Thursday 25 July 1661

This morning came my box of papers from Brampton of all my uncle’s papers, which will now set me at work enough. At noon I went to the Exchange, where I met my uncle Wight, and found him so discontented about my father (whether that he takes it ill that he has not been acquainted with things, or whether he takes it ill that he has nothing left him, I cannot tell), for which I am much troubled, and so staid not long to talk with him.

Thence to my mother’s, where I found my wife and my aunt Bell and Mrs. Ramsey, and great store of tattle there was between the old women and my mother, who thinks that there is, God knows what fallen to her, which makes me mad, but it was not a proper time to speak to her of it, and so I went away with Mr. Moore, and he and I to the Theatre, and saw “The Jovial Crew,” the first time I saw it, and indeed it is as merry and the most innocent play that ever I saw, and well performed. From thence home, and wrote to my father and so to bed. Full of thoughts to think of the trouble that we shall go through before we come to see what will remain to us of all our expectations.

21 Annotations

First Reading

dirk  •  Link

"The Jovial Crew"

By Richard Brome, c.1590-1652, English dramatist. He was the friend, servant, and disciple of Ben Jonson. Primarily a writer of realistic satiric comedy, picturing the life and manners of Caroline bourgeois London, he also produced several tragicomedies, but with much less success. The main features of his plays are the humor characters, complicated comic intrigue, and an abundance of action. The majority of his comedies were performed between 1629 and 1642, the most noteworthy being The Northern Lass, The City Wit, and The Jovial Crew.


vicente  •  Link

The Beggars' Chorus
Melody - from "The Jovial Crew"
There was a jovial Beggar,
He had a wooden Leg;
Lame from his Cradle,
And forced for to Beg;
And a Begging we will go,
We'll go, we'll go,
And a Begging we will go.
A Bag for my Oatmeal,
Another for my Salt,
A little pair of Crutchcs,
To see how I can Halt1):

A Bag for my Bread,
Another for my Cheese,
A little dog to follow me
To gather what I leese2):
A Bag for my Wheat,
Another for my Rye,
A little Bottle by my side,
To drink when I am dry:…

vicente  •  Link

"... great store of tattle..."when did the tittle come in?
He holds his tongue in front of his wife. Back to the OED. Then on to Prattle.
"...most innocent play that ever I saw..." meaning I doth think, no hanky panky and talk of the courser things.
Just plain banana skin humour and the other humours..

David Ross McIrvine  •  Link

Brome's *The Joviall Crew* was the last
play to be performed before the Theatres
were closed by Parliament in 1642.

As *Lachrymae Musarum* (a Royalist
collection of elegies for Lord Hastings, in which Dryden's poetry first saw print) puts the case:

"All the arguments I can use to induce you to take notice of this thing of nothing,
is, that it had the luck to tumble last of all in the Epidemicall ruine of the Scene!"

Pedro.  •  Link

"but it was not a proper time to speak to her of it."

But the great store of tattle from today must, at some point, be synchronised with his tattle of yesterday. What would it do for Sam's esteem at the Office, if they found out God knows what had fallen to him, instead of 200l a year plus moneys?

J A Gioia  •  Link

to think of the trouble that we shall go through before we come to see what will remain to us of all our expectations.

sam's relative youth is often remarked on here, however the maturity on display above is very impressive.

and the rhetoric ain't too shabby either.

steve h  •  Link

Brome's Jovial Crew

This play is a minor treasure, sort of a musical comedy set among the (highly idealized) beggar subculture. Unlike the (18th century) Beggar's Opera or Ben Jonson's plays, it's not cynical but sweet, with noble lovers discuised as wandering mendicants. It has a nice bit of beggar's cant as well, and a celebration of the open road.

JWB  •  Link

Like mother,like son...
How's his boasting @ office any different than Mom's @ home?

Mary  •  Link

like mother, like son.

