Monday 26 August 1667
Up, and Greeting come, and I reckoned with him for his teaching of my wife and me upon the flageolet to this day, and so paid him for having as much as he can teach us. Then to the Office, where we sat upon a particular business all the morning: and my Lord Anglesey with us: who, and my Lord Bruncker, do bring us news how my Lord Chancellor’s seal is to be taken away from him to-day. The thing is so great and sudden to me, that it put me into a very great admiration what should be the meaning of it; and they do not own that they know what it should be: but this is certain, that the King did resolve it on Saturday, and did yesterday send the Duke of Albemarle, the only man fit for those works, to him for his purse: to which the Chancellor answered, that he received it from the King, and would deliver it to the King’s own hand, and so civilly returned the Duke of Albemarle without it; and this morning my Lord Chancellor is to be with the King, to come to an end in the business. After sitting, we rose, and my wife being gone abroad with Mrs. Turner to her washing at the whitster’s, I dined at Sir W. Batten’s, where Mr. Boreman was, who come from White Hall; who tells us that he saw my Lord Chancellor come in his coach with some of his men, without his Seal, to White Hall to his chamber; and thither the King and Duke of York come and staid together alone, an hour or more: and it is said that the King do say that he will have the Parliament meet, and that it will prevent much trouble by having of him out of their enmity, by his place being taken away; for that all their enmity will be at him. It is said also that my Lord Chancellor answers, that he desires he may be brought to his trial, if he have done any thing to lose his office; and that he will be willing, and is most desirous, to lose that, and his head both together. Upon what terms they parted nobody knows but the Chancellor looked sad, he says. Then in comes Sir Richard Ford, and says he hears that there is nobody more presses to reconcile the King and Chancellor than the Duke of Albemarle and Duke of Buckingham: the latter of which is very strange, not only that he who was so lately his enemy should do it, but that this man, that but the other day was in danger of losing his own head, should so soon come to be a mediator for others: it shows a wise Government. They all say that he [Clarendon] is but a poor man, not worth above 3000l. a-year in land; but this I cannot believe: and all do blame him for having built so great a house, till he had got a better estate. Having dined, Sir J. Minnes and I to White Hall, where we could be informed in no more than we were told before, nobody knowing the result of the meeting, but that the matter is suspended. So I walked to the King’s playhouse, there to meet Sir W. Pen, and saw “The Surprizall,” a very mean play, I thought: or else it was because I was out of humour, and but very little company in the house. But there Sir W. Pen and I had a great deal of discourse with Moll; who tells us that Nell is already left by my Lord Buckhurst, and that he makes sport of her, and swears she hath had all she could get of him; and Hart, her great admirer, now hates her; and that she is very poor, and hath lost my Lady Castlemayne, who was her great friend also but she is come to the House, but is neglected by them all.1
Thence with Sir W. Pen home, and I to the office, where late about business, and then home to supper, and so to bed.
18 Annotations
First Reading
Robert Gertz • Link
Greeting, Clarendon, Nell Gwyn...All three facing a downturn in their fates this day. I wonder if all three were equally surprised in their way...And if each thought him/herself utterly secure till that blow fell or all three knew what was coming and trembled for their fates.
Terry Foreman • Link
And Pepys -- who'd had his fill of plays of late -- and Penn wander like a pair of stunned sheep to a play "wherein was of no great matter..."…
Carl in Boston • Link
wander like a pair of stunned sheep
Same for me. I can't believe what has happened.
cum salis grano • Link
"...not worth above 3000l. a-year in land; but this I cannot believe: and all do blame him for having built so great a house, till he had got a better estate...."
No fifty year mortgage, cash on the barrel it be or real merchandise for collateral "your sweet Viola" maybe , I doth believe, like it was prior to Credit card /hire purchase and other fly by night schemes using future monies not yet conceived let alone borne, only lend to those that means and an 'onest face and yet still will get dunned ala Penn Senior loaning monies to credit worthy Charles, see Milton the scrivener for borrowing with less than credit worthiness.
These hidden money problems, tickets, going to thine enemy who pays cash than IOU's, how like today I dothe think.
