Saturday 23 September 1665

For Samuell Pepys Esqr

One of the Principall Officers

of His Majesties Navy at Greenewich:

Sayes Court

23 September 16651


There are divers miserably sick prisoners at Wollwich, especialy in this bearers Ship: If they could be conveyd downe to our Fly-boates before Gravesend, Our Chirurgeon there might looke after them; and they have also a Guard; but you know I am prohibited realiving any at Wollwich, even of our Owne men: They might be, I suppose, at Eryth; but how shall we (when recoverd) secure them from running away? At Gravesend we are forc’d to make stay of one of the Flie-boats on purpose, for the numerous Sick-prisoners which we could not march with their fellows to Leeds; therefore I beseech you order them by some meanes or other to be sent (viz, the sick onely) to those Vessels at Gravesend, where there will be care taken for them:

Sir, Since I saw you yesterday, comes notice to me that of the £5000 I was to touch by promise this Weeke from Mr Kingdome2 by order of my Lord Ashley, no lesse then £3000 of it is diverted for other purposes from Oxford3: consider with indignation, the misery, and confusion all will be in at Chatham, and Gravesend, where I was threatnd to have our sick all expos’d, if by Thursday next I do not send them £2000; and in what a condition our prisoners at Leeds, are like to be: If my Lord of Albemarle (to whom I am now hailing4) do not this day helpe me by an high hand5; dreadfull will be the consequences, and I will leave you to consider, at whose doores, this dealing at Oxon is to be layd6; I am almost in despair, so you will pardon the passion of Sir,

your most faithfull Servant:


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