Thursday 15 April 1669

Up, and to the office, and thence before the office sat to the Excise Office with W. Hewer, but found some occasion to go another way to the Temple upon business, and I by Deb.’s direction did know whither in Jewen Street to direct my hackney coachman, while I staid in the coach in Aldgate Street, to go thither just to enquire whether Mrs. Hunt, her aunt, was in town, who brought me word she was not; thought this was as much as I could do at once, and therefore went away troubled through that I could do no more but to the office I must go and did, and there all the morning, but coming thither I find Bagwell’s wife, who did give me a little note into my hand, wherein I find her para invite me para meet her in Moorfields this noon, where I might speak with her, and so after the office was up, my wife being gone before by invitation to my cozen Turner’s to dine, I to the place, and there, after walking up and down by the windmills, I did find her and talk with her, but it being holiday and the place full of people, we parted, leaving further discourse and doing to another time. Thence I away, and through Jewen Street, my mind, God knows, running that way, but stopped not, but going down Holborne hill, by the Conduit, I did see Deb. on foot going up the hill. I saw her, and she me, but she made no stop, but seemed unwilling to speak to me; so I away on, but then stopped and ’light, and after her and overtook her at the end of Hosier lane in Smithfield, and without standing in the street desired her to follow me, and I led her into a little blind alehouse within the walls, and there she and I alone fell to talk and baiser la and toker su mammailles, but she mighty coy, and I hope modest … [but however, though with great force, did hazer ella con su hand para tocar mi thing, but ella was in great pain para be brought para it. – L&M] I did give her in a paper 20s., and we did agree para meet again in the Hall at Westminster on Monday next; and so giving me great hopes by her carriage that she continues modest and honest, we did there part, she going home and I to Mrs. Turner’s, but when I come back to the place where I left my coach it was gone, I having staid too long, which did trouble me to abuse the poor fellow, so that taking another coach I did direct him to find out the fellow and send him to me. At my cozen Turner’s I find they are gone all to dinner to Povy’s, and thither I, and there they were all, and W. Batelier and his sister, and had dined; but I had good things brought me, and then all up and down the house, and mightily pleased to see the fine rooms: but, the truth is, there are so many bad pictures, that to me make the good ones lose much of the pleasure in seeing them. The. and Betty Turner in new flowered tabby gowns, and so we were pretty merry, only my fear upon me for what I had newly done, do keep my content in. So, about five or six o’clock, away, and I took my wife and the two Bateliers, and carried them homeward, and W. Batelier ’lighting, I carried the women round by Islington, and so down Bishopsgate Street home, and there to talk and sup, and then to bed.

21 Annotations

First Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

L&M disclose what the ellipsis hides

"but she mighty coy, and I hope modest ; but however, though with great force, did hazer ella par su hand para tocar mi thing, nut ella was in great pain para be brought para it. I did give her in a paper 20s.,.... "

Terry Foreman  •  Link

The Royal Society today at Arundel House — from the Hooke Folio Online

April. 15. 1669. The curator again produced the Expt. of the Watch moued by a magnet which according to its seuerall Distances from the flight fitted to the Watch made it Goe faster or Slower: - Sr. Rob. Moray suggested seuerall doubts to be in this Expt. first whether the Loadstone hath the same attraction in all postures. 2. whether some kind of Earth or Rock may not alter the power of attraction. Alledging that in Scotland there was a whole ridge of Rocky mountaines of a magneticall virtue &c. 3ly. whether there would not be found a Difference in the attraction, according to a neerer or farther Distance of the Loadstone from the Land The President suggested that it might be tryed, whether a watch thus moued by a magnet would goe aequally with a stronger or weaker Spring to try which his Lop. Proposed that the watch & Loadstone being fixt, the Spring of the watch should be wound vp more or Lesse high, to see whether the motion Caused by the magnet would be always aequall. -- It was orderd that a peice of clockwork with a Spring should be prouided for the next Day, to be tryd with a Loadstone. --

Vz. Tanned moorskin. [… ]…

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"Tanned moorskin" Check out THAT link!

