Monday 31 August 1668

Up, and to my office, there to set my journal for all the last week, and so by water to Westminster to the Exchequer, and thence to the Swan, and there drank and did baiser la fille there, and so to the New Exchange and paid for some things, and so to Hercules Pillars, and there dined all alone, while I sent my shoe to have the heel fastened at Wotton’s, and thence to White Hall to the Treasury chamber, where did a little business, and thence to the Duke of York’s playhouse and there met my wife and Deb. and Mary Mercer and Batelier, where also W. Hewer was, and saw “Hamlet,” which we have not seen this year before, or more; and mightily pleased with it; but, above all, with Betterton, the best part I believe, that ever man acted. Thence to the Fayre, and saw “Polichinelle,” and so home, and after a little supper to bed. This night lay the first night in Deb.’s chamber, which is now hung with that that hung our great chamber, and is now a very handsome room. This day Mrs. Batelier did give my wife a mighty pretty Spaniel bitch [Flora], which she values mightily, and is pretty; but as a new comer, I cannot be fond of her.

9 Annotations

First Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"saw "Hamlet," ...and mightily pleased with it; but, above all, with Betterton, the best part I believe, that ever man acted. "

"When an Actor becomes and naturally Looks the Character he stands in, I have often observ'd it to have had as fortunate an Effect, and as much recommended him to the Approbation of the common Auditors, as the most correct or judicious Utterance of the Sentiments: This was strongly visible in the favourable Reception Wilks met with in Hamlet, where I own the Half of what he spoke was as painful to my Ear as every Line that came from Betterton was charming; and yet it is not impossible, could they have come to a Poll, but Wilks might have had a Majority of Admirers: However, such a Division had been no Proof that the Preeminence had not still remain'd in Betterton; and if I should add that Booth, too, was behind Betterton in Othello, it would be saying no more than Booth himself had Judgment and Candour enough to know and confess. And if both he and Wilks are allow'd, in the two above-mention'd Characters, a second Place to so great a Master as Betterton, it will be a Rank of Praise that the best Actors since my Time might have been proud of. "

*An apology for the life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Comedian and Late Patentee of the Theatre-Royal with an Historical View of the Stage during His Own Time, Written by Himself. Third ed., 1750, p. 245 (H/T L&M)

cgs  •  Link

Yesterday a filtch apple ( scrumping)
Today a filtch basos.

Peter Last  •  Link

Robert Gerz,

I am deeply saddened to hear of your great loss and to discover the resource contributing to your perennial wit, in which I have rejoiced again and again. My prayers are with you, and I hope that you may continue as a form of therapy.

Peter Last

AnnieC  •  Link

"a mighty pretty Spaniel bitch...but as a new comer, I cannot be fond of her."
Sam is no longer the centre of attention at home.

Mary  •  Link

"set my journal for all of last week"

Sam is referring to a series of fairly long entries, so perhaps those paper tubes are significantly helping his eyesight.

LKvM  •  Link

You may be right that Sam is in a pout because he is no longer the center of attention at home, but I believe his animus toward Flora has more to do with his loyalty to Elizabeth's previous little black bitch, which was given to her by Balty back when they were still living in Axe Yard. (I believe that at one point Sam may have referred to her as "Fancy," but I can't find that passage now.)
We don't know what happened to her, but this spaniel Flora -- the newcomer -- may be intended to be a replacement for her, and if so, Sam's not having any of it. According to L&M, "cannot be fond" was originally "do not like": i.e., "as [she is] a new comer I do not like her." She can't replace Fancy in his heart.

Second Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

'Charles II: August 1668', in Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II, 1667-8, ed. Mary Anne Everett Green (London, 1893), pp. 516-565. British History Online…

Aug. 31. 1668
Francis Bellott to Williamson.

The George of London, with salt from Lisbon, has sailed for Plymouth,
and the Thomas of London has come in.

Several vessels have arrived to lade pilchards for the Straits.

The Falmouth frigate, a vessel of 80 or 90 tons, has been launched in the
presence of near 2,000 persons, being the ever built in that strand.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 245, No. 104.]

Aug. 31. 1668
Ma. Anderton to Williamson.

The Bishop of Chester died on the 23rd inst. at Wigan;
he is very much lamented, having been a most excellent and
constant preacher, and very charitable.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 245, No. 105.]

Aug. 31. 1668
Thos. Holden to James Hickes.

The Providence of Falmouth has gone for Virginia.
The pilchard ships are still in the harbour.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 245, No. 106.]

Aug. 31. 1668
Warrant to the Earl if Anglesey, Treasurer of the Navy,
to pay out of the customs of November, December, January, and February,
2,271/. due to Manuel de Fonseca,
for French wines belonging to the subjects of the Catholic King and Great Duke of Tuscany,
and seized from their ships by Prince Rupert for the use of the Navy,
the order for payment thereof of 10 May 1667 involving great delay,
without some special warrant, by reason of the precedency of other Navy bills.
[S.P. Dom., Entry Book 26, f. 38.]

Aug. 31. 1668
Daniel Furzer to the Navy Commissioners.

Thanks for their recognition of his endeavours.

Requests release from his business, as it is more loss than gain, and he cannot enter upon any other employment until discharged.

Shall endeavour to satisfy them as to vouching his accounts,
but cannot but mind them of the extreme hardship that both himself and men are in for want of money.

Has not wherewith to support himself and family; prays not to have to want;
if they will order 30/., will make it go as far as he can.

Desires them to appoint some person to dispose of the offal timber in the yard at Conpill, which he values at 100l.
[1-½ pages. S.P. Dom., Car. II. 245, No. 107.]

Aug. 31. 1668
Treasury Chambers.
Sir George Downing to the Navy Commissioners.

The Treasury Commissioners desire you to expedite your report relating to the victualling contract.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 245, No. 109.]

Third Reading

Trevor M Randall  •  Link

This night lay the first night in Deb.’s chamber.

Um I might’ve missed something but what’s going on here? Deb was watching Hamlet an hour or two ago, so she’s not out of town….why is Sam sleeping in her room?

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