Thursday 14 November 1661

At the office all the morning. At noon I went by appointment to the Sun in Fish Street to a dinner of young Mr. Bernard’s for myself, Mr. Phillips, Davenport, Weaver, &c., where we had a most excellent dinner, but a pie of such pleasant variety of good things, as in all my life I never tasted. Hither came to me Captain Lambert to take his leave of me, he being this day to set sail for the Straights. We drank his farewell and a health to all our friends, and were very merry, and drank wine enough. Hence to the Temple to Mr. Turner about drawing up my bill in Chancery against T. Trice, and so to Salisbury Court, where Mrs. Turner is come to town to-night, but very ill still of an ague, which I was sorry to see. So to the Wardrobe and talked with my Lady, and so home and to bed.

9 Annotations

First Reading

Bradford  •  Link

May Sam never run out, during the course of the Diary, of things which are the best he has ever encountered in all his life.

Pauline  •  Link

"May Sam never run out........"
But may he take a minute to give a detail or two; "a pie of such pleasant variety of good things" is too intriguing to let go at that if he's going to finish up with the best-ever-in-all-my-life line. (I'm having one of those moments where the 343 years have collapsed into a daily unfolding "now" and the unrecorded details should therefore be available in some "recent" memory.)

Australian Susan  •  Link

"pleasant variety of good things"
Such a felicitous phrase! I am wondering if, as this is near winter, that lots of things are being slaughtered as they can't be kept during the cold months and all sorts of victuals are being tipped into the pie dish!

Todd Bernhardt  •  Link

re: all sorts of victuals

Susan, wouldn't it be *easier* to keep things during the colder months? (And yes, Pauline, I'd love to read more about the contents of this pie, but I bet the description was enough for Sam, even re-reading the passage in his old age...)

Mmmmmm ... pie.…

Grahamt  •  Link

re: all sorts of victuals (2)
Susan is quite right. We have discussed this before. November is a little early, but Midwinter or Yule, was the traditional time to kill off all but breeding stock and have a feast on the meat. This is where our Christmas overindulgence originated.
During winter there is little grass in the fields to feed the cattle, the hens stop laying, the cows' milk dries up. In an agricultural society that means expense without reward, so the losses - along with the throats - were cut. The cold winter weather also helps with the preservation of the meat, along with smoking, pickling, salting and drying.
By Pepys' time beef cattle were being kept alive on expensive hay during the winter, but mainly to capitalise on the fresh meat shortage of late winter/early spring.

Second Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"a dinner of young Mr. Bernard’s for myself, Mr. Phillips, Davenport, Weaver, &c.;"
The Brampton-Huntingdon crew clearly dines on the dime of someone other than Pepys. About time!

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"Mrs. Turner is come to town to-night, but very ill still of an ague". This disease -- malaria or other disease involving fever and shivering -- will be long-lasting, note L&M, referring us for her recovery to next 16 February…

Sasha Clarkson  •  Link

"November is a little early". Today for Pepys would be the 24th November in the Gregorian calendar, so less than four weeks to the winter solstice.

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