Sunday 2 September 1660


To Westminster, my Lord being gone before my coming to chapel. I and Mr. Sheply told out my money, and made even for my Privy Seal fees and gratuity money, &c., to this day between my Lord and me.

After that to chappell, where Dr. Fern, a good honest sermon upon “The Lord is my shield.” After sermon a dull anthem, and so to my Lord’s (he dining abroad) and dined with Mr. Sheply. So, to St. Margarett’s, and heard a good sermon upon the text “Teach us the old way,” or something like it, wherein he ran over all the new tenets in policy and religion, which have brought us into all our late divisions.

From church to Mrs. Crisp’s (having sent Will Hewer home to tell my wife that I could not come home to-night because of my Lord’s going out early to-morrow morning), where I sat late, and did give them a great deal of wine, it being a farewell cup to Laud Crisp. I drank till the daughter began to be very loving to me and kind, and I fear is not so good as she should be.

To my Lord’s, and to bed with Mr. Sheply.

20 Annotations

First Reading

Paul Brewster  •  Link

to this day between my Lord and I
per L&M. Wheatley appears to be cleaning up SP's grammar.

Paul Brewster  •  Link

gratuity mony
L&M footnote this as "The gratuity for his service on the voyage to Holland." This was mentioned most recently on the 14th of August 1660.…

Paul Brewster  •  Link

"The Lord is my shield."
L&M speculate in their footnote: “A loose recollection of 2 Sam. xxii.3; or Ps. iii. 3; or Ps. xxviii. 7.” They go on to say “The chapel was that of Whitehall Palace, and the preacher Henry Ferne, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Dean of Ely.”

Paul Brewster  •  Link

"Teach us the old way," or something like it
L&M: “Possibly 1 Kings, viii. 36: ‘that thou teach them the good way wherein they should walk’.”

Paul Brewster  •  Link

farewell cup to Laud Crisp.
Per L&M: "The Crisps' son, now entering Sandwich's service" Coincidently starting a great tradition in fast food.

David A. Smith  •  Link

"and I fear is not so good as she should be"
Given Sam's previous enthusiastic embracing and even pursuit of a little slap-and-tickle, his apprehension here is noteworthy. Since I understand he will be merrily free with many other ladies in days yet to come, it seems likely to be either that (a) she's too young to be considered a woman, or (b) she's actually willing to *sleep* with him, whereas the normal alehouse banter is understood by all to be limited to the odd feel or kiss.

Peter  •  Link

Picking up on Paul Brewster's comment about the fast food connection starting with Sandwich and Laud Crisp, I can't help noticing that if we add Capt Thomas Bun (24 Aug) and Elizabeth Pye (8 Aug) we will get a grotesque buffet, rich in carbohydrates.

Ed LeZotte  •  Link

Here we go again.

M. Stolzenbach  •  Link

"Teach us the old way," or something like it
L&M: "Possibly 1 Kings, viii. 36: "that thou teach them the good way wherein they should walk"."

Or more likely,
Jer 6:16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where [is] the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk [therein].

Glyn  •  Link

If we follow the links at the bottom of the daughter's biography, we find that Pepys drank with her and her friends in Harper's on 20 August, and slept in her family's house in March.

Larry B.  •  Link

"and I fear is not so good as she should be"
NO BETTER THAN SHE SHOULD BE - "An early-18th-century translation by Peter Motteux of "Don Quixote" is the first to record this classic understatement, meaning "an immoral woman." Whether it was coined at this time no one knows." From "Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins" by Robert Hendrickson (Facts on File, New York, 1997).

Additional references from Bartlett’s 10th Ed. for Beaumont and Fletcher & Henry Fielding:…

I think Sam is worried he’ll get a venereal disease if daughter Crisp is as friendly to other men as she is to him.

john lauer  •  Link

What was known (understood) about transmission of VDs at the time?

Tom  •  Link

"..and I fear is not so good as she should be."