Perhaps mother is already making grandiose plans for spending some of the money that she thinks is to fall to their lot? Moving to a better address? Buying some nice pieces of plate? Getting a good husband for Pall? Could all become a bit embarrassing.

Nix  •  Link

"what will remain to us of all our expectations" --

Samuel is not waxing philosophical, about how he hopes his life will turn out. He is talking about his uncle's estate.

OED "expectation", defintion 4.b --

"b. pl. Prospects of inheritance or of profiting by testament.

"1669 LADY CHAWORTH in 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. v. 11 Lord Huntingtons marriage is as good as concluded with Sir James Langhams daughter, who gives 20,000l. downe, besides expectations. 1777 SHERIDAN Sch. Scandal III. iii, I have a rich old uncle..from whom I have the greatest expectations. 1837 LYTTON E. Maltrav. 45 O yes; I have what are called expectations. 1861 DICKENS (title), Great Expectations."

A. De Araujo  •  Link

"The Beggars' Chorus" It would make an excellent Rap!...

Robert Gertz  •  Link

Good ole Unc Wight...Too lazy to head out to bury Unc Rob and yet quivering with rage to think he's been cut out.

My favorite Pepys uncle actually but that comes later...

Second Reading

Bill  •  Link

"great store of tattle there was"

to TATTLE, to chat, or prate.
---An Universal Etymological English Dictionary. N. Bailey, 1675.

TATTLE, Prate; idle chat; trifling talk.
---A Dictionary Of The English Language. Samuel Johnson, 1756.

Chris Squire UK  •  Link

OED has:

‘tattle, n. < tattle v. Compare Low German tätel in same sense.
a. The action of tattling; idle or frivolous talk; chatter, gossip.
. . 1654 R. Whitlock Ζωοτομία 57 At Gossipings, Funeralls, at Church before Sermons, and the like opportunities of tattle.
1726 Swift Cadenus & Vanessa 16 They..told the Tattle of the Day.

. . Compare also tittle v.1, and tittle-tattle n., in Low German titeltateln. Ultimately onomatopoeic.’

Third Reading

LKvM  •  Link

What with Uncle Wight seething with jealousy, and Mrs. Pepys spinning spendthrift dreams, they certainly seem an avaricious lot, or characters in the opera "Gianni Schicchi."

Alter Kacker  •  Link

LKvM — love the “Gianni Schicchi” reference. It’s a perfect call.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

In the House of Commons today they pushed through a lot of business -- I suspect not all of it was popular:

Curates Allowances.
Mr. Crouch reports from the Committee to whom the Bill for competent Allowances to be made to such Curates, as shall officiate in Livings where the proper Incumbents do not reside, was committed, several Amendments to the said Bill: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and afterwards, delivered in the same, with the Bill, at the Clerk's Table.
Which said Amendments being severally twice read;
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth agree to the said Amendments: ...

Discharging Loyalists of Interest.
A Bill for discharging the loyal Party of all Interest exceeding 3/.s per Centum, being ingrossed, was this Day read the Third time.
Resolved, That the Title of the said Bill shall be, "An Act discharging those whose Estates have been sold, sequestered, or decimated, for adhering to his Majesty, or his Royal Father, of all Interest exceeding Three Pounds per Centum."

Westminster Streets.
A Bill for Paving, Repairing, and Cleansing the Streets and Highways of Westminster, and other Parts adjacent to London, was this Day read the First [AND SECOND] time.


Deane Forest.
Ordered, That it may be recommended to the Lord Treasurer to take into Consideration the Claim and Interest of Sir John Wintour to the Forest of Deane, and such as claim under him; and to take care for the Preservation of the Forest, and the Timber and Wood therein, during the Recess of the Parliament; and to hear such Proposals as shall be made by Sir Baynham Throgmorton, and others, for Increase of his Majesty's Revenue, and the Improvement of the Growth of Timber for Advantage of Shipping, and of Coppice-wood for the Iron-works: And, upon Report thereof from his Lordship, this House will take the same into Consideration at their next Meeting: And Sir Baynham Throgmorton, Sir Charles Harbord, Mr. Fane, the Lord Herbert, Sir John Holland, and Sir Charles Cornwallis, are to attend his Lordship with this Order.

