Wednesday 9 May 1660

Up very early, writing a letter to the King, as from the two Generals of the fleet, in answer to his letter to them, wherein my Lord do give most humble thanks for his gracious letter and declaration; and promises all duty and obedience to him.

This letter was carried this morning to Sir Peter Killigrew, who came hither this morning early to bring an order from the Lords’ House to my Lord, giving him power to write an answer to the King. This morning my Lord St. John and other persons of honour were here to see my Lord, and so away to Flushing.

After they were gone my Lord and I to write letters to London, which we sent by Mr. Cook, who was very desirous to go because of seeing my wife before she went out of town.

As we were sitting down to dinner, in comes Noble with a letter from the House of Lords to my Lord, to desire him to provide ships to transport the Commissioners to the King, which are expected here this week. He brought us certain news that the King was proclaimed yesterday with great pomp, and brought down one of the Proclamations, with great joy to us all; for which God be praised.

After dinner to ninepins and lost 5s.

This morning came Mr. Saunderson, that writ the story of the King, hither, who is going over to the King. He calls me cozen and seems a very knowing man.

After supper to bed betimes, leaving my Lord talking in the Coach with the Captain.

20 Annotations

First Reading

Derek  •  Link

"Mr Saunderson, that writ the story of the king.."

Sir William Sanderson(c. 1586–1676), author of 'A Complete History of the Life and Reign of Charles I; from his Cradle to his Grave', published 1658.

Paul Brewster  •  Link

He calls me Cozen ...
Per the OED Cozen n.: obs. f. cousin

L&M add the useful note that "Both his (Saunderson's) family and Pepys's derived from Cottenham, Cambs.

Interesting again per the OED
"Cozen v.:To cheat, defraud by deceit.

The earliest trace of the word appears to be in the derivative cousoner in Awdelay's Fraternitie of Vacaboundes, 1561 (see cozener); it is not improbable that it arose among the vagabond class. It has generally been associated with cousin n., and compared with F. cousiner, explained by Cotgrave, 1611, as ‘to clayme kindred for aduantage, or particular ends; as he, who to saue charges in trauelling, goes from house to house, as cosin to the owner of euerie one’, by Littré as ‘faire le parasite sous prétexte de cousinage’. From this it is not far to a transitive sense ‘to cheat, beguile, under pretext of cousinship’: cf. also the phrase ‘to make a cousin of’ under cousin."

Alan Bedford  •  Link

Given that Sam seems to be holding royalists in high regard these days, and given that Saunderson was Charles I's "official" biographer, I'm inclined to believe that he's taking "cozen" as a term of endearment from a man whose family has similar geographical roots. These days, at least in the U.S. and on a less formal basis, the term would be "homeboy" or "homey."

Grahamt  •  Link

Cozen as a verb is to cheat:
but as a noun it means cousin. A cheat (noun) is a cozener, not a cozen.
Calling someone "cousin" in friendship is similar to calling someone "brother" or "bro'" when they aren't related.
I am sure I have heard the diminutive of cousin - coz - used in the north of England in the past like we would use "mate" or "buddy", (another diminutive of brother) but I can't recall exact time and place.

Linda Camidge  •  Link

I think in other parts of the world "cousin" and other family relationship terms are still used more loosely than in the west. In Egypt, for example, I've heard many shop-keepers and taxi-drivers claim ties of kin with men they want you to do business with, such as "brother" (any relative) and "cousin" ("someone I know").

Second Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

I was introduced by a known customer to the proprietor of a pizza-parlor in New Haven, CT, by a cousin-in-law as a cousin. Old-world style.

Terry Foreman  •  Link

The House of Commons Journal today reports -- aside from the Downton Election results -- many measures for the King's Restoration, incl. that "General Edward Mountague, one of the Generals at Sea, do observe such Commands, as the King's Majesty shall please to give him, for Disposal of the Fleet, or any Part thereof, in order to his Majesty's Return:"…

Terry Foreman  •  Link

House of Lords Journal likewise, including the stipulation that

King to be proclaimed in Dunkirk.
ORDERED, That the Proclamation for proclaiming His Majesty be sent to Dunkirke, that His Majesty be proclaimed there.…

Presumably this is so that there is no question that Charles returns as King.

Dick Wilson  •  Link

With reference to non-related people...To address a woman as "Sister" can be both an honoring, honorable title and also a condescending put-down, quite apart from the British practice of addressing all female nurses as "Sister", whether they are religious or not. "Uncle" can be both positive and negative. "Gramps" or "Grandma" to someone not your grandparent, is negative. "Auntie" can be both. There are plenty of uses for "son" and related terms, but few for "daughter". I cannot think of any uses for niece or nephew. Perhaps these meanings derive from stereotypical characters within in a family, used to describe a person outside the family.

