2 September 1672
2 September 1672
I am surprised with the coming back to my hand of a packet directed to you so long ago as you will find by its date to Burlington Bay, occasioned (I suppose) by the fleet’s departure thence, and its being handed from place to place after you. However (as late as it is) I am glad I understood its miscarriage, least I might otherwise have continued longer under an unbecoming silence to you, with regard to the matter both of it and yours to which it was in answer, and for which I do now repeat to you my most faithful acknowledgement.
I have newly come to understand my Lord Howard being in town, and endeavoured, but without success to kiss his hands but shall attempt it again. However, least by the strictness of my attendance here I may be prevented therein as much by his lordship’s sudden leaving the town, as I was by the lateness of my knowledge of his coming to it, I beg you to present his lordship with the enclosed and to do me the needful favours (whereof yourself are the best judge) both towards his Royal Highness and my Lord, for the rendering effectual to me the honour and favour they have been pleased to propound me.
Sir Robert Paston’s promotion is by all taken as certain, though the forms for it are not yet passed.
As for business, you will please to be referred to the packet that accompanies this from the board, which shall ease you of further trouble from my particular, more than the taking my most unfeigned acknowledgements of your favour to
Honoured Sir
Your most humble and faithful servant
S. P.
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