Friday 19 June 1663

Lay till 6 o’clock, and then up and to my office, where all the morning, and at noon to the Exchange, and coming home met Mr. Creed, and took him back, and he dined with me, and by and by came Mr. Moore, whom I supplied with 30l., and then abroad with them by water to Lambeth, expecting to have seen the Archbishop lie in state; but it seems he is not laid out yet. And so over to White Hall, and at the Privy Seal Office examined the books, and found the grant of increase of salary to the principall officers in the year 1639, 300l. among the Controller, Surveyor, and Clerk of the Shippes. Thence to Wilkinson’s after a good walk in the Park, where we met on horseback Captain Ferrers; who tells us that the King of France is well again, and that he saw him train his Guards, all brave men, at Paris; and that when he goes to his mistress, Madame la Valiere, a pretty little woman, now with child by him, he goes with his guards with him publiquely, and his trumpets and kettle-drums with him, who stay before the house while he is with her; and yet he says that, for all this, the Queen do not know of it, for that nobody dares to tell her; but that I dare not believe. Thence I to Wilkinson’s, where we had bespoke a dish of pease, where we eat them very merrily, and there being with us the little gentleman, a friend of Captain Ferrers, that was with my wife and I at a play a little while ago, we went thence to the Rhenish wine-house, where we called for a red Rhenish wine called Bleahard, a pretty wine, and not mixed, as they say.

Here Mr. Moore showed us the French manner, when a health is drunk, to bow to him that drunk to you, and then apply yourself to him, whose lady’s health is drunk, and then to the person that you drink to, which I never knew before; but it seems it is now the fashion.

Thence by water home and to bed, having played out of my chamber window on my pipe before I went to bed, and making Will read a part of a Latin chapter, in which I perceive in a little while he will be pretty ready, if he spends but a little pains in it.

38 Annotations

First Reading

Bradford  •  Link

Don M., Your Question Answered:

"Lay till 6 o’clock."

"to Lambeth, expecting to have seen the Archbishop lie in state; but it seems he is not laid out yet."

Captain Ferrers, however, never disappoints, though isn't it curious that Pepys never seems to find out the name of the Cap's little gentleman sidekick?

TerryF  •  Link

"the little gentleman, a friend of Captain Ferrers" = likely Emanuel Luffe

See Wed June 10 - "Captain Ferrers his friend, the little man that used to be with him"… and the annotation referencing 7 December 1661: “This morning comes Captain Ferrers and the German, Emanuel Luffe, who goes as one of my Lord’s footmen….”…

I wonder why Pepys doesn't remember his name?

TerryF  •  Link

Good to have a German with you at the Rhenish wine-house

or perhaps Luffe suggested the venue?

Australian Susan  •  Link

Although it does not seem to be interesting Sam (yet), the death of Juxon (ArchB of Cantab.)means that the election of the next ArchB will be the first done under the new restored regime and will be a good indicator of where Charles wants the Church to go and what sort of Episcopacy he wants. Could be crucial. The Revd Josselin and many others will be anxiously awaiting the news.

dirk  •  Link

"and by and by came Mr. Moore, whom I supplied with 30£."

Does anybody know -- or is willing to speculate about -- the background of this?

dirk  •  Link


In Sam's time Bleichert (also: Bleichart) was not as much the name of a specific wine, but rather the customary term for light red / rosé wines from the Ahr and Rhine area. The German word "bleich" means "pale".

"Ich hab minen bleichart, auch geschenkten neuwen wein mit zum besten geben und sin frolich gewest." [transl. "I have given my 'bleichart', also presented new wine of the best and have been very merry."] -- "Liber senectutis", Hermann von Weinsberch (1582)


BTW, this "Liber senectutis" makes good reading (if you read 16th c. German). It's full of anecdotes, verses, quotations etc... -- or in the words of the author: "etlichen clausulen und versen (das alterthomb betreffende) aus den authoren, poeten, und scribenten gezogen."…

tel  •  Link

and by and by came Mr. Moore, whom I supplied with 30£.
Sam appears to keep his own money in the safety of the Navy Office. Perhaps he keeps some for Montagu for Moore to draw on when needed - a sort of branch office in the City?

tel  •  Link

he goes with his guards with him publiquely, and his trumpets and kettle-drums with him,
Nothing subtle about the Sun King!