Terry Foreman  •  Link

In Commons today among the "many measures for the King's Restoration" is ordered

King's Arms restored.

¶Ordered, By the Commons assembled in Parliament, that the Arms of this Commonwealth, where-ever they are standing, be forthwith taken down; and that the King's Majesty's Arms be set up instead thereof:…

Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of England from 1660 to 1689 used by King Charles II and James II…

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"Up very early, writing a letter to the King, as from the two Generals of the fleet, in answer to his letter to them, wherein my Lord do give most humble thanks for his gracious letter and declaration; and promises all duty and obedience to him."

L&M: Bodl., Clar. 72, ff. 280-1, 9 May; a draft of the King's reply (13/23 May) is in BM, Egerton 2537, f. 39r.

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"As we were sitting down to dinner, in comes Noble with a letter from the House of Lords to my Lord, to desire him to provide ships to transport the Commissioners to the King, which are expected here this week."

L&M: Cf. LJ, xi. 18.

Terry Foreman  •  Link

William Sanderson's biography of Charles I

A compleat history of the life and raigne of King Charles from his cradle to his grave collected and written by William Sanderson, Esq.
Sanderson, William, Sir, 1586?-1676.
London: Printed for Humphrey Moseley, Richard Tomlins, and George Sawbridge, 1658.
Early English Books Online [full text]…

Third Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

I note Montagu was too wise to have an opinion about the breeding of this cousin of Monck's -- Sir Peter Killigrew's family was everywhere, and very well connected.

Stroll along Grove Place opposite Discovery Quay in Falmouth and you will find Arwenack House. It is the oldest building in town, originally built in 1385 and rebuilt around 1567-1571 by Sir John Killigrew, the first Governor of Pendennis Castle. At the time it was described as ‘the finest and most costly house in the country’.

The Killigrew family were the most powerful family in Cornwall and lived there for about 16 generations. And they were also notorious as Mary Killigrew, Sir John Killigrew’s wife, was also one of Cornwall’s most infamous pirates!

Much of Arwenack House was destroyed during the Civil Wars when it was the headquarters of the Roundhead Army besieging Pendennis Castle, so it was rebuilt again in 1786.

It was Sir Peter Killigrew MP who was persuaded by Charles II to make the town the Royal Mail Packet Station.

The Killigrew's dominance ended in the 18th century when the heir was killed in a duel. His son-in-law took the Killigrew name – but had no heirs bringing to an end one of the most powerful dynasties in Cornwall.…

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

When I said the Killigrews were everywhere, I should have directed you to the last paragraph of this story, and the physical evidence of Charles II's liaisons during the Interregnum:…

What "Black Betty's" relationship was to Sir Peter, I do not know. Cousin - sister - aunt???

MartinVT  •  Link

Sam lost another 5s at ninepins today. So far in the diary, he has mentioned playing the game 8 times. The first time, on 4/28, he says he won a crown (5s) but his opponent stiffed him. Once, he says he "won something," amount not specified. Twice, he mentions playing but doesn't specify any amount lost or gained. (But if he were winning he'd have mentioned it, one would think.) Three times, he lost 5s, and once (to my Lord) 9s. So, he appears to be down 24 shillings, or a pound and four shillings, against his net worth of 40 pounds mentioned a few days back. So he has gambled away 3 percent of his net worth. Let's keep an eye on this situation.

Tonyel  •  Link

Sounds like a typical bar room scam to me - let the mark win the first game and then ' Oh bad luck old chap! Double or quits?'

Stephane Chenard  •  Link

Seen in the State Papers, amid the delirious outpourings of joy and relief which, if we believe our various sources, are greeting the newes of the king's return in London and beyond - and there's a lot that Sam is missing on while he bowls away the days... This very official letter from the ever-suffering Victualling Office to the Admiralty, dated May 9th:

"The State's occasions of late have called for considerable quantities of beer from the several brewers". Lol, we say. Alas, it continues: "... whereby there is much owing them from this office, them having not yet received what is due for them" since months back, la la la, the usual. Could everybody just be a tad less merry? If the mood could turn to revenge or disillusion just a bit early, you know, it'd help in that quarter.

john  •  Link

This week's Economist reported on an archaeological paper about life on board ships from various insect remains on two contemporary ships. I added an entry with details to General Ship Information (…)

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

"As we were sitting down to dinner, in comes Noble with a letter from the House of Lords to my Lord, to desire him to provide ships to transport the Commissioners to the King, which are expected here this week."

I suspect this wasn't Pepys' father's servant, Jack Noble. That the House of Lords would entrust such a document to the servant of a tailor sounds highly unlikely to me.
Or did he work for the House of Lords, get fired probably, and years later go to work for John Pepys Snr.? Again, it's highly unlikely my question will ever be answered.

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