Curates Allowances.
A Bill for competent Allowances to be made to such Curates as shall officiate in Livings where the proper Incumbents do not reside, being ingrossed, was this Day read the Third time.
Resolved, That the Title of the said Bill shall be, "An Act for competent Allowances to be made to such Curates as shall officiate in Livings where the proper Incumbents do not reside."

San Diego Sarah  •  Link


This House, this Day, resuming the Debate of the Bill for well-governing and regulating of Corporations, directed several Members, appointed to manage the Conference with the Lords, to withdraw, and prepare the Reasons to be insisted upon at the Conference: Who having withdrawn, and returned;
Mr. Solicitor General reported from them these several Reasons following:
The Second Amendment strikes out all the Commissioners Names, and the Powers given to remove ill Members, and restore those who are unjustly removed; to which we cannot agree; Because,
1. The whole Regulation of Corporations doth consist in placing the Government in right Hands; which, by the Bill sent up, was put in a probable Way of being effected; by this Amendment is not so much as thought of: Provision is made for nominating Mayors and Recorders; but no Care for other Members.
2. Nothing enacted by their Lordships seems to us to provide for present Safety; because, if they do not renew before June, which they may choose whether they will or no, the Government stands still as it is.
3. So total an Alteration of the Government may have an ill Influence upon the free Elections.
4. The Bill sent up established Charters, notwithstanding past Defects: These Amendments force all Corporation to renew, though their Charters be no way defective.
5. Charters made void, unless renewed; yet no Clause that they shall be renewed, if desired.
6. No Care taken that, if renewed, they shall have their old Privileges: nor for putting in good Men.
7. The Body of Amendments repugnant to the Title of the Bill, which is, A Bill for Regulation of Corporation; whereas the Amendments do either extirpate, or, at least, new create them.
8. The Reformation in the Bill sent up, but temperary; and such as we had Reason to believe would be agreeable to them, and suitable to our Trust: These Amendments would make a perpetual Change; and we have no Cause to believe it either so agreeable to the Desires of the Corporations, for which we serve, or so consonant with our Trust.
9. The Intermeddling of Justices of Peace of the Counties in Corporate Towns may occasion a Clashing of Jurisdictions, and a Disturbance of Government, to the great Interruption of Peace and Trade.
Which being twice read; and agreed unto;
Resolved, upon the Question, That the said Reasons and Instructions be entered in the Journal.


Confirming Acts.
Ordered, That Sir Phillip Warwick do prepare and bring in a Bill To-morrow Morning, to confirm the several Acts hereafter-mentioned; viz.
The Act of Navigation;
Act for Wool and Wool Pelts;
The Act to enable the Master of the Rolls to make Leases;
The Act concerning Tobacco;
The Act against taking above 6£. per Cent. for Interest;
The Act concerning Commissioners for Sewers;
The Act concerning Process, and judicial Proceedings;
The Act for Marriages;
The Act for Soldiers to exercise Trades.


San Diego Sarah  •  Link


Regulating the Press.
Ordered, That Mr. Solicitor General do bring in a Bill to impower his Majesty to regulate the Press, till it be otherwise provided for.

Confirming Acts.
A Bill for confirming several Acts made by his Majesty, with the Advice and Consent of the Lords and Commons, expressed in the Bill, was this Day read the First [AND SECOND] time.

Publick Revenue.
Ordered, That this House will, at the First time of their Meeting after this Recess, take into Consideration the Advance of the King's Majesty's Revenue to such a Proportion as may be sufficient to support the Grandeur of his Majesty, and be suitable to his Occasions.

Regulating the Press.
A Bill to impower his Majesty to regulate the Press, was this Day read the First [AND SECOND] time.