A. Hamilton  •  Link

and his trumpets and kettle-drums

Yeats gets the spirit of this passage in "That the night come," in the passage, "lived as 'twere a king, who packed his marriage day with banneret and pennon, trumpet and kettle drum, and the outrageous cannon, to bundle time away....

Robert Gertz  •  Link

Of course the problem with Louis' grand entrance to his mistress' quarters...

"Oh, not now...Louis. I have a terrible headache."

"Oh?..Oh...Right." Louis eyes the small army of trumpeteers, kettle-drum players, etc. The two dwarfs in outfits matching the King's nodding sagely...Head's throbbing myself.


So which of our two Queens gets worse treatment?

Robert Gertz  •  Link

Nice to see Sam taking in some veggies.

TerryF  •  Link

"Clerk of the Shippes"

"Clerk of the Ships," say L&M, with a raise of £80 p.a. in 1639, was the old title of "Clerk of the Acts" (now Mr. Samuel Pepys).

The Comptroller (now Sir John Mennes) was given an extra £120, and the Surveyor (now Sir William Batten) £100.

The salary-raise levels of 1639 provide something of a notion of the pecking-order in the Navy Office.

TerryF  •  Link

L&M seem unfazed that the sum in the Diary is £100 more than the warrant of March 22 1639, which they cite, provides.

Conrad Schweinsberg  •  Link

120 + 80 + 100 = 300
Peas porridge hot,
Peas porridge cold,
Peas porridge in the pot
Nine days old.
Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot
Nine days old.

TerryF  •  Link

Hmmmm. Pease.

TerryF  •  Link

That'll teach me not to add and answer a phone at the same time.

Mary  •  Link

dish of pease.

Given the time of year and the fact that the dish had been bespoken (which implies a prior order) these were probably the early summer fresh, garden peas; delicious when newly picked and cooked with a sprig of mint.

(Pease porridge/pudding is, of course, a dish prepared with dried peas).

Mary  •  Link

"having played out of my chamber window.."

I hope that the neighbours appreciated this bedtime serenade.

andy  •  Link

bedtime serenade...

Nowadays we'd probably serve a Noise Abatement Order on him and confiscate his pipe.

Don McCahill  •  Link

Don M., Your Question Answered

Yes. Seven hours sleep, on occasion, does not seem out of place. But what time does SP normally go to bed, if he is getting up at 4? 8 pm? He must be missing all the good shows on TV.

Martin  •  Link

Will seems to be back in full favor, if his master is now turning him into a Latin scholar.

A.De Araujo  •  Link

Thanks Terry and Dirk for the bleached wine;I googled bleahard and all the references were to Pepys' Diary.

Martin  •  Link

Confused Will and Wayneman.

A. Hamilton  •  Link

Mr. Moore showed us the French manner, when a health is drunk

Moore sings the chorus from "Le trente-et-un du mois d'aout"

Buvons un coup, buvons-en deux,
A la santé des amoureux,
A la santé du roi de France.
Et merde pour le roi d'Angleterre
Qui nous a déclaré la guerre !

Pepys slinks away

language hat  •  Link

DonM, you must get a lot of sleep.
Most people I know get at *most* seven hours a night, and when I was around 30 I and everyone I knew routinely got considerably less. Trust me, it's perfectly possible to function that way, even if it's not ideal.

andy  •  Link

Et merde pour le Roi d’Angleterre

31 August 1800, but maybe the chorus was earlier?

I have also heard " Reine..." quite recently!

TerryF  •  Link

"The pecking-order in the Navy Office."

"Unit coherence," a value in the military, was enforced in the Navy Office, whose officers lived in conjoined apartments within sight of the office they shared.

Sir John Mennes b. 1599
Sir William Penn b. 1621
Sir William Batten b. 1626
Samuel Pepys b. 1633

The first three shared experience of many years at sea and in sea battles; but Pepys was an outsider, a patronage appointment by the Earl of Sandwich, a rival of Sir Wm. Penn.