Robert Gertz  •  Link

Hard to be sure but seems as if poor Deb is terribly confused about her feelings toward Sam...It's probably the first love affair of her life and she's fond of Sam who no doubt is very charming and impressive. But she seems to be determined to put him out of her life and it's only he and chance that is bringing him back. Sam for his part is a comic tragedy...I love that he gives her money while counseling her to never do what he's done to her with another man. Gee, what lesson can she learn here?

Just keep away from Bath, Sam...

Roy  •  Link

He gave/paid Deb 20s, a great deal of money of money in those days he pays his lady Friends well to keep them keen, whereas the Navy sailors and wives often go hungry and unpaid.

Tony Eldridge  •  Link

With Sam on the brink of another nail-biting episode, may I get my thanks in early before it all, sadly, ends? In particular:
First, of course, to Phil Gyford for devising and maintaining the website. You must have made thousands of friends around the world, Phil, and you deserve them all.
Terry Foreman for his wealth of additional information and insightful comments.
Robert Gertz for his flights of fancy which may have irritated the occasional humourless pedant but which kept the rest of us, in one of Sam's favourite expressions, very merry.
And, of course, Sam - we will miss you.

Australian Susan  •  Link

TF - re tanned moor's skin. Quite horrid. Unfortunately, up until the early 20th century, anthropologists were treating Aboriginal remains in the same way - as objects of scientific curiosity - not as human remains to be accorded respect. And Sam had been shown a preserved Afro-American not so long ago. Same lack of respect. It's OK to do things like this as these are sub-humans. At least many of the remains being held in museums around the world of Aboriginal people are being returned and buried with dignity.

languagehat  •  Link

"Hard to be sure but seems as if poor Deb is terribly confused about her feelings toward Sam…It’s probably the first love affair of her life and she’s fond of Sam"

Huh? I'm not getting that impression at all. My sense is that she's trying her level best to get rid of him and is upset that he's stalking her. Her reactions are entirely consistent with those of women who find themselves in that horrible position today, except that (of course) she can't go to the police and get a restraining order.

"Robert Gertz for his flights of fancy which may have irritated the occasional humourless pedant but which kept the rest of us, in one of Sam’s favourite expressions, very merry."

I resent being called a humourless pedant, and I don't see the need to insult many of your fellow Pepysians in the course of singling out two of them for thanks.

JWB  •  Link

Diversity skinning...
I've a Quaker relative who, at age 70, was robbed of his skin by three Indians.

Clement  •  Link

Deb's agreement to meet with Sam "on Monday next" is either a sign of her confusion over how to handle her own feelings, or an act to end the current encounter as quickly as possible.

Whether she shows up for that meeting will be a clue, though likely not conclusive unless he tells us what she actually says.

With "passion" filtering his perspective I have no idea whether "please leave me alone" was coming out of her mouth at this point. If it was I doubt Sam could hear it or would report it to his diary.

Clement  •  Link

...of course he does report that "...she made no stop, but seemed unwilling to speak to me..." so there is no doubt that this is being pushed unilaterally by a very disappointing Sam.

laura k  •  Link

I feel so sorry for Deb. I imagine she lives hoping never to see Sam again, and cringes and despairs every time she does.

I can't help but think that Sam and Elizabeth would have been much happier in a time and culture where they could have been polyamorous. At least Sam would have been (and I like to think Elizabeth, too, but have little evidence for that). Sam loves his wife so much but is clearly incapable of fidelity.

Robert Gertz  •  Link

Looks like confusion wins the day... Especially considering Deb gave Sam directions.

Anyway, poor Deb. It's tough to have an incredibly persistent guy like Sam on your tail, especially when combined with such an ability to charm.

Maurie Beck  •  Link

but however, though with great force, did hazer ella par su hand para tocar mi thing, nut ella was in great pain para be brought para it

From the first annotation above, it sounds like Sam forced himself on her.

Second Reading

psw  •  Link

He did force himself; he even says that. She disappointed because she wants him to love her. Our philandering hero wants to get it off and mamalles her.