Parliament is waiting for its chance to control the coffers rather than the king playing his ponzi schemes and covering his bed night companions with jewels and titles.
cum salis grano • Link
"I can’t believe what has happened"
Head in sand to the problem of spending what thou doth NOT have.
How many times does this happen, each generation in power gets to observe his instant gratification of unintentional consequences, short term pleasure, long term terminal pain versus planning for the future, for the individual disaster for the country, an upset stomach usually occasionally a change in power structure.
no money no honey.
Rochester where you be, tell his RH the results of enjoyin' unmitigated Lust.
cum salis grano • Link
Paradise Lost
“I can’t believe what has happened”
Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. It was originally published in 1667 in ten books, with a total of over ten thousand individual lines of verse. A second edition followed in 1674, redivided into twelve books (in the manner of the division of Virgil's Aeneid) with minor revisions throughout and a note on the versification; the majority of the poem was written while Milton was blind, and was transcribed for him.[1]…
Mary • Link
Chancellor Clarendon.
Whilst all this high politicking is going on, let's not forget that there is a family situation unfolding - Clarendon is the father of Anne, wife to James, Duke of York.
Robert Gertz • Link
"Sam'l...Who's knocking? It's..."
"Three o'clock, dull as dirt, and I'm damned stuck out here..." the Watch calls, forlornly.
"Who's there?" Sam reaches front door in nightshirt, cap. Sword hastily buckled on...Jane naturally in support, empty chamberpot in hand...
"Your Grace? I..."
"You've heard about my father-in-law, Hyde?"
Hmmn...Express sympathy or delight...? Best to suggest it's all new to me.
"Your Grace?"
"Oh, come now, Pepys. You must've heard. Pepys, what am I to do? Anne's ready to kill me. You're a writer."
"What, your Grace?"
"I see you always writing...And I know it's not all on office matters. Can't you think of something...Some explanation that will satisfy?"
"Your Grace, an explanation...Of why Chancellor Clarendon..."
"Is being fed to the wolves, yes. Come on, Pepys."
"He can do it, Your Grace." Bess, eagerly if sleepily supportive.
Thanks, darling...Grim look from Sam.
Several hours later...
"All right we have these possibilities, your Grace."
Hmmn...Jamie frowns.
"'Cruel necessity, love. Dad must go for the greater good and the safety of our kingdom. Our childrens' future security depends on it.'"
"Anne's not really a 'futures' person. More the benefits here and now type..." Jamie sighs. "What else?"
"'Your father is in grave danger as Chancellor and must get out before they come for his head as well as Pett's.'"
Hmmn... "Better...But begs the question...'Why don't you sacrifice yourself, dear? You are head of the Navy and your idiot brother is the head of government, after all.' By the way, if you mention 'idiot brother' to Charlie..."
"Understood, your Grace. Moving on..."
"'Anne I never wanted you to know but your father is actually a Sith Lord of the Vatican and the source of all our woes. Charles and I unmasked him and had to act at risk of our lives in battle with him to save the Nation. But we will spare his life for your sake and the childrens'.'"
"My idea." Bess beams.
"You know, Anne might actually buy that...She's always been a little intimidated by her dad. Still, the Papist charge...Bit much."
"Well...How about this."
"'It's all Charlie's fault, to save himself and his throne. I'm sure Castlemaine pushed it, to hurt us both. I am doing everything I can to save Dad, but the best I can do is rescue him from the wrath of Parliament.'"
"That's It!! Samuel, for this one day you'll be my Secretary of the Admirality!" Jamie, patting shoulder.
"I still think mine is better..." Bess sniffs as York heads out.
L. K. van Marjenhoff • Link
Shouldn't "Hart," Nell's great admirer, lead to actor Charles Hart, not Wanstead, Essex?
Second Reading
Terry Foreman • Link
"the King did resolve it on Saturday, and did yesterday send the Duke of Albemarle, the only man fit for those works, to him for his purse: to which the Chancellor answered, that he received it from the King, and would deliver it to the King’s own hand, and so civilly returned the Duke of Albemarle without it; and this morning my Lord Chancellor is to be with the King, to come to an end in the business. "
L&M note, according to Clarendon's Life (ii, 282-6), the Duke of York had already told him of the King's decision before Albemarle's visit.
