Tuesday 2 July 1667
Up, and put on my new silke camelott suit, made of my cloak, and suit now made into a vest. So to the office, where W. Pen and myself, and Sir T. Harvy met, the first time we have had a meeting since the coming of the Dutch upon this coast. Our only business (for we have little else to do, nobody being willing to trust us for anything) was to speak with the owners of six merchantmen which we have been taking up this fortnight, and are yet in no readiness, they not fitting their ships without money advanced to them, we owing them for what their ships have earned the last year. So every thing stands still for money, while we want money to pay for some of the most necessary things that we promised ready money for in the height of our wants, as grapnells, &c. At noon home to dinner, and after dinner my wife and Jane (mighty fine the girle) to go to see Jane’s old mistress, who was to see her, and did see my wife the other day, and it is pleasant to hear with what kindness her old mistress speaks of this girle, and how she would still have her, and how the wench cried when she told her that she must come to her old mistress my wife. They gone, I to my chamber, and there dallied a little with my maid Nell … [to touch her thing, but nothing more. – L&M] And so to the office where busy till night, and then comes Mrs. Turner, and walks with me in the garden to talk with me about her husband’s business, and to tell me how she hears at the other end of the town how bad our office is spoken of by the King and Prince and Duke of Albemarle, and that there is not a good word said of any of us but of me; and me they all do speak mightily of, which, whether true or no, I am mighty glad to hear, but from all put together that I hear from other people, I am likely to pass as well as anybody. So, she gone, comes my wife and to walk in the garden, Sir J. Minnes being still ill and so keeping us from singing, and by and by Sir W. Pen come and walked with us and gave us a bottle of Syder, and so we home to supper and to bed. This day I am told that poor Tooker is dead, a very painfull poor man as ever I knew.
10 Annotations
First Reading
Terry Foreman • Link
Filling in the ellipsis
"They gone, I to my chamber, and there dallied a little with my maid Nell to touch her thing, but nothing more."
L&M text.
Terry Foreman • Link
John Evelyn's Diary
2d July, 1667. Called upon my Lord Arlington, as from his Majesty, about the new fuel. The occasion why I was mentioned, was from what I said in my Sylva
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylv… ] three years before, about a sort of fuel for a need, which obstructed a patent of Lord Carlingford, who had been seeking for it himself; he was endeavoring to bring me into the project, and proffered me a share. I met my Lord; and, on the 9th, by an order of Council, went to my Lord Mayor, to be assisting. In the meantime they had made an experiment of my receipt of houllies [ a mixture of charcoal and loam ], which I mention in my book to be made at Maestricht, with a mixture of charcoal dust and loam, and which was tried with success at Gresham College (then being the exchange for the meeting of the merchants since the fire) for everybody to see.
This done, I went to the Treasury for £12,000 for the sick and wounded yet on my hands.
cum salis grano • Link
a little re cycling
"Up, and put on my new silke camelott suit, made of my cloak, and suit now made into a vest. "
JWB • Link
"Mr. Tooker, whom I have brought into the Navy to serve us as a husband to see goods timely shipped off from hence to the Fleete and other places..."Apr,5,'65
Bradford • Link
You're right, JWB, "painful" means "painstaking"---L&M Companion, Large Glossary.
Robert Gertz • Link
"Sir J. Minnes being still ill and so keeping us from singing..."
"Oh, God's sakes, Pepys! Not another round of 'Beauty Retire' on those damned pipes. I'm still ill."
No offense to poor Mrs. Turner but given we see no signs of ... in his encounters with her is it that her husband is rather formidable? or Sam finds her above the social bar for casual ... ? Or she is not exactly Sam's type? Perhaps even something to do with the name, since beloved cousin Jane's is Turner? More seriously I wonder if it's an indication...At least one can hope...That Sam requires some faint sign of interest on the lady's part? At least if she is above that social bar.
Second Reading
Terry Foreman • Link
"and after dinner my wife and Jane (mighty fine the girle) to go to see Jane’s old mistress, who was to see her, and did see my wife the other day"
L&M: Jane Birch had been out of the Pepys's service between 1663 and 1666. The name of the mistress here mentioned is unknown.
Terry Foreman • Link
"then comes Mrs. Turner, and walks with me in the garden to talk with me about her husband’s business"
L&M: See https://www.pepysdiary.com/diary/… and https://www.pepysdiary.com/diary/…
San Diego Sarah • Link
"In the meantime they had made an experiment of my receipt of houllies [a mixture of charcoal and loam], which I mention in my book to be made at Maestricht, with a mixture of charcoal dust and loam, and which was tried with success at Gresham College (then being the exchange for the meeting of the merchants since the fire) for everybody to see."
John Evelyn and the Royal Society are trying to find an alternative fuel so the people of London can cook and be warm without the pollution made by seacoal. (I remember the killer smogs of the 1950's, so I guess it didn't work.)
john • Link
" that there is not a good word said of any of us but of me; and me they all do speak mightily of, which, whether true or no, I am mighty glad to hear"
Personal succour in bitter times.