Annotations and comments

Tonyel has posted 284 annotations/comments since 11 March 2013.


Second Reading

About Wednesday 25 December 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

Sarah, you should have given us the whole piece! Nothing much to do on Boxing Day, after all.

Re John Evelyn, amongst his other achievements he discovered Grinling Gibbons by happening to walk by his poor home and spotting a piece of his exquisite carving in the window. He then promoted G.G. to his wealthy friends, ensuring his success and fame.

About Friday 29 November 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

That which exasperated them was his presuming to stay and contest the accusation as long as it was possible: and they were on the point of sending him to the Tower."

Yet another chime with modern times - - - "THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED!"

Sorry - couldn't resist it.

About Wednesday 20 November 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

"discharging of two or three little vessels by ticket without money”
I'll admit I'm not clear about this since everyone knew that money was short. Sam's words sound like he is already preparing his defence - "only little vessels, perhaps two or three? Nothing to see here..."

About Thursday 24 October 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

Thanks for renewing the Youtube link TF. A strange instrument with considerable volume but not what I would call tuneful. Perhaps Monsieur Prin's expertise made the difference.

About Thursday 17 October 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

"my Lord Anglesey did discover (which troubled me that he that is a stranger almost should do more than we ourselves could) that the appraisements made by our officers were not above half of what he had been offered for one of them,"
Lucky Lord Anglesey - a great political stroke on taking over a new appointment to find an area where your senior staff have been asleep on the job. Also note how Sam is quick off the mark with a 'severe letter'.

About Friday 13 September 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

"Called up by people come to deliver in ten chaldron of coals, brought in one of our prizes from Newcastle."
Has there been any mention of how this coal became a prize? I assume they are not raiding Newcastle collier ships - perhaps some of the recent prize goods were exchanged for coal?

About Tuesday 27 August 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

O Madam, is it you? Pray remember that if you live, you will grow old.":

A great putdown. Reminds me of the (apochryphal?) Churchill spat: "Madam you are quite ugly"
"You sir, are drunk," "Yes, but tomorrow I'll be sober."

About Tuesday 20 August 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

"we made but a merry answer thereto" The old double positive joke:

"My friends, you have had such good fortune recently with your prizes - perhaps a loan to His Majesty.........
"Yeah. Right."

About Thursday 15 August 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

I have the feeling that Sam and friends used the theatre like many folk use the TV these days - you switch it on in the hope there may be something worth watching. If not, it becomes background to chatting with friends, eyeing up certain ladies, snacking on an orange......

About Monday 1 July 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

pointedly asked whether any trial of the chain had been made

I smell office politics here, keeping a copy of the letter safely locked away for future use or protection. Usually full of phrases like "with the greatest respect."

I also wonder why they could not check if it was broken by pulling on one end. The wheelhouse was burned but surely they had plenty of horses ?

About Thursday 6 June 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

I think Sam felt, owing nothing to Penn and having won some favor from Coventry and York, he could risk making a stand and using it to declare more or less his independent position in the office. Batten or even Minnes might have done

I agree with the office politics - and it's quite exciting to have an enemy of higher status, especially one who doesn't know he's an enemy.

About Saturday 1 June 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

"for I do find it necessary for me, both in respect to honour and the profit of it also, my expense in hackney-coaches being now so great, to keep a coach, and therefore will do it."
This must be the third or fourth time that Sam has tried to justify this expensive move to himself.

Such a familiar problem - "I 'd really like that flash car - and of course it makes financial sense - but will folks think I'm showing off? - well, I'm not the office boy anymore - then again..."

About Saturday 18 May 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

And I wonder what she gets drunk with so often? Surely not Mr Pepys fine wine in his special bottles? That would change his love for her, especially if she replaced it with beetroot juice or - no, let's not go there......

About Thursday 9 May 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

"and how he is gone through with the purchase for my Lady Jemimah and her husband"
The purchase of what? Have I missed something?

Thanks, by the way, for the definition of abu as an Irish war cry. Pete Seeger used it in a comic song about the police banning singing in Washington Square c. 60 years ago and I can stop wondering what he meant at last.

About Saturday 13 April 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

Speaking as an old man with a long memory Sarah, I would say that things have changed a lot more between 1960 and now...

About Friday 12 April 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

"I did give her a kick in our entry, and offered a blow at her, and was seen doing so by Sir W. Pen’s footboy, which did vex me to the heart,"

"though I did put on presently a very pleasant face to the boy, and spoke kindly to him, as one without passion,"

This whole paragraph could have been written by Larry David.

About Wednesday 3 April 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

Thanks James for finding this. I could almost see Sam bustling along the streets.
I could certainly imagine the terror of a fire breaking out.

About Tuesday 2 April 1667

Tonyel  •  Link

"which he will make purposely for me with great perfection, which I will make one of the beautifullest things that ever was seen of the kind in the world,"

So that's where Trump gets his style from !

About Saturday 23 March 1666/67

Tonyel  •  Link

I'm surprised that no-one so far has referred to our present world-wide plague which is beginning to make Sam's world sound even more familiar - shops shutting, folk out of work, unreliable cures and nostrums being offered and an air of panic coupled with mistrust of politicians......

A plane flew over yesterday leaving a contrail in a clear blue sky, the first for about a week. I found myself watching it until it disappeared - not quite open-mouthed but with a vague sense of wonder.

Good luck to all of us.