Saturday 11 February 1664/65

Up and to my office, where all the morning. At noon to ’Change by coach with my Lord Brunkard, and thence after doing much business home to dinner, and so to my office all the afternoon till past 12 at night very busy. So home to bed.

15 Annotations

First Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

H.R.H. the Lord Admiral and his assistant write letters to the Admiral-at-Sea

James, Duke of York, to Sandwich
Written from: St James's

Date: 11 February 1665

Shelfmark: MS. Carte 75, fol(s). 155
Document type: Holograph

Has sent the 'Fairfax' and the 'Newcastle' to supply the place of the 'London' and the 'Montagu', in the Squadron. The former limit of time, as to his Lordship's distance from the Downs when cruizing, is removed; leaving the matter wholly to his discretion.

William Coventry to Sandwich
Written from: St James's

Date: 11 February 1665

Shelfmark: MS. Carte 75, fol(s). 157
Document type: Holograph

The Archbishop of Canterbury is providing Chaplains for the Fleet, by appointing fitting men whether beneficed or not.

Mentions the frequency of reports of disasters to the ships' masts, which may possibly arise from incaution in the setting up of the new shrouds.…

Terry Foreman  •  Link

How the Irish became firemen

Ormond to Ossory
Written from: [Whitehall]

Date: 11 February 1665

Shelfmark: MS. Carte 145, fol(s). 118-120
Document type: Copy [in Letter Book]

His Majesty, having taken into consideration the great want of seamen in his Fleet, and the consequent necessity of maintaining the same with good & able foot soldiers, directs the Lord Deputy to consider & to report whether 1,000 good firemen [i.e. good firelockmen], or at the least 500 such, officered only by serjeants and corporals, can be supplied from Ireland ...

If they can be spared, the due orders are to be given forthwith in that behalf ...…

firelock - a muzzle loader that had a flintlock type of gunlock
flintlock - an obsolete gunlock that has flint embedded in the hammer; the flint makes a spark that ignites the charge
muzzle loader - an obsolete firearm that was loaded through the muzzle.…

jeannine  •  Link

“Journals of the Earl of Sandwich” edited by R.C. Anderson

11th. Saturday. Wind at W.S.W. fresh but little sea. Thick sleety weather, not cold. At noon S.W. cold and fresh. At 2 oclock in the afternoon weighed and anchored again in Southwold Bay in the evening. We ran this day W.N.W. ½ northerly, 7.5 leagues.
In the Southwold Bay a S.S.E. moon makes high water. It runs whole tide. The stream of the tide sets. S.S.W. and N. N.E.

Pedro  •  Link

Intelligencer Latest.


"The Royal Charles has been careened afloat this week, and the Royal James is to follow on Monday next; which is an experiment of great use and never practised before."

(Memorials of Sir William Pen by his grandson Granville Penn.)

Australian Susan  •  Link

We've all had days like Sam's - low beat, hard work, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Wish we knew what was going on in the household across the Navy Office yard.......

Robert Gertz  •  Link

Mercer continues to survive...A new record.


"Promotion, Mr. Bagwell? What promotion? I believe I merely told your wife when she came by that I would be happy to report favorably on your work so long as it continues well."

JWB  •  Link

With Terry's note, recall reading (think Pilbrick) that during King Philip's War (1675), the Indians were better armed than the Puritan/Pilgrim militias having a greater percentage of flintlocks over matchlocks (firelocks). But then after Bellesiles, who ya gonna believe?

JWB  •  Link

With Terry's note, recall reading (think Philbrick) that during King Philip's War (1675), the Indians were better armed than the Puritan/Pilgrim militias having a greater percentage of flintlocks over matchlocks (firelocks). But then after Bellesiles, who/what ya gonna believe?

Terry Foreman  •  Link

The House of Lords this day -- 11.2.1665 -- and many other days is so like a court in which the offended hear their own causes, with matters decided both petty and touching upon contumely and affronts to some noble's dignity or freedom (as cgs noted) taken "Upon Oath made at the Bar of this House...."

Just seems strange to this 21st-century Yank.

Pedro  •  Link

“Has sent the ‘Fairfax’ and the ‘Newcastle’ to supply the place of the ‘London’ and the ‘Montagu’, in the Squadron.”

Sandwich had gone to sea in July in the London, which is now called back and to be assigned to Lawson as his flagship for the fleet to be set out in the spring. Sandwich went to the Revenge.

cgs  •  Link

"Just seems strange to this 21st-century Yank."
'twas why there be revolutions, Politics be very simple.
Get privileges without do re me.

The art of politics be
make non privilege be,
privilege not be.
be the fight, it be.

Thanks to that Eliza I for letting the Bard be.

Second Reading

LKvM  •  Link

Carl in Boston, from a French Quarterite: Thank you for remembering Morgus!

Third Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

"... during King Philip's War (1675), the Indians were better armed than the Puritan/Pilgrim militias having a greater percentage of flintlocks over matchlocks (firelocks)"

A new book researched from family archives about King hilip's War:
"Colonist Benjamin Waite, a devoted husband, father, and skilled military scout in King Philip's War, reluctantly obeys orders to guide a brutal attack against a camp of Algonquian Natives.

"After the catastrophic event, Benjamin is burdened with guilt and longs for peace. But the Algonquians, led by the revered sachem Ashpelon, retaliate with vengeance upon Ben's Massachusetts town of Hatfield, capturing over a dozen colonists, including his pregnant wife Martha and their 3 young daughters.

"Hatfield 1677 is a tale of 3 interwoven yet diverging journeys of strength and survival. Benjamin is driven by love and remorse to rescue his family; Martha is forced into captivity and desperately striving to protect her children; and Ashpelon is willing to risk everything to ensure the safety and freedom of his people.

"Based on the lives of the author's ancestors, this riveting and unforgettable novel gives voice to three vastly different experiences in North America during a time before the creation of the Declaration of Independence.

"Then, the land was but a wilderness and a battleground; equality was not yet perceived as self-evident; and liberty and happiness were nothing more than dangerous pursuits.

"Product Details:
Price $17.99
Publisher Acorn Publishing
Publish Date May 21, 2024
Pages 394
Language English
Type Paperback
EAN/UPC 9798885280778"

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