News about this site and other Pepys-related events.

Paul Chapin, 1938-2015

With great sadness, I must pass on the news that Paul Chapin, one of the members of this site’s community through the diary’s first “go round” passed away on 1 July 2015.

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Family Tree updated

In case anyone likes to keep a copy of the latest Pepys family tree, I’ve just updated it. The latest addition is that of the Angier brothers (Percival and John), who were distant cousins by marriage of Samuel, Percival being married to a daughter of Thomas Pepys “The Red”.

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Moved to a new server

UPDATE: If you can read this, the site has moved to a new server, and you should be able to log in and post annotations again. There may well be things which are broken or slow or unusually strange… if you spot something, do let me know. Thanks.

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Wikipedia content returns

Back on the previous site, more than two years ago, some of the topic pages in the Encyclopedia included relevant text and images from Wikipedia. This was reduced to links to Wikipedia when I rebuilt the site. But now, it’s all back.

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New search feature

Those of you who were familiar with the old site may remember it had a search function that disappeared when I rebuilt the site for the start of 2013 (or, the return of 1660). It was more complicated to recreate that with the new technology, and so it had to disappear. I’ve now added a search box back to the top of every page.

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A new design

When I rebuilt this site at the beginning of 2013, ready for the second cycle of the diary, I didn’t have time to finish the design of the pages. While all the behind-the-scenes code had been built from scratch, the visible parts didn’t get much attention. The monochrome look was functional but didn’t give the impression a website about a 17th century character should.

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