Annotations and comments

Terry Foreman has posted 16,447 annotations/comments since 28 June 2005.


Third Reading

About Tuesday 19 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Butler House, Kilkenny

Butler House was built so that it was completed by 1786 as the Dower house for Kilkenny Castle. It was built by Walter Butler, 16th Earl of Ormonde for his wife to live in when their son John Butler, 17th Earl of Ormonde inherited the title.[1][2][3] The first occupant was Lady Eleanor Butler, though it isn't certain if she and her husband moved in before his death.[4] Her daughter Eleanor was one of the Ladies of Llangollen.[5]

James Butler, 1st Marquess of Ormonde lived in the house while he was doing significant reconstruction work on the Castle 1831. A local cholera epidemic in 1832 meant that the family used the house as the site of a soup kitchen. The house was substantially extended about this time as well.[6][7]…

About Saturday 16 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

In the House of Commons today

Prize Goods.

Ordered, That the Committee of this House for Discoveries do inform themselves, what Prize Goods remain in the Hands of the present Collectors or Commissioners for Prize Goods; and that they cause an Inventory to be forthwith taken thereof, and the said Goods to be secured: And they are also to require from the said Collectors, a speedy and perfect Account of all the Prize Goods by them received, and to see how the same stands upon the Foot thereof; and to appoint a Cheque, to take Notice of their Accounts, and of the Method by them used in making up their Accounts, in such Sort, that all Deceits to the State may be prevented: In order whereunto, the Committee are to cause a perfect Inventory to be made of all Books relating to the said Accounts: And that the said Books be put into the Hands of some indifferent Person, where the Committee and Collectors may freely resort to them upon all Occasions: And the Committee are also to take care, that the said Collectors do not further intermeddle in any future Prize Goods, whether already condemned, or in a Way of Condemnation; and that other faithful and fit Persons be appointed to take care thereof, that the Goods may be reserved for the Use of the State, or Proprietors, according to Justice: And all Members of this House, who are Merchants, are added to the same Committee.…

About Thursday 14 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

In the House of Lords this day.

Major Rolph, for conspiring the Death of the late King, in the Isle of Wight.

This Day Major Rolph was brought to the Bar as a Delinquent; and Richard Osborne, and Dowcett, the Witnesses, had their Oath given them at the Bar.

And then Osborne was demanded what he had to charge Major Rolph withal.

And he produced a printed Paper formerly printed, which were Letters he formerly (fn. 1) wrote: (Here enter them.) And Osborne said, upon his Oath, "That the Matter in that printed Paper was true."

Dowcett also delivered in a Paper of Information; which was read: (Here enter it.) And he avouched the same to be true, by the Oath that he had taken. But nothing new, but what was formerly given in Evidence.

Major Rolph was asked what he could say for (fn. 2) himself, to quit him for this horrid Offence of conspiring the late King's Death at Carrisbrooke Castle.

He denied himself to be guilty of any such horrid Thing, as to have a Design to make away the King at Carisbrooke Castle: That he was for this Business tried at Winchester Assizes, by Order of both Houses of Parliament; and was there quitted by the Grand Jury. And he laid Hold upon the King's Gracious Offer of Pardon, in His Declaration.

The Lord Chancellor being now present, the Lord Chief Baron adjourned the House during Pleasure; and the Lord Chancellor sat upon the Woolsack as Speaker, and resumed the House.

ORDERED, That this Business concerning Rolph be recommended to the Judges, to consider and state this Business, and report to this House, that their Lordships may see whether there be Ground sufficient to except the said Rolph from His Majesty's Gracious Offer of Pardon.…

About Wednesday 13 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

House of Commons today

Proclamation against Profaneness.
A MESSAGE from the Lords, by * * and Dr. Child, Masters of Chancery;The Lords desire the Concurrence of this House with them in a Petition to his Majesty, for publishing his Majesty's Proclamation concerning debauched Persons thorough the Nation; and for requiring the several Ministers to read the same in their several Congregations:- And therewith delivered a Petition; which was read.Ordered, That this House doth concur with the Lords in the said Petition.The Messengers being called in again, Mr. Speaker gave them this Answer;The House have considered of your Message; and read the Petition which you brought from the Lords; and do concur with the Lords therein.The Tenor of the Petition is as followeth;To the King's most Excellent Majesty:The humble Petition of the Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled.
¶The Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, do bless God, that he hath put it into your Majesty's Heart to issue out the Proclamation, lately made against vicious, debauched, and profane Persons; and do humbly thank your Majesty for your pious Care therein expressed, for discountenancing and suppressing the said debauched Persons, and the Vices therein mentioned: And, that the same may take the more Effect, they do humbly pray your Majesty, that you would be graciously pleased to issue out Proclamations by the Advice of both your Houses of Parliament, that each Minister, in each Parish and Chapel within this your Realm of England, and Dominion of Wales, and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, shall and may, once in a Month, for Six Months, next following, in their respective Congregations, read the said Proclamation concerning the said debauched Persons; and may then press the observing of the Duties therein enjoined, and the avoiding of the Vices therein forbidden.…