Still, our hero is quite a guy. How long has it been since the blistering Bess attack?

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Cosmo, the future Grand Duke of Turin, also attended the Royal Society meeting today.

I've standardized the spelling of names I know, corrected scanning errors I could figure out, and increased the number of paragraphs. I apologize if I guessed incorrectly:

On the morning of 15/25 April, 1669, his highness having heard mass, received Sir Charles Cotterell, master of the ceremonies, who, with his son, came to pay him the homage of their respect; and likewise gave audience to Sir Chapel, who came for the same purpose of complimenting his highness.

Major Sir Charles Cotterell, MP, master of ceremonies to Charles II =…

His son, Clement Cotterell, assistant master of ceremonies to Charles II, and someone who had gone to Spain and Portugal with the Earl of Sandwich =…

Sir Chapel -- any ideas?


San Diego Sarah  •  Link



He afterwards went, in his carriage, with his usual retinue, to Arundel House, in the interior of Gresham College, given by Henry Howard of Norfolk, for the sittings of the Academy, or Royal Society, which meets every Thursday after dinner, to take cognizance of matters of natural philosophy, and for the study and examination of chemical, mechanical, and mathematical subjects.

THE ACADEMY (John Evelyn’s original name for the ROYAL SOCIETY),…

Baron Henry Howard of Norfolk,…

This Royal Academy took its origin from some philosophers of London, and was restored in the reign of Charles II; who (besides his own inclination) in order to encourage the genius of men of quality (who, at the time that there was no court in this kingdom, applied themselves diligently to such studies) established and confirmed it; making himself in fact its founder, by granting it the most ample privileges, which are recorded in a book ratified by the King, the Duke of York, and Prince Robert [RUPERT].

Prince Rupert of the Rhine and his scientific contributions,…

This institution is governed by a council, consisting of 20 members, elected out of the whole body of the society; the head of which is the president, at present the Earl of Brouncker, who, sitting on a seat in the middle of the table of the assembly, has a large silver mace, with the royal arms, lying before him, with which it is customary for the mace-bearer, or the porter of the academy, to walk before him.

Earl of Brouncker = William, 2nd Viscount Brouncker…

Persons of every nation and religion, and profession, are admitted among the academicians, and they are under no other obligation than to swear to the observance of the statutes, and to attend the meetings as often as is in their power; especially those for the election of officers, to promote its interests, and not to do anything to its prejudice.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link



At their meetings, no precedence or distinction of place is observed, except by the president and secretary; the first is in the middle of the table, and the latter at the head of it, on his left hand, the other academicians taking their seats indifferently on benches of wood with backs to them, arranged in two rows; and if any one enters unexpectedly, after the meeting has begun, every one remains seated, nor is his salutation, returned, except by the president alone, who acknowledges it by an inclination of the head, that he may not interrupt the person who is speaking on the subject or experiment proposed by the secretary.

They observe the ceremony of speaking to the president uncovered, waiting from him for permission to be covered, and explaining their sentiments in few words, relative to the subject under discussion; and, to avoid confusion and disorder, one does not begin before the other has ended his speech; neither are opposite opinions maintained with obstinacy, but with temper, the language of civility and moderation being always adopted amongst them, which renders them so much the more praiseworthy, as they are a society composed of persons of different nations.

It has for its coat of arms, a field of silver, denoting a blank tablet, with the motto, 'Nullius in verba' to shew that they do not suffer themselves to be induced by passion and prejudice, to follow any particular opinions.

The t^Jjjnpt, ,wh^]),i§j||n^?r,J:)3u^ of Doctor; Robert Hook, a man of genius, and of much esteem in experimental matters, was founded by Daniel Colwal, now treasurer of the academy, and is full of the greatest rarities, brought from the most distant parts; such as quadrupeds, birds, fishes, serpents, insects, shells, feathers, seeds, minerals, and many petrifactions, mummies, and giims; and every day, in order to enrich it still more, the academicians contribute everything of value which comes into their hands, so that in time it will be the most beautiful, the largest and the most curious, in respect to natural productions, that is anywhere to be found.