Sir John Brampston reports Amendments to the Bill for Repairing and Amending the Highways in and about Westminster: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and afterwards, delivered in the same at the Clerk's Table: Which said Amendments being severally twice read;

Regulating the Press.
Sir Heneage Finch reports from the Committee to whom the Bill for impowering his Majesty to regulate the Press, was committed, several Amendments to the said Bill: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and afterwards delivered in the same, with the Bill, at the Clerk's Table: Which Amendments being severally twice read; and, in the last Amendment save one, the University of Oxford being mentioned before Cambridge; ...

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

The House of Lords was also busy -- I find their notes more obscure:

L. Monson to be brought to the House.
ORDERED, That William Lord Monson, now a Prisoner in The Fleete, shall be brought presently before the Lords in Parliament; being One of those Persons concerned in the Bill of Pains and Penalties.

Bill to restore Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.
The Lord Lucas reported from the Committee, the Bill for restoring Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction; and "That, upon further Consideration thereof, the Committee are of Opinion, That the said Bill should pass, without any Alterations."
And the House taking the same into Consideration; for the freer Debate thereof, the House was adjourned into a Committee during Pleasure.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Churchhill and others; who brought up these Bills following, wherein their Lordships Concurrence is desired:
1. "An Act for discharging those whose Estates have been sold, sequestered, or decimated, for adhering to His Majesty, or His Royal Father, from all Interest exceeding Three Pounds per Annum."
2. "An Act to enable the King's Majesty to make Leases, Grants, and Copies of Offices, Lands, and Tenements, and Hereditaments, Parcel of His Highness' Dutchy of Cornwall, or annexed to the same; and for Confirmation of Leases and Grants already made."
3. They returned a Bill sent down to them, with Alterations, concerning unlawful hurting and killing of Deer; to which Alterations the Commons do agree.


San Diego Sarah  •  Link


Bill for Pains and Penalties on Persons excepted from Indemnity.
Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, "An Act declaring the Penalties, Pains, and Forfeitures, imposed upon the Estates and Persons of certain notorious Offenders, excepted out of the free and general Pardon and Oblivion."

Then William Lord Monson was brought to this Bar; and, having kneeled as a Delinquent, the Speaker told him, "That a Bill is brought up from the House of Commons, in which Bill it is to be enacted, That he shall lose and forfeit all his Lands and Goods, and undergo such Pains and Penalties as are therein expressed, for fitting in that traiterous pretended High Court of Justice, whereby His late Majesty was sentenced to be murdered; and to know what he can say why he should not undergo those Penalties and Forfeiture."
He confessed he was drawn in and constrained Once to fit in that pretended Court; for which he was heartily sorry. And his further Desires were expressed in a Petition which is before their Lordships, which he humbly desired may be taken into Consideration.

After this, Sir Henry Mildmay was in the same Manner brought to the Bar. And the Speaker told him likewise what Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures, were to be enacted against him, by an Act from the House of Commons; and demanded what he could say for himself, why the Bill should not pass against him.
He confessed he sat Once in that Court, and no more, and was heartily sorry for the same; and begged for Mercy.

Wallop's Pet. about it.
Also a Petition was presented, in Behalf of Mr. Wallop, being sick and not able to come in Person; which being read, he therein confessed he Once sat in that pretended High Court, for which he is heartily sorry.

Bill for Pains and Penalties on Persons excepted from Indemnity.
After this, the House ORDERED the said Bill to be committed to the Consideration of these Lords following: ...
It is further ORDERED, That the Proviso concerning the Marquis of Winton shall be left out of the Bill; and for the other concerning the Lord Craven, he himself did voluntarily withdraw it: And all the other Provisos, which are Matters of mere Grace, shall be left to the King.
Likewise all the Petitions presented to the House this Day are referred to the aforesaid Committee, that those which are Matter of Right may be retained, and those that are Matter of Grace are to be left to the King.


Bill to restore Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.
ORDERED, That the Bill concerning restoring Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction shall be taken into further Consideration To-morrow Morning, the First Business.

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