Friday 14 June 1661

To Whitehall to my Lord’s, where I found Mr. Edward Montagu and his family come to lie during my Lord’s absence. I sent to my house by my Lord’s order his shipp [Qy. glass omitted after shipp.] and triangle virginall. So to my father’s, and did give him order about the buying of this cloth to send to my Lord. But I could not stay with him myself, for having got a great cold by my playing the fool in the water yesterday I was in great pain, and so went home by coach to bed, and went not to the office at all, and by keeping myself warm, I broke wind and so came to some ease. Rose and eat some supper, and so to bed again.

33 Annotations

First Reading

A. De Araujo  •  Link

"I broke wind" Is he having a "head cold" a "chest cold" or an "intestinal cold"?

chris  •  Link

Sam is putting a respectable gloss on his symptoms, isn't he? He has a hangover from yesterday's excesses with young Kenersly and company.

daniel  •  Link

Indeed, Chris.
i believe the diagnosis would be general grottiness after "a great deal both beer and wine". never mix, never worry , Sam. He at least admits to "playing the fool". the arrival of a triangle virginall, otherwise a welcome sight, might this time caused much annoyance and frustration for poor hung-over Sam.

vicente  •  Link

"... his family come to lie during my Lord's absence…” here to lie is meaning, staying over in the better digs. So all who thought lie in such imaginative terms should think again.

Paul Chapin  •  Link

The other Mr. Edward Montagu again
Here it is even clearer than it was the other day that this Mr. Edward Montagu is not "my Lord" [Sandwich], but is housesitting for my Lord in his absence. I suggested previously that it might be Manchester (among the various extant Edward Montagus). Does anyone have any evidence to the contrary? In any case, both links should be amended.

Pauline  •  Link

The other Mr. Edward Montagu
Paul, Phil has made the correction on June 10 from "my lord" to the most likely choice, Manchester. To request the correction for today, email Phil. As we read together daily, and with our discussion, we are responsible for such refining.

Mary  •  Link

Sam's indisposition.

For 'cold' one might substitute 'colic'. Beer, wine AND fresh cherries? It sounds a troublesome mixture.

Mary  •  Link

"his shipp"

(Per L&M footnote) This was a model of the Royal James, which Pepys hung in his room. We shall meet this model again in October.

Australian Susan  •  Link

So the "query glass" added by Wheatley(?) was just put there as he did not make the connection with the model??
Was a "shipp glass" some form of chronometer? Or hadn't those come into use yet?

Rich Merne  •  Link

'ships glass' As far as I know a ships glass is the archaic term for a ships telescope.

Rich Merne  •  Link

"playing the fool", While it's clear that Sam couldn't be but hung over, he seems to genuinely attribute his malaise, (all of it) to dipping his feet yesterday. How he connects his "break of wind" to the dipping is a mystery ! I think he is suffering from two (and combined) ailments, a chill and a sick head/stomach. His *fart* eased the latter; and he thinks, "ah!, I mustn't go dipping my feet over the side again, a body can get a nasty dose of cold, 'and wind', from playing the fool like that" sic.

Australian Susan  •  Link

Getting wet feet
Sam is demonstrating the old wives' tale, that getting cold gives you a cold! He is also showing that the Englishman's obsession with his bowels goes back a long way. Actually, probably a lot further - Chaucer goes on about bowel function quite a bit...
Was it Dr Jonathan Miller who said that the English are obsessed with the last four feet of their intestines?

Hic Retearius  •  Link

Another meaning?

We of today automatically take Sam's observation to comment on flatus. There was another old meaning for breaking wind which could be stretched to cover the possibility that Sam means that his ague reached a crisis and then he immediately felt much better (from repeated personal experience: certain food poisoning follows exactly this course).

Even though breaking wind may well just relate to flatus, for those who delight in these wider meanings in English that Sam keeps bringing to us, here's what Mr. Murray has to say:

12. a. trans. To crush the strength of, wear out, exhaust; to weary, impair, in health or strength.

b. So to break one's brain, mind, wind (cf. broken-winded). Obs.

1596 Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, ii. ii. 13 If I trauel but foure foot..further a foote I shall breake my winde.

Rex Gordon  •  Link

" ... I shall breake my winde ..."

Ah yes, Hic, but this is Falstaff talking and one can be sure the entendre was double. Else, where's the laugh?

JWB  •  Link

Ed of Eds
I think it's the son,Jemima's eldest. He'd be ca. 16 years old.

JWB  •  Link

Eds again
I'm wrong. 1)Little Jem's the eldest & 2)Ned's off to France with Sid.

Australian Susan  •  Link

I think this also refers to horses which have passed their use by date.

vicente  •  Link

"'Broken-winded' I think this also refers to horses which have passed their use by date.” I had fogotten that version.

Mary  •  Link

the question of wind.

'Breaking one's wind', 'broken-winded' surely refer to lung-function and general fitness. 'Breaking wind' refers to farting.

Sam was colicky; felt better after breaking wind. As you would.

richard merne  •  Link

The windy question;
Yes, "exceedingly well done of my lady"(ies). Now that you've brought it up, (oops!) I remember from when I was younger, the term 'wind-broken' horse. It clearly referred to an animal which had no huff or puff left. Applied thus, it had nothing to do with the animal's renowned propensity for *breaking wind*. You'd have had to differentiate between ends.

bitter o salt  •  Link

breake wind: the phrase has been around a while, refering to either end of the digestive tract

b. So to break one's brain, mind, wind (cf. BROKEN-WINDED). Obs....c1340
1596 SHAKES. 1 Hen. IV, II. ii. 13 If I trauel but foure foot..further a foote I shall breake my winde.