About Monday 11 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

In the House of Commons today - Mountagu and Pepys etc. are implicated

Oath of Supremacy and Allegiance.
Mr. Pryn reports from the Committee, that, upon comparing the Returns of Members to serve in this House, with the List of those who have taken the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, before the Lord Steward, and the Commissioners deputed by him; he finds the Number of those, who have taken the said Oaths, amount unto Four hundred Fifty-five; and that he knows not that any sitting Member of the House hath refused to take them.

Ordered, That the Lord General be desired to take effectual Order, that the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance be administred to all the Officers and Soldiers of the Army, under his Command; and for that End the Lord Chancellor of England is desired to issue forth Commissions, under the Great Seal of England, directed to such Persons, as the Lord General shall nominate and appoint, for authorizing them to administer the said Oaths to the said Officers and Soldiers accordingly.

Ordered, That the Lord High Admiral of England be desired to take effectual Order, that the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance be administred to all the Captains, Commanders, Officers, and Mariners, of the Navy and Fleet: And the Lord Chancellor is desired to issue Commissions, under the Great Seal, directed to such Persons as the Lord High Admiral shall nominate and appoint, for authorizing them to administer the same Oaths accordingly.

Resolved, That his Majesty be humbly moved, that he will be pleased to issue forth his Proclamation, requiring that all and every Person and Persons, in this Realm, who by Law ought to take the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, do take the said Oaths accordingly; and that the Laws in that Behalf be put in Execution.…

About Sunday 10 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

June. 10. God good to me in divers mercies and also to mine, the season very comfortable, a great calm in the country, the Kings proclamation against debauched courses a cut to the gentry of England, oh lord make him a nursing Father to thy people., god good to me in some spirit, keeping it in sweet peace, dependence on him, oh that my heart were more lively and active in the service of god.…

About Friday 8 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Bill's post "The anthem, "They that go down to the sea in ships,"...." takes us away from Pepys's text of the day and toward a very deep theme of it:

Psalm 107:23-31 KJV
They that go down to the sea in ships, That do business in great waters; These see the works of the LORD, And his wonders in the deep. For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind, Which lifteth up the waves thereof.…

Bill didn't link us to the anthem's website; for so early an anthem there are these:

Henry Purcell - They That Go Down to the Sea in Ships - 1685…

Euroclydon An Anthem - They that go down to the Sea in Ships…

About Friday 8 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

And in Lords this day - 6/8/1600

House to wait on the King, to thank Him for His Declaration.
ORDERED, That this whole House in a Body shall wait upon His Majesty, to give Him humble Thanks, for His Gracious Favour and Offer of Pardon in His Majesty's Declaration; and to let His Majesty know, that the Peers humbly accept thereof: And the Lord Chamberlain is appointed by the House presently to wait upon His Majesty, to know what Time His Majesty will please to appoint for this House to wait upon Him.…

About Friday 8 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Meanwhile in Commons in Westminster

King appoints to be attended.
Mr. Hollis makes Report that, according to the Order of this House, his Majesty had been attended by himself, and some other Members of this House, with the Resolves of this House of Yesterday, declaring that their Laying hold of his Majesty's Grace and Favour, expressed in his Majesty's gracious Letters and Declaration; which Resolves were read unto his Majesty; and that his Majesty hath appointed to give a Meeting to this House in the Banquetting House at Whitehall, at Three of the Clock this Afternoon, concerning that Business.…

About Thursday 7 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Meanwhile -- in the House of Commons in Westminster

The King to be attended.
¶Resolved, That this House, with their Speaker, do attend his Majesty, and present this their Vote and Declaration to him; with their humble Desire that it may be as effectual to all his Subjects in particular, (except as before excepted) as if every of them had at any time, since the First of May last, personally laid hold upon his Majesty's Grace and Pardon; and by publick Act declared their doing so; and that his Majesty would be graciously pleased to declare his Acceptance hereof accordingly; and by his Royal Proclamation, to assure the Hearts of his Subjects of the same.

