News about this site and other Pepys-related events.

Annotation formatting fixed

Thanks for being patient over the last few days of nastily unreadable annotations. I’ve finally found the problem and everything should be working fine (well, as fine as it was last week, anyway). I’d changed a setting in Movable Type without realising what other effects it might have. If you want to know more about the cause read on here.

Annotation formatting strangeness

You’ve probably noticed that annotations are looking rather odd at the moment — the text is too large and there are no paragraph breaks. I’m not sure what’s up — Movable Type isn’t formatting them correctly all of a sudden — and for the moment I’m stumped.

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London birthday meet up, 25th Feb

Glyn Thomas has had the idea of organising a meet-up for any readersof the site who’d like to get together in person. It’s Pepys’ birthday very soon so it seems as good an excuse as any (but apologies for the short notice).

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Server errors when annotating

If you post annotations on the site you may well have found you get error messages when trying to do so. It’s happened to me a few times and I don’t post nearly as much as many of you, so I can only apologise for your frustrations!

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