Robert Hooke…
Daniel Colwal…

Amongst these curiosities, the most remarkable are an ostrich, whose young were always born alive; an herb which grew in the stomach of a thrush; and the skill of a moor, tanned, with the beard and hair white; but more worthy of observation than all the rest, is a clock, whose movements are derived from the vicinity of a loadstone, and it is so adjusted as to discover the distance of countries, at sea, by the longitude.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link



Towards this, the planets or satellites of Jupiter, are of great service, by the observation of whose eclipses (these succeeding one another almost every day) they are studying to find out a method of forming astronomical tables, in order to discover the true meridians of the earth; for the different meridians will be shewn by the different hours at which they will happen, when observed at different places, beginning from the east, and proceeding westward.

The academy has a library (gifted by the Lord Henry Howard, and continually increasing in the number of its books) for the convenience of the academicians, and particularly of the two professors, who are to live in the said college (as soon as the fund from which their stipend is to be paid, can be arranged) in the apartments preparing for that purpose, distinct from the halls and chambers appropriated to the meeting and to the council; and it is to be their duty to refer to the society, all subjects on which their opinion shall be required, and to collect the philosophical and mechanical experiments from the authors who shall be discussed, in order to facilitated the life discovery of truth.

Baron Henry Howard of Norfolk,…


The council of the society, at that time, composed of William, Viscount Brouncker, President; William Aikin, Esquire, my Lord William Brereton, my Lord George Berkeley, Doctor Timothy Clerk, Daniel Colval, Esquire, the Bishop of Chester, the physicians, William Crown and Jonathan Goddard, John Evelyn, Esquire, Sir George Ent, Baron Henry Howard of Norfolk, Sir Robert Moray, Sir Paul Neile, Thomas Hensham, Walter Pope, physician, Henry Oldenburg, Edward, Earl of Sandwich, the Bishop of Salisbury, Sir Theodore de Vaux, and Sir Gilbert Talbot, all elective counsellors, who, as occasion may require, assemble together in this chamber called the Council Chamber, and make such resolutions as the good government of this collection of virtuosi may require.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link


William Aikin, Esquire -- any ideas?

William Brereton MP FRS https://www.historyofparliamenton…

George, 9th Baron Berkeley…

Dr. Timothy Clarke…

John Wilkins, Bishop of Chester…

Dr. William Crown -- any ideas?

Dr. Jonathan Goddard…

John Evelyn…

Sir George Ent…

Baron Henry Howard of Norfolk,…

Sir Robert Moray,…

Sir Paul Neile,…

Thomas Henshaw https://royalsocietypublishing.or…

Dr. Walter Pope…

Henry Oldenburg…

Edward Montagu, Earl of Sandwich…

Seth Ward, Bishop of Salisbury…

Sir Theodore de Vaux…

Sir Gilbert Talbot MP FRS https://www.historyofparliamenton…

About mid-day, his highness returned home, and dined as usual.

After dinner, he recommenced his visits to the ladies;

Towards evening Cosmo went to see a comedy at the King’s Theater, see…


The afternoon visits were often to the wives of noblemen and ambassadors who had already met Cosmo socially. They seem to have kept open houses regularly for this purpose.


His highness, Cosmo, must be considered only as a traveler. Under his direction, the narrator of the records was Count Lorenzo Magalotti, afterwards Secretary to the Academy del Cimento, and one of the most learned and eminent characters of the court of Ferdinand II.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

“but it being holiday and the place full of people, we parted, leaving further discourse and doing to another time.” … L&M makes no comment, so I looked back and in 1667 found this:

L&M note: It was the first day of the Easter law term.… and even when not stated as such, I see that Pepys behaves as if it is a holiday by either doing the minimum, or seeing relatives and friends, or catching up on personal accounting if the weather was bad. It’s hard to tell in war and plague years as nothing was particularly normal then – just as things haven’t exactly been normal for all of us the last two years.

The wiki link isn’t helpful, but doing a Google search revealed that Easter Tuesday does still seem to have an academic holiday tradition in places like Australia.

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