Resolved, That the Members of this House, who are of his Majesty's Privy Council, or some of them, do give Intimation to his Majesty of these Votes; and desire his Majesty to be pleased to appoint, when, and where, this House shall wait on his Majesty.…

About Wednesday 6 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

John Downes (prompter)

John Downes (died c. 1712) worked as a prompter at the Duke's Company, and later the United Company, for most of the Restoration period 1660–1700. His "historical review of the stage", Roscius Anglicanus (1708), is an invaluable source for historians both of Restoration and of Stuart theater.…

About Wednesday 6 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

And in Lords today in Westminster

about the Queen's jointure:
To desire a present Conference, about Matters of great Importance.

Heads for this Conference.
The Heads of this Conference to be, "That the House of Commons would take into Consideration the Queen's Majesty's Jointure, that for the future it may be duly paid Her, according to the solemn Contract between the Two Crowns; and Her Majesty to be considered for the Arrears since the late Distractions; and Consideration to be had of the Purchasers."

The Lord Chancellor is appointed by the House to manage this Conference.…

About Wednesday 6 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Meanwhile in the House of Commons in Westminster

Letter from Duke of York…

Members to take Oaths.
Resolved, That the Members of this House, who are commissionated and deputed by the Lord Steward of his Majesty's Houshold, to administer the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, in his Absence, to the other Members of this House, do compare with the Roll of the Knights, Citizens, Burgesses, and Barons, returned to serve in this Parliament, the List of the Names of those who have taken the said Oath before the Lord Steward, or the said Commissioners; and thereupon report to the House, what Members, returned to serve, have not taken the said Oaths; to the end it may appear whether any that have not taken the said Oaths do sit in this House.…

About Tuesday 5 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"we made barber’s music"

From the 16th until the 18th century the cittern was a common English barber shop instrument, kept in waiting areas for customers to entertain themselves and others with, and popular sheet music for the instrument was published to that end.[3] The top of the pegbox was often decorated with a small carved head, perhaps not always of great artistic merit; in Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost, the term "cittern-head" is used as an insult:[4][5]

HOLOFERNES: What is this?
BOYET: A cittern-head.
DUMAIN: The head of a bodkin.
BIRON: A Death's face in a ring.…

About Sunday 3 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Commons' Thanksgiving Day Proclamation (posted above) ordained that "some solemn set apart for the publick Performance of this Duty, and that all your Majesty's Subjects in England and Wales, and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed"

Why "the Town of Berwick upon Tweed" -- as though it is as sovereign as England and Wales?

Berwick-upon-Tweed has long existed on the borders of change between England and Scotland – a predicament that’s led to the creation of an altogether different identity…

About Sunday 3 June 1660

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Meanwhile in Parliament in Westminster

Thanksgiving Day.
Mr. Finch reports, that, according to the Commands of this House, he carried to the Lords the Petition for setting apart a Day of publick Thanksgiving; and their Answer, "That that whole House doth unanimously concur, with this House, in that Petition to be presented to his Majesty:" The same being as followeth; viz.

To the King's most Excellent Majesty:

Humbly shew unto our Sovereign Lord the King, the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled:

That such is the inestimable Blessing of your Majesty's Restitution to your Royal Throne, which, at once, hath put a Period to the Calamities of Three Kingdoms, and to all the Sorrows and Sufferings of your Royal Person and Family, that we cannot but account it is an Entrance into that State of Joy and Happiness, which obligeth all your Subjects to render an everlasting Tribute of Praise and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for these glorious Mercies, which he hath vouchsafed to his afflicted People.

And to the End that some solemn Time may be set apart for the publick Performance of this Duty, and that all your Majesty's Subjects in England and Wales, and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, who equally share in the Joys of this Deliverance, may be united in those Devotions, which are offered for it;

¶We therefore humbly beseech your Majesty, that your Majesty will be pleased, by your Royal Proclamation, to set apart some such Day for a publick Thanksgiving, throughout all these your Majesty's Dominions, as to your Majesty's great Wisdom shall seem meet.…