News about this site and other Pepys-related events.

Welcome to the new (unfinished) site

Welcome to the new website, just in time for 1st January. The diary entries will be appearing each day on the front page from 11pm (London time) on 1st January 2013, starting with 1st January 1660. The RSS feed and daily emails should also start working again.

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Annotations switched off

I’m experimenting with a few things on the site, with the aim of starting it running again in the New Year. To make this easier for me — and because very few annotations have been posted recently — I’ve turned off the ability to post annotations for a while.

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A new Pepys walk: Greenwich

Glyn Thomas has previously worked on two walks which have been posted here, around the City of London, and Westminster. He has now updated both of these and added a third walk, around that other centre of Pepys’ diary life, Greenwich.

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Family Tree v3

I’ve give the the family tree a probably final update. I’d been planning to give it a tweak — filling in some of the post-diary dates, and adding a couple of people who appeared late in the diary — but I’ve also now added a lot more Montagus. There’s now a new chunk featuring the eminent family, Pepys’s distant relations, on the right-hand end. It’s quite a confusing family — there are several Edward Montagus for example — so having them displayed like this helps make things clearer!

Recent Press

The end of the diary got a few mentions in the on- and offline media, and here’s a brief summary of it. I didn’t go looking for publicity because, although it feels like a big event, there didn’t seem much point attracting lots of new readers to the site just as it ends!

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Thursday's entry will appear two hours earlier

Usually diary entries appear at 11pm UK time, sort of simulating the idea that Pepys wrote it at the end of his day. I’m loath to break with this near decade-long tradition, but Thursday’s entry will appear two hours early, at 9pm UK time. This is so that readers in the UK are more likely to be able to read it “live”, should they wish to do so. I hope this doesn’t spoil the routine of anyone too much!

Belated improvements

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been going through my neglected list of things on the site I’ve been meaning to fix or add. Better (very) late than never! Here’s what I’ve been doing:

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What are your favourite diary moments?

As we approach the end of the diary it would be great to read what your favourite moments from the diary are. Any particular phrases or events that have stuck in your head? Any especially memorable descriptions? If it’s a brief snippet, post it in a comment below, with a link to the diary entry. If you have an entire entry that you want to share, just post a link to it and tell us why you love it.

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