Thursday 7 December 1665
7 December 16651
Forgive me that I2 beg the favour of having these Letters convey’d to the Post by your Ordinary Messenger this Evening: And that I do not let slip this opportunity of bespeaking your assistance and advice where I am to apply myselfe, that some effectual Course be taken with divers miserable Creatures under our Chirurgeons hands (at Deale especialy) to furnish them with Clothes, that so they may at last be sent on board; since it is not health, but Covering which they have long wanted; and whilst they suffer this Calamity, spend his Majestie five times the value in quarters: There are likewise more then 50, who being Old-Men, tabid, inveteratly Ulcer’d and universaly infirme, will never be render’d serviceable to his Majestie but have layne at prodigious expenses for Cure: As many as I have been able to convey, I have removed into the London Hospitals (since the abating of the Contagion amongst them has again opned their doores) but some that are remote I cannot stir (for you have never allow’d us any boates to call as we beggd you would, and wh[ich] would have aboundantly borne3 the charge of it) unlesse I should cart them: This4 I the rather mention because I have been frequently not onely promis’d they should have their Ticketts, and be totaly discharg’d; but been injoynd to signifie their names to you: which both my Deputys and Chirurgions have don, with all necessary attestation: Yet still they remaine upon our hands: Sir, I depend very much upon your addresse in representing how much his Majestie suffers by these two Inconveniences, whilst I can but give notice of them according to my duty, and as they occurr to Sir,
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