(The phone call I answered that disturbed my addition [thanks, Conrad Schweinsberg, for the poetic heass-up] was late and long-distance, from my younger brother, who lives two time-zones farther away from GMT, and, alas, earned his first degree in mathematics.)

jerry Atkinson  •  Link

apply yourself to him
Can anyone help me with this phrase?

in Aqua scripto  •  Link

Sleep times: there be a bell curve of values. Mean appears to be 7-8 hrs. Many I've known, that it be 4 hrs and then on with the motley, even late in life with no ill effects.[ALPHA types]. Others, it be 10 hours and still snoring after.
Trying to standardise human behavours and functions into neat little boxes be against the laws of DNA control.
There be NO perfect food, drink, sex life etc., we are not 'eneries little model T's, all in one shade of paint.

in Aqua scripto  •  Link

On the Balcony,there be the ADC with his Fleuret 'de lis' flying hi, then when he drops the flag[epee], the Drum roll begins.
I wonder why?

Australian Susan  •  Link

Sleep patterns

Mrs Thatcher was famous for only ever having 5 hours of sleep a night and chid her minions and ministers for needing more!

Second Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"found the grant of increase of salary to the principall officers in the year 1639, 300l. among the Controller, Surveyor, and Clerk of the Shippes. "

Cf. CSPD 1638-9, p. 592:… secretary's warrant (22 March 1639) for the issue of a privy seal awarding increases of £120 p.a. to the Controller, £100 to the Surveyor and £80 to the Clerk of the Ships (the old form of the title of Pepys's office). (L&M footnote)

Chris Squire UK  •  Link

OED has:

‘apply, v. < Anglo-Norman applier,
. . 13. a. intr. To make an approach to (a person) for information or aid; to have recourse or make application to, to appeal to; to make a (formal) request for.
. . 1661 R. L'Estrange Relaps'd Apostate sig. B2, Kept from them, to whom they seemingly apply for Satisfaction.

. . b. trans. (refl.). = sense 13a. Now arch. and rare.
. . 1650 T. Bayly Worcesters Apophthegmes 22, I spied a young man..I applyed myself to him.

14. trans. To address or direct (words) to. Now arch. and rare.
. . 1725 Pope tr. Homer Odyssey III. x. 32 And sacred vows, and mystic song apply'd To griesly Pluto.
1843 C. F. Briggs Bankrupt Stories i. iv. 33 The little fellow..applied an epithet to the house-keeper which it is hoped he did not fully understand . . ‘

The phrase is ‘. . apply yourself to him, whose lady’s health is drunk . . ‘; it is the transitive reflexive version of 14. When you propose a toast to the absent wife of another, you should address them directly and turn to them and half-bow in you seat, I think, instead of merely turning towards them or not even doing that.

No doubt a book of advice for young gentlemen would explain all.

Third Reading

Ruslan  •  Link

jerry Atkinson on 20 Jun 2006:
> apply yourself to him
Can anyone help me with this phrase?

I read this passage:

Here Mr. Moore showed us the French manner, when a health is drunk, to bow to him that drunk to you, and then apply yourself to him, whose lady’s health is drunk, and then to the person that you drink to, which I never knew before; but it seems it is now the fashion.

Like so:

Mr. Moore showed us the French custom of toasting, which involves bowing to the person who toasted you, then to the person whose lady's health is being toasted, and finally to the person you're toasting. I didn't know this before, but it seems to be the fashion now.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Manners, etiquette, knowing what was expected and what was "in" -- these things could easily upset the gentlemanly image Pepys was creating.

But on the other hand, he's still playful enough to lean out of his bedroom window to play his pipe before bed. I trust it was on the garden side of the building so his neighbors could enjoy it.

And finally the fatherly gesture of checking up on Will's Latin homework. If he only did it today, it won't count for much -- but if Pepys does this over time (even if he doesn't record it in the Diary) it explains why Hewer remained his friend for life.

But this does end my idea that Hewer had gone to University. He must have been a bright, home schooled kid with lots of exposure to the family counting house.

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