News about this site and other Pepys-related events.

Samuel Pepys colouring book

If you’re a fan of colouring books and you’re keen on Samuel Pepys (which seems a given) then you’ll probably like Several Fine Experiments in Colouring: Samuel Pepys Moste Laughable Discourses.

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A more secure website

I’ve just made this website run over a secure connection (its address now starts “https” rather than just “http”) — you should see a little padlock or similar in your browser.

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A new chart of Pepys’ wealth

For a long time the Encyclopedia has contained a chart showing how Samuel Pepys’ wealth increased over time. It was a static image and wasn’t terribly attractive, so I’ve spruced it up and it’s now a little nicer.

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The BBC's 'A Concert For Samuel Pepys'

BBC Radio 4 are putting on a concert of songs composed for Samuel Pepys by Cesare Morelli, the musician who joined Pepys’ household in the 1670s. The concert is at Pepys’ local church, St Olave’s, on 15 February 2017, and is free to attend, although you must reserve tickets (see below). The concert will be recorded for a feature on Radio 4 in the future.

Here are the details:

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