Terry Foreman • Link
"Mr. Boreman...tells us that he saw my Lord Chancellor come in his coach with some of his men, without his Seal, to White Hall to his chamber; and thither the King and Duke of York come and staid together alone, an hour or more:"
The interview began at 10 AM (Clarendon, Life, iii, 286), L&M note Clarendon delivered up his seal to Secretary Morice on the 30th (ib. p. 294).
"Buckingham...who was so lately his enemy"
According to Clarendon (Life, iii. 297-8), Buckingham remained his enemy in the business throughout. For Buckingham's disgrace see:…
Terry Foreman • Link
"news how my Lord Chancellor’s seal is to be taken away from him to-day. "
L&M: Pepys's account of the fall of Clarendon in this and succeeding entries confirms on the whole Clarendson's own version in his Life, and is greatly superior to the Duke of York's brief treatment in his memoirs. The best modern account is in Clayton Roberts, Growth of responsible government in Stuart Engl, ch. 5. [This opinion is ca. 1971.]
Terry Foreman • Link
" Mr. Boreman was, who come from White Hall; who tells us that he saw my Lord Chancellor come in his coach with some of his men, without his Seal, to White Hall to his chamber; and thither the King and Duke of York come and staid together alone, an hour or more:"
L&M: Cf. Clarendon, Life, iii, 286; the interview began at 10 a.m. Clarendon delivered up his seal to Secretary Morice on the 30th: ib., p. 294; Lister, iii. 470.
Terry Foreman • Link
"Then in comes Sir Richard Ford, and says he hears that there is nobody more presses to reconcile the King and Chancellor than the Duke of Albemarle and Duke of Buckingham: the latter of which is very strange, not only that he who was so lately his enemy should do it, but that this man, that but the other day was in danger of losing his own head, should so soon come to be a mediator for others:"
L&M: According to Clarendon (Life, iii, 297-8), Buckingham remained his enemy in the business throughout. For Buckingham's recent disgrace, see… and……
Terry Foreman • Link
"They all say that he [Clarendon] is but a poor man, not worth above 3000l. a-year in land; but this I cannot believe: and all do blame him for having built so great a house, till he had got a better estate."
L&M: Clarendon's own statement, made later in answer to his impeachment (Life, iii. 339) was that his estate in land was, after payment of debts, worth less than £2000 p.a. Clarendon House,…
Terry Foreman • Link
"Sir W. Pen and I had a great deal of discourse with Moll; who tells us that Nell is already left by my Lord Buckhurst, and that he makes sport of her, and swears she hath had all she could get of him; and Hart,"
L&M: Charles Hart, the leading actor at the Theatre Royal, reputedly one of Nell Gwynn's lovers -- her 'Charles I' as she called him.
Gerald Berg • Link
Debt/sex along side desperation can only lead to Britannia ruling the waves?
The fear, the remorse! So exciting!
San Diego Sarah • Link
"... my Lord Anglesey with us: who, and my Lord Bruncker, do bring us news how my Lord Chancellor’s seal is to be taken away from him to-day. The thing is so great and sudden to me, that it put me into a very great admiration what should be the meaning of it; and they do not own that they know what it should be: but this is certain, that the King did resolve it on Saturday, ..."
Pepys evidently joins us pondering upon the ingratitude of Charles II and his colleagues towards Chancellor Clarendon for 25 years of danger, deprivation, service and devotion.
Maybe Milton's 1667 book, "Paradise Lost", gives us a clue:
"After leading an unsuccessful rebellion against God that cost him his heavenly position, Satan is on the brink of repentance:
“What could be less than to afford him [God] praise,
The easiest recompense, and pay him thanks,
How due! Yet all his good proved ill in me,
And wrought but malice; lifted up so high
I sdeign’d subjection, and thought one step higher
Would set me high’st, and in a moment quit
The debt immense of endless gratitude, …”
"Satan faces a difficult problem: he understands that he ought to be grateful to God for everything he has received from him, but he can’t bear the emotional consequences. To be grateful would mean being burdened by the endless, joyless debt he owes his creator."
A nugget from:…