Thursday 8 April 1669

Up, and to White Hall, to the King’s side, to find Sir T. Clifford, where the Duke of York come and found me, which I was sorry for, for fear he should think I was making friends on that side. But I did put it off the best I could, my being there: and so, by and by, had opportunity alone to shew Sir T. Clifford the fair account I had drawn up of the Customes, which he liked, and seemed mightily pleased with me; and so away to the Excise-Office, to do a little business there, and so to the Office, where all the morning. At noon home to dinner, and then to the office again till the evening, and then with my wife by coach to Islington, to pay what we owe there, for the late dinner at Jane’s wedding; and so round by Kingsland and Hogsden home, pleased with my wife’s singing with me, by the way, and so to the office again a little, and then home to supper and to bed.

Going this afternoon through Smithfield, I did see a coach run over the coachman’s neck, and stand upon it, and yet the man rose up, and was well after it, which I thought a wonder.

5 Annotations

First Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

The Royal Society today at Arundel House — from the Hooke Folio Online

Apr. 8. There was made one of the expts. appointed the Last Day vizt that with Gutts . . . /blowen/ vp and Howev tyed on both ends, to shew that for making a pulse in the arterys, there needs noe more than a compressio in the heart, for as much as the gutt being Compresst on one end, the motion of it was sensible at the other end. Dr. Goddard excepted that this was not enough sufficient to make out what was intended, since there was noe out lett in these Gutts, whereas there was an issue of the blood in the body of animalls out of the arterys into the Veines. Mr. Hooke answered that though there was soe, yet there being a return of the blood to the heart again It could not be otherwise but that the vessells being full, there would vpon the circulation of the blood into the heart again and its Systole, be caused a sensible pulsation in the arterys. the same proposd an addition of a pipe to this Expt, the Better to shew the tryall of his assertion.

the same produced some plano conuex glasse as small as pinns heads to Serue for Obiect glasses in microscopes. He was desired to put some of them into the great Microscope of the Society for a tryall.-

/76/ He also proposed an Obseruatio to be made of the texture of Muscles by a microscope which he promised he would make for the next Day. and then shew it to the Company. --

expts. of motio to be presented by D Crone & mr Hooke.…

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Dr. Croone is mentioned by Pepys in the Diary… who runs into him at dinner in Fall 1666 after a meeting of the Society that had just resumed meetings after the Great Fire… Pepys surely saw Croone more often than he was mentioned in the Diary.

Nov 19, 1684 - Samuel Pepys is chosen President of the Royal Society and the obituaries of William Brouncker and William Croune [sic] are recorded…

Robert Gertz  •  Link

"Going this afternoon through Smithfield, I did see a coach run over the coachman’s neck, and stand upon it, and yet the man rose up, and was well after it, which I thought a wonder."

"Pon my soul, twould dearly like to see that again."

"Happy to drive it over your neck, sir." the coachman, croaking.

"Uh...Well...Perhaps not."

"Sam'l?...Now lets do it as a round. 'Soft Kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur'..."

Second Reading

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