed in the conflagration, and as many as 40,000 people lost their lives. Although fire was a frequent occurrence in 17th-century Istanbul, this was the worst the city had ever experienced. Thousands died in the plague that followed the fire as rats feasted on unburied corpses and spread disease. Because three months prior to this fire a conflagration had broken out in the heart of the district of Galata, across the Golden Horn from Eminönü, much of the city lay in ruins in the summer of 1660.…

About Samuel Hartlib (jun.)

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Samuel Hartlib or Hartlieb (c. 1600 – 10 March 1662)[1] was a Royal Prussian born, English educational and agricultural reformer of German-Polish origin[2] who settled, married and died in England. He was a son of George Hartlib, a Pole, and Elizabeth Langthon, a daughter of a rich English merchant.[3] Hartlib was a noted promoter and writer in fields that included science, medicine, agriculture, politics and education. He was a contemporary of Robert Boyle, whom he knew well, and a neighbour of Samuel Pepys in Axe Yard, London, in the early 1660s. He studied briefly at the University of Cambridge upon arriving in England.

Hartlib is often described as an "intelligencer", and indeed has been called "the Great Intelligencer of Europe".[4] His main aim in life was to further knowledge. He kept in touch with an array of contacts from high philosophers to gentleman farmers. He maintained a voluminous correspondence, lost in 1667, but much recovered since 1945;[5] it is housed in a special Hartlib collection at the University of Sheffield, England.

Hartlib became one of the best-connected intellectual figures of the Commonwealth era. He was responsible for patents, spreading information and fostering learning. He circulated designs for calculators, double-writing instruments, seed machines and siege engines. His letters in German, Latin, English and other languages have been subjected to close modern scholarship.

Hartlib set out with a universalist goal: "to record all human knowledge and to make it universally available for the education of all mankind".[6] His work has been compared to modern internet search engines.[7]…

About Patches, Black

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Are freckles taking the beauty world by storm? Many industry experts and saying yes and today’s trend is not the brown and reddish spots that woman once spent hours covering up with makeup. Today’s latest beauty trend takes the apply your own freckles on your face with a pencil eyeliner to a completely new level. Here we are talking about rainbow freckles and no, we are not kidding.

The rainbow freckle trend started earlier this year around the time when supermodel Kendall Jenner decided to show off what this looked like, by posting a bunch of photos on her Instagram account. While rainbow freckles can be easily applied with pencil eyeliner in various colors, there are now even beauty products out on the market that can help you achieve this look in minutes.

The rainbow freckles are not just gracing the cheekbones either, but models are also putting rainbow freckles around the eyes and even all over their faces. One such quick freckle applicator item is called the Freckle Pencil – a product by FreckYourself. The Freckle Pencil is great for those who want the natural, flawless look in minutes. The result is bohemian and mystical and can be seen on runways around the world. https://www.allmyfriendsaremodels…

About Monday 30 July 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"the sword-bearer of London"

The City of London swords are five two-handed ceremonial swords owned by the City of London, namely the Mourning (or Black) Sword, the Pearl Sword, the State (or Sunday) Sword, the Old Bailey Sword and the Mansion House Justice Room Sword. A sixth sword, the Travelling Sword of State, replaces the Sword of State for visits outside the City. They are part of the plate collection of Mansion House, the official residence of the Lord Mayor of London....…

About Wednesday 18 July 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"My mind very quiet, only a little trouble I have for the great debts which I have still upon me to the Secretary, Mr. Kipps, and Mr. Spong for my patent."

"the Secretary" = Sir Edward Nicholas, Secretary of State, for whom Pepys paid a fee in plate

"Mr. Kipps, and Mr. Spong" were paid to do other things

I do not know if this comprehends all that SP has in mind, nor how much this is in total.

About Tuesday 17 July 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

" wife in bed and Jane washing the house, and Will the boy sleeping, and a great deal of sport I had before I could wake him."

This is Will the Footboy, not Will Hewer.

About Sunday 15 July 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

What Is Cotton Rag Paper?

Cotton rag, also known as rag paper, or simply "rag" is made using cotton linters or cotton from used cloth (rags) as the primary material. Cotton paper is superior in both strength and durability to wood pulp-based paper, which may contain high concentrations of acids, and also absorbs ink or toner better.

Papers manufactured of cotton fiber will last longer and hold up better under repeated handling and various environmental conditions than paper made from wood pulp. Generally, given reasonable care, a customer can expect one year of usable life for every 1% of cotton contained in the sheet.….

When I worked for a printing company, the rag content of the papers we used was a salient: the higher the rag content, the better the paper.

About Friday 13 July 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Black Collar - prob. Black Rod, in charge of parliamentary order?

Black Rod
Black Rod is a senior officer in the House of Lords, responsible for controlling access to and maintaining order within the House and its precincts.

The Clerk of the Parliaments, to whom Black Rod reports, is in overall charge of the administration of the House, which provides all other services for Members of the Lords.…

About Thursday 5 July 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"July 5th. His Majesty, the two Dukes, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons, and the Privy Council, dined at the Guildhall. Every Hall appeared with their colours and streamers to attend His Majesty; the Masters in gold chains. Twelve pageants in the streets between Temple Bar and Guildhall. Forty brace of bucks were that day spent in the City of London."

Londons glory represented by time, truth and fame: at the magnificent triumphs and entertainment of His most Sacred Majesty Charls the II. The Dukes of York and Glocester, the two Houses of Parliament, Privy Councill, Judges, &c. At Guildhall on Thursday, being the 5th. day of July 1660. and in the 12th. year of His Majestie [sic] most happy reign. Together with the order and management of the whole days business. Published according to order.
Tatham, John, fl. 1632-1664.… READ THIS!

About Saturday 30 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Also in Commons

Publications complained of.
Complaint was this Day made of a great Abuse to his Majesty, by the Printing of a Paper in his Majesty's Name, intituled, A Proclamation for Authorizing an Uniformity of the Book of Common Prayer, to be used throughout the Realm, superscribed C. R. and subscribed, Given at our Court the Fifth of March; as also of a Book, intituled, A Form of Prayer, with Thanksgiving, to be used of all the King's Majesty's loving Subjects, the 28th of June 1660, &c. being withal mentioned to be set forth by Authority: and of a printed Paper, purporting to be a Protestation of the Bishops, against Proceedings of Parliament in their Absence, &c.; and another printed Paper, purporting to be a Declaration of the King's Majesty in Scotland.

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee to examine how these Books, Proclamation, and Protestation, came to be printed and published, by whom, and by what Authority; and with Power to send for the Printers, and other Persons, Papers, Books, and Witnesses, and what else may conduce to the Business:…

About Thursday 28 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

By the King. A proclamation for setting apart a day of solemn and publick thanksgiving throughout the whole kingdom
England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II), Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685.
London: Printed by Christopher Barker and John Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1660.…

About Tuesday 26 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Tallies, Tally sticks

A tally stick (or simply tally[1]) was an ancient memory aid device used to record and document numbers, quantities and messages. Tally sticks first appear as animal bones carved with notches during the Upper Palaeolithic; a notable example is the Ishango Bone. Historical reference is made by Pliny the Elder (AD 23–79) about the best wood to use for tallies, and by Marco Polo (1254–1324) who mentions the use of the tally in China. Tallies have been used for numerous purposes such as messaging and scheduling, and especially in financial and legal transactions, to the point of being currency.…

Pepys and his fellows on the Navy Board will pay seamen with Tallies when there is no cash.

About Tuesday 26 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

House of Commons today:

Grant to Gen. Monck.

Sir Thomas Clergis reports from the Committee to whom the Arrears of the Sum of Twenty thousand Pounds, conferred on the Lord General Monck, is referred; that, in pursuance of the Order of the House, whereby the Committee is appointed to consider, how the Residue of the said Twenty thousand Pounds, over and above what is paid out of the Receipt of the Exchequer, and charged on the Ordinance for Three Months Assessment, may be raised and satisfied in the surest and speediest Way:

It is the humble Opinion of the Committee;

That the Sum of Five thousand Eight hundred Fiftynine Pounds Fifteen Shillings Sixpence, which appears to this Committee to remain unpaid to the Lord General Monck of the said Twenty thousand Pounds, be paid to him, or whom he shall appoint, out of the general Receipt of the Excise; and that the Commissioners of the Excise, for the Time being, be authorized and required to pay to the Lord General Monck, or his Assigns, the Sum of Three hundred Fifty-nine Pounds Fifteen Shillings Sixpence, upon the Thirtieth Day of June next, and Five hundred Pounds every Week after, until the said Sum of Five thousand Eight hundred Fifty-nine Pounds Fifteen Shillings Sixpence be fully satisfied and paid:....
And that the Acquittance or Acquittances of the said Lord General, or his Assigns, be, unto the said Commissioners, a sufficient Discharge.

And whereas it is also referred to this Committee, that, upon their finding out of such Way for paying in the said Residue, they inform themselves what Tallies have been struck in the Exchequer for any Part of the said Twenty thousand Pounds, and the Money not actually paid, and to consider how the said Tallies may be discharged and vacated; upon due Consideration of that whole Matter, they find, that, for Twelve thousand and Seven hundred Pounds, Tallies have been given out of the Exchequer, but no Monies paid to the Lord General thereupon, and for the vacating of the said Tallies: It is the humble Opinion of the Committee, that his Majesty be desired to grant a Warrant to the Commissioners for the Treasury, under the Privy Seal, or Great Seal of England, for the cancelling of the Tallies, delivering up or discharging the Receipts, and entering Vacates upon the Records of the Tallies.

That the Lords Concurrence be desired herein: And Sir John Northcot is to carry it to the Lords.

Resolved, That his Majesty be humbly desired from this House, that he will please to grant his Warrant to the Lords Commissioners for the Treasury, under his Majesty's Privy Seal, or under the Great Seal of England, for the cancelling of the Tallies, delivering up or discharging the Receipts, and entering Vacates upon the Records of the Tallies, for the Sum aforesaid; and that Mr. Annesley and Mr. Secretary Morris, or one of them, be desired to attend his Majesty herewith.…

About Friday 22 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

And on the political front: House of Commons today

The House invited to dine with the City.
The House being informed, that divers Aldermen, and others, attended at the Door from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City of London, they were called in; and, standing at the Bar, Mr. Alderman Fowke spake as followeth:

May it please you, Mr. Speaker,

We are sent from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City of London, humbly to acquaint this House, that we have lately made our humble Address to his Most Sacred Majesty, humbly praying that to his former Graces he would give us a further Opportunity to express our Joy for his happy Restitution and Return, and for all the happy Consequences thereof; and, for this Purpose, that he would honour the City so far, as to accept an Invitation from them, to dine at Guild Hall, upon such a Day as himself should please to appoint. His Majesty has graciously accepted the Invitation, and appointed this Day Fortnight, being the 5th of July, to be the Day. Hereupon, considering a Parliament is sitting, and that, as it becomes us to express our Loyalty and Duty to his Majesty, so also our humble Respects to the honourable the Houses of Parliament; We therefore, by Direction of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, and in the Name and Behalf of the City of London, do humbly pray, That this House will honour that Meeting with their Presence.

And so they withdrew.

Ordered, That this House doth accept the Invitation from the City of London; and that their hearty Thanks be returned to the said City.

The Aldermen, and the rest, being called in again, Mr. Speaker spake unto them as followeth:

Gentlemen, The House have considered of your Message; and take notice of the constant Continuation of the Kindness of the City of London to this House; and do accept of your Invitation; and have commanded me to return you the very hearty Thanks of this House.…

About Wednesday 20 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Charing Cross

Charing Cross (/ˈtʃærɪŋ/ CHARR-ing)[1] is a junction in Westminster, London, England, where six routes meet. Clockwise from north these are: the east side of Trafalgar Square leading to St Martin's Place and then Charing Cross Road; the Strand leading to the City; Northumberland Avenue leading to the Thames Embankment; Whitehall leading to Parliament Square; The Mall leading to Admiralty Arch and Buckingham Palace; and two short roads leading to Pall Mall. The name also commonly refers to the Queen Eleanor Memorial Cross at Charing Cross station.

A bronze equestrian statue of Charles I, erected in 1675, stands on a high plinth, situated roughly where a medieval monumental cross had previously stood for 353 years (since its construction in 1294) until destroyed in 1647 by Cromwell and his revolutionary government. The famously beheaded King, appearing ascendant, is the work of French sculptor Hubert Le Sueur.

The aforementioned eponymous monument, the "Charing Cross", was the largest and most ornate instance of a chain of medieval Eleanor crosses running from Lincoln to this location. It was a landmark for many centuries of the hamlet of Charing, Westminster, which later gave way to government property; a little of The Strand; and Trafalgar Square. The cross in its various historical forms has also lent its name to its locality, and especially Charing Cross Station. On the forecourt of this terminus station stands the ornate Queen Eleanor Memorial Cross, a taller emulation of the original, and built to mark the station's opening in 1864 – at the height and in the epicentre of the Gothic Revival – after the Palace of Westminster's rebuilding and before Westminster Cathedral's construction.

.... Since the early 19th century, Charing Cross has been the notional "centre of London" and is now the point from which distances from London are measured.…