1647 WARD Simp. Cobler 22 It would breake his [the Devil's] wind and wits to attend such a Province.

47. to break wind: to void wind from the stomach or bowels. [But cf. BRAKE v.5 to void from the stomach.]

1636 HEALEY tr. Theophrast. Char. 45 He lying along, belcheth or breaketh wind.

2. a. Breathing; hard breathing; esp. of animals.
1523 FITZHERB. Husb. §87 Broken wynded, and pursyfnes, is but shorte blowynge.
1591 PERCIVALL Sp. Dict., Bufido, the puffing and blowing of a horse.


1580 BARET Alv. s.v. Flanke, To moue the flanks like a broken winded horse.
1607 DEKKER Westw. Hoe Wks. 1873 II.

I shall cough like a broken winded horse.

OED broken wind

An incurable disease of the organs of respiration in horses, caused by the rupture of the air-cells, which disables them from bearing fatigue.....1753

Second Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

L. Delawar and L. Berkeley.…

Whereas this House, on the 7th of June Instant, at the Hearing of the Cause between the Lord Berkley and the Lord Delawar, touching Precedency, did direct that the Counsel on both Sides should meet, and state the Case, for avoiding Trouble to the House; which the Counsel of the Lord Berkeley hath proffered to do, but those on the other Side neglect to join therein:

It is ORDERED, That if the Counsel of the Lord Delawar shall not meet with those on the other Part as aforesaid by Thursday next, the 20th of this Instant, this House will proceed to a Hearing at the Bar, and make such final End, touching the Precedency in this Cause, as to their Lordships shall seem meet.

Sasha Clarkson  •  Link

Which Edward Montagu?

This is a mystery, and I am far from convinced that this is Manchester. Manchester would be 60 by now, and as Lord Chamberlain was certainly senior to Sandwich. Why would not Pepys refer to "My Lord Of Manchester", or "Lord Chamberlain" as he does elsewhere? I am sure that as Chamberlain, Manchester would have had his own official lodgings and would have no reason to camp at the Wardrobe "with his family", who would now likely be all grown up.

My favoured candidate would be Mr Edward (Ned) Montagu, son of the second Baron Montagu of Boughton. who would have been about 25 and would soon become Queen Catherine's Master of Horse. The only problem with this is that he was unmarried, and therefore did not have a "family" in the sense of wife and children. I suppose that a couple of servants might have counted as "family", too uninteresting to be described by Pepys?

None of this quite makes sense, but I would place a small bet on this being Ned, especially as on 3rd July Pepys records "To Westminster to Mr. Edward Montagu about business of my Lord’s" and has various other business and social interactions with him later in the year.…

Sasha Clarkson  •  Link

Having "read forward" a bit, I'm sure that "Mr Edward Montagu" is Ned: It's clear from several future diary entries* that, whilst in Lisbon, Sandwich has entrusted Ned with certain duties on his behalf. It was the normal practice to give younger relatives a chance to show what they're worth. Unfortunately, Ned will prove less trustworthy than Sandwich hoped.

*eg this one:…

Bill  •  Link

"I broke wind and so came to some ease."

To BELCH, to break Wind upwards.
To ERUCT, to belch, to break Wind upwards.
To FART, to break Wind backwards.
To FIZZLE, to break Wind backwards without Noise. [Who knew?!]
---An Universal Etymological English Dictionary. N. Bailey, 1675.

Al Doman  •  Link

Breaking wind -- he dangled his legs in the Thames, downstream of a major city, probably unclean water. While he probably didn't absorb anything directly through his legs he might have got microbes on his hands whilst drying them off, then subsequently ingested them.

In some people, getting significantly chilled or mildly hypothermic can have insalubrious effects on the digestive system.

Or, it could just be the cherries, or the wine, or the beer. Or his guts just saying, "Enough is enough".

Jackie  •  Link

Strangely, after a heavy night, it's surprising how a good bit of quality time on the lav can contribute to easing of many symptoms. A huge breaking of wind here obviously helped his digestive system to recover.

eileen d.  •  Link

a bit off topic, but thank you, Bill for improving my vocabulary - and giving me a genuine LOL - with the definition of 'frazzle'. Can't wait to work that into conversation...! (who knew, indeed!)

eileen d.  •  Link

oops, I mean *fizzle*, not frazzle! bit of a Freudian slip, there.

Third Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Now the Coronation is over, the House of Commons is protecting English jobs:
"Bonelace, &c.
Ordered, That a Bill prohibiting the Importation of Bonelace, Imbroidery, and Needle-work, be read the First time To-morrow Morning."

Eric the Bish  •  Link

If the "Shipp [glass]" is indeed a telescope it is a precious object - the telescope had been invented only about 60 years before, and the reflector would not be invented for another eight years. The sort of telescope we are speaking of here might have a 3x magnification, and would give an upside down image.

LKvM  •  Link

Thank you, daniel, for the wonderful word "grottiness" for Sam's condition. Also, until now I have only heard the words "colic" and "colicky" used in reference to fussiness in babies attributed to intestinal pain. But "played the fool" is common where i live, and I am surprised that it is so old.

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