I read this as she (Diana Crisp, the daughter) is of a "good" family and thus there would be "good" expectations of her, and Sam has discovered that this is not so. What a shame for the Crisp family, living in the Ax yard near Sam and of good bearing and background to have such a daughter so poorly raised. A confusing mix of Sam having uppererclass membership expectations take a jaunt around the courtyard with his lower class roots. Shows the ideals of the upperclass were there with hope and expectations, though not necessarily obeyed.

Second Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"I and Mr. Sheply told out my money,...."

told : telling
1 : count, enumerate - "Tell the stars, if thou be able to number them" — Genesis 15:5 (Authorized Version)

Origin of TELL -- Middle English, from Old English tellan; akin to Old High German zellen to count, tell, Old English talu tale [tally]. First Known Use: before 12th century…

One who does in a bank what Pepys and Shepley do here is a teller.

Bill  •  Link

"I fear is not so good as she should be"

Le nez tourne a la fraindise. Said of a licorous [gluttonous] or lecherous wench; or one that's not so good as she should be.
---A French and English dictionary. R. Cotgrave, 1673.

=the nose turned to the treat.

Bill  •  Link

So Sam tells his wife he's working late but goes off to a party instead. Tom, is this upperclass or lowerclass behavior?

Chris Squire UK  •  Link

OED has:

‘tell . . 21.a. To count out (pieces of money) in payment; hence, to pay (money) . .
. . 1621 T. W. tr. S. Goulart Wise Vieillard 84 His promise should passe for ready pay, and for money told on the nayle.
. . 1723 D. Defoe Hist. Col. Jack (ed. 2) 44 He told the Money into my Hand.
1739 Joe Miller's Jests No. 200, The money'd Man fell to telling out the Sum in Shillings.

. . fig.
1637 J. Shirley Gamester iv. ii, Let her tell down Her virgin tears on Delamore's cold marble.’

John Pennington  •  Link

It's tempting to entertain the idea that Sam had VD in mind; it would to require something extraordinary to reflect thus when ostensibly, he's in his element.

But I think the clue is that Sam says "*I* drank until the daughter &tc." Strange that he would specify himself, and it seems to indicate that she is immodest and bold enough to initiate with him, even using the fact that he's in his cups as a pretext for and furtherance of this aim.

Perhaps she would be gratified by the attention of a man who was beginning to cut a figure. I think Sambone is concerned that it wouldn't redound to his credit and it would get back to a wife if he gives in here.

But just more proof of what our man says —nulla puella negat

Third Reading

Louise Hudson  •  Link

Larry B wrote:
“I think Sam is worried he’ll get a venereal disease if daughter Crisp is as friendly to other men as she is to him.”

I can only wonder why. He didn’t seem to worry about venereal disease with the many other women he had sexual contact with.

I wonder if Diana Crisp is just very young and naive and like young girls have always done, being friendly with men visiting her home, without realizing the negative implications. Not sure her age was given.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

On June 18, 1660, the regicide, Rev. Hugh Peter was excepted from the Act of Indemnity and he was apprehended on September 2 at Southwark.

Peters was one of the men from New England who returned home to England to participate in the Civil Wars on the side of Parliament. Downing and Vane were others.
This expression of defiance continued for generations.

In the meantime, to the Tower with him:
"Although technically not a regicide, Peter was exempt from royal pardon and was listed by parliament for revenge to be exacted for his prominent if largely unofficial role. His arrest was ordered on 7 June 1660, and he was caught on 31 August, reportedly betrayed by his servant. His daughter, by then aged 20, visited him daily in prison.
"A committee also visited him to investigate what had become of the contents of St. James's Palace.
"In a petition to the House of Lords Peter argued that due to the illness that kept him away from the execution he had had no hand in the king's death.
"While in prison, he wrote perhaps his best work, "A Dying Fathers Last Legacy to an Onely Child" (1660). It includes an autobiographical statement and denies the charge of sedition. 'Sedition is the heating of mans minds against the present Authority, in that I never was, yet sorry, Authority should have had any thoughts of me, or know so inconsiderable a creature as myself' (p. 111).…

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