Annotations and comments

Tonyel has posted 284 annotations/comments since 11 March 2013.


Second Reading

About Tuesday 20 October 1668

Tonyel  •  Link

'but what makes him leave them with the most contentedness is the knowledge of his own integrity and just dealings.'

What a splendid parting line as you sweep out of the door!

About Sunday 13 September 1668

Tonyel  •  Link

"L & M reads, "if I can but get them to have a copy taken of them for my future use" which leaves one wondering who the first "them" refers to. His clerks?"
Surely, Sam's problem is finding someone he can trust to keep a dangerous secret and who can also write in a fair hand?
His clerks are out of the question and Bess might fail the handwriting test.

About Monday 7 September 1668

Tonyel  •  Link

There's a film script in there, somewhere - 'Butch Cassidy and the Time Machine' ?
Sorry, I digress.

About Thursday 23 July 1668

Tonyel  •  Link

Yes, thank you Harry. If nothing else, it has confirmed my doubts about time travel (unless I can take my own food with me).

About Monday 6 July 1668

Tonyel  •  Link

Tender by [John] Mason
of 555 loads of timber, at 50s. to 60s. a load, for 500/. in hand, and ready money on the delivery of every load;
the 500/. to be deducted out of the last money due when the contract shall be completed.

There's a man who knows whom he is dealing with! It would be interesting to know if the Navy Office accepted such terms - or even if they were able to.

About Wednesday 10 June 1668

Tonyel  •  Link

"Wot" and "What"
I'm reading the diary for the second time and remember the little spat I had with Language Hat ten years ago.
It turns out that we were both wrong because Sam used 'wot' to mean 'know' at least twice (although I have not kept a note of the dates).

About Monday 20 April 1668

Tonyel  •  Link

Thence with Creed, thinking, but failed, of dining with Lord Crew, and so he and I to Hercules Pillars, and there dined,
So the habit of dropping in for lunch at one of the aristocratic houses did not always work?
" I'm sorry gentlemen, but every seat in the house is taken ( and the venison pie has all been consumed)"

About Saturday 4 April 1668

Tonyel  •  Link

Thence my Lord Brouncker and I into the Park in his coach, and there took a great deal of ayre, saving that it was mighty dusty, and so a little unpleasant.

A reminder of the foul air in the built-up areas of London, especially in the colder months from coal fires.

About Wednesday 1 April 1668

Tonyel  •  Link

The Servant Problem:

Surely, the maid's situation is that she is disposable - no contracts, employment tribunals, etc. On the other hand, her master is protected by his wealth and social position. His wife, whether she believes him or not, is unlikely to take the side of a 'wronged' maid which could make her own position vulnerable.

It's not fair, or pretty, but it's the way the world works - then and today.

About Friday 13 March 1667/68

Tonyel  •  Link

Seems odd he waited until the last minute to try to get a cook.

Maybe due to Bess being unwell. She must have organised the knapkin sculptor in advance but, perhaps, discovered too late that Philips was not available.
" Sam, my dear, pray find me a cook...."
"No problem, the town is full of cooks!"

About Monday 9 March 1667/68

Tonyel  •  Link

Note that nearly half of the workers may also have to be persuaded, as they fear that salaries could harm their Religion or the modesty of their wives.

Stephane, I followed your link (fascinating) but could only find the first part of the letter from Wren to Sam. The modern use of 'paying off' is dismissal, not introducing a salaried system, and why would their religion or wives be harmed by regular payments?

About Tuesday 3 March 1668

Tonyel  •  Link

This may be true of performers, but in the case of artisans it is probably job protection. To some craftsman, teaching their craft is never done.

That reminds me of an Irishman I knew, talking about having taken his son-in-law into his business: "I've taught him everything he knows - but not everything I know."

About Thursday 20 February 1667/68

Tonyel  •  Link

Sorry, it's a long link which continues from: 1016/the-winter-auction/391-a-colection-of-autographs-compiled-by-j-w-newton-1874.
I hope this will work - computerspeak is not my first language.

About Thursday 20 February 1667/68

Tonyel  •  Link

A friend who deals in such things recently showed me an 1870's autograph album compiled by a member of the Royal Geographical Society. In addition to Victorian worthies like Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens, it also had signatures of William Penn and - yes! - Samuel Pepys which appear to have been snipped from documents. It was touching to see Sam's elegant signature and imagine him with sore eyes, possibly in the light of a candle.
It's up for auction if you are interested - see….

About Thursday 13 February 1667/68

Tonyel  •  Link

he told the Duke of York that he was none of them: which shews how things are now-a-days ordered, that there should be a Committee for the Navy; and the Lord Admiral not know the persons of it!
A misprint surely? he was one of them.

About Thursday 6 February 1667/68

Tonyel  •  Link

" Lord! how full was the house, and how silly the play, there being nothing in the world good in it, and few people pleased in it."
"but I sat mightily behind, and could see but little, and hear not all."
So what is your criticism based on Sam? Just your personal discomfort - or, perhaps, the comments of others later?

About Monday 20 January 1667/68

Tonyel  •  Link

"the boy"
One would have to have a disciplined mind (like Sam) to make best use of this messaging service - once he was sent off on his errands he could be gone for several hours.
I'm old enough to recall when the only way of getting a written message delivered speedily was by a telegram which was charged by the word and not cheap.
Now, with social media, email, etc, nearly all that discipline has gone and the ether is filled with verbal garbage which few people have the time to study, let alone to respond to..... progress eh?

(Don't bother to read this if you are busy).

About Thursday 16 January 1667/68

Tonyel  •  Link

"and mightily with Mr. Gibson’s talking; he telling me so many good stories relating to the warr and practices of commanders, which I will find a time to recollect;"

I have spent a few entertaining evenings with groups from a particular line of work listening to stories, usually of ever-increasing foul-ups, from their experiences. Studs Terkel, of course, made a good living from it.

About Friday 27 December 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

" a man of a brave, high spirit,"
"When the King insisted to oblige him to declare himself, he said "Sir, I wish you would put away this woman that you keep".'

That really was brave, especially for a distant successor to Thomas a Beckett.