News about this site and other Pepys-related events.

Diary entries by email service changing

For years it’s been possible to receive “today’s” diary entry by email through the Feedburner service. That service is ending the email feature and so I’m changing how the emails work.

If you wish to continue receiving diary entries by email you must subscribe to the new group by the end of April 2021. After this emails will not be sent by the existing Feedburner-powered service.

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Maps aren't working

The maps in the Encyclopedia aren’t working at the moment – none of the graphical “tiles” that make up the maps are loading. I can’t tell exactly why and don’t have much time right now to look into it. Hopefully Mapbox (who provide the free tiles) will get back to me, or else I’ll find the time to rewrite the map-generating code. I’m not sure how long this will take, sorry!