Annotations and comments

Ruslan has posted 74 annotations/comments since 26 October 2022.


Third Reading

About Tuesday 19 August 1662

Ruslan  •  Link

8 years later, here is what makes of the same passage:

Jermyn's second-in-command was Giles Rawlings, a man of good fortune and a heavy gambler. Howard used Dillon, a skilful, brave and honest man, and unfortunately a close friend of Rawlings. In this battle, fortune did not favor love's favorites. Poor Rawlings was killed outright, and Jermyn, pierced by three swords, was carried to his uncle's house with very few signs of life.

About Tuesday 12 August 1662

Ruslan  •  Link

I found this entry a tad difficult to parse, so I had ChatGPT "modernize" the text:

I woke up early and went to my office. I noticed that many people are starting to come to me. Among them was Mr. Deane from Woolwich. He told me he would reveal the problems related to measuring timber. Additionally, he promised to provide me with a model of a ship, something I've always wanted. Later, Sir W. Batten and I had a disagreement about his clerk drafting a warrant for a Ship's Captain. I didn't accept it, so I had my own clerk prepare a different one. Sir W. Batten suggested we discuss the matter at a full board meeting, and I agreed to this. But, even though I had my own version drafted, I'll hand over the new warrant to Batten's clerk to keep the peace. However, I will still assert my rights in the matter. I ate lunch by myself and then went back to my office.

I worked until 10 o'clock at night. I had supper and then went to bed, but the disagreement with Sir W. Batten was still on my mind. Before ending the day, I spoke to Norman, Batten's assistant, to explain my side of the story.

About Jane Turner (b. Pepys, Pepys' cousin)

Ruslan  •  Link

I'm confused. The 1893 text states:

"Jane, daughter of John Pepys of South Creake, Norfolk, married to John Turner, Sergeant-at-law, Recorder of York; their only child, Theophila..."

Yet Pauline (above) and other annotators (elsewhere in the