Wednesday 23 September 1663
Up betimes and to my office, where setting down my journall while I was in the country to this day, and at noon by water to my Lord Crew’s, and there dined with him and Sir Thomas, thinking to have them inquire something about my Lord’s lodgings at Chelsey, or any thing of that sort, but they did not, nor seem to take the least notice of it, which is their discretion, though it might be better for my Lord and them too if they did, that so we might advise together for the best, which cannot be while we seem ignorant one to another, and it is not fit for me to begin the discourse. Thence walked to several places about business and to Westminster Hall, thinking to meet Mrs. Lane, which is my great vanity upon me at present, but I must correct it. She was not in the way.
So by water home and to my office, whither by and by came my brother John, who is to go to Cambridge to-morrow, and I did give him a most severe reprimand for his bad account he gives me of his studies. This I did with great passion and sharp words, which I was sorry to be forced to say, but that I think it for his good, forswearing doing anything for him, and that which I have yet, and now do give him, is against my heart, and will also be hereafter, till I do see him give me a better account of his studies. I was sorry to see him give me no answer, but, for aught I see, to hear me without great resentment, and such as I should have had: in his condition. But I have done my duty, let him do his, for I am resolved to be as good as my word. After two hours walking in the garden, till after it was dark, I ended with him and to my office, and there set some papers in order, and so to supper, and my poor wife, who is mighty busy at home; fitting her closet. So to bed.
14 Annotations
First Reading
Patricia • Link
I remain amazed that Pepys takes this Chelsey mistress so seriously: he has no more need to be concerned about Lord Sandwich's amours than his own servants need have about him & Mrs. Lane. Surely many gentlemen of stature have a mistress? Or is he worried that Sandwich, who is living far beyond his means on promises from the King, is squandering money on the "slut" that would be better saved or spent elsewhere?
Aqua • Link
good shorthand ,,,," my office, where setting down my journall while I was in the country to this day,..."
Bradford • Link
And how vexing, to chew someone out, only to have him not give you the emotional satisfaction of acting outraged in return! An interesting example of how turning one's cheek can get another's goat.
TerryF • Link
Has Elizabeth had today's only success?
Except for the morning's journall entries, Samuel has failed to
- get a query about Sandwich's Chelsea adventures from the Crews;
- meet Mrs. Lane at Westminster Hall;
- get an account or a rise out of his brother John.
Not a very productive day for our boy.
Aqua • Link
He had not time to dilly dally, there be 9 days of deciphering Gnat infested notes, soaked with bog spray, to enter before the Wills came and bugged him, give the Lad a chance, I mean that extra expence of 'alf a crown, has to be tilled, and any way lips be sore from those delicious meals the midges enjoyed chasing snorting bogged down equines and rider. Mrs wats her name would want unblistered lips anyway.
Aqua • Link
"...Surely many gentlemen of stature have a mistress?>..." Gentle_men, doth thy mean, men that have stallion tendances, those that require their id [Latin That {thing}] to be stroked.
Some may chase or request, and brag, but actually fail, Some are Satsfied with their own filet, and do not seek out scragg ends or leavings that even blue bottles would deposit their eggs on.
A few Males of the species dothe attract attention as good source of future progeny, provided thy can give due protection for the results of the dallience. These rutting stags come from all levels of society.
'Tis Nature providing variation to the survival of the species.
A.Hamilton • Link
I think Sam's experiencing what the French call l'rentrez, after a longish absence back at the center of life picking up the threads of connections, busy busy busy to no effect
Robert Gertz • Link
Perhaps John's bad studies and Mrs. Lane's absence have a mutual explaination...
"Goddamn you sir, if I think I will be divesting myself of my hard-earned funds to your benefit after such lack-luster effort on your part, sir! Have you nothing to say for yourself, sir? John!!"
John in a fog, amusing himself picturing the lovely if hefty Mrs. Lane at the Bagwell whorehouse he'd visited again (see previous note, no I'm not looking it up just this mo...) this morn...
"Oooh, Johnny..."
Not to mention that even more pleasant moment this morning when Sir Will Batten had transferred a nice bag of gold to him on receiving secret documents bearing information on the Warren mast contract...Filched from Sam's office by John the previous night.
All things allowing one John Pepys Jr to take his brother's rantings with surprisingly calm presence.
"Are you listening to me, sir!!!"
"Hmmn...Oh, yes, brother. I'll try to correct my faults, indeed." tranquil smile...
Nix • Link
"Surely many gentlemen of stature have a mistress" --
Could the objection be that the Chelsea Girl is not a FITTING mistress for a man of Montague's stature?
Pedro • Link
“Chelsea Girl is not a FITTING mistress for a man of Montague’s stature?”
Ollard in his biography of Sandwich says of Sam’s stance…
“It was more a case of snobbery. So provincial and undistinguished a liaison exposed a man of Sandwich’s importance to ridicule.”
Bradford • Link
And goodness knows what else them lower-class types might carry!
Second Reading
Mary Ellen • Link
Sam might be more sensitive to the mistress issues since he is very fond of and has spent a lot of time with the man's wife.
Tonyel • Link
" by and by came my brother John, who is to go to Cambridge to-morrow, and I did give him a most severe reprimand for his bad account he gives me of his studies."
I'm ashamed to admit that I have only just looked at Sam's family tree but I think it contains a clue to his frustration with John:
Seven of Sam's siblings died as children, leaving Pall and Tom who both had their own problems. With no children of his own, Sam must have placed high hopes on the remaining John carrying on the family honour and his increasing disappointment is clear.
Matt Newton • Link
But I have done my duty, let him do his, for I am resolved to be as good as my word.
Humm, as good as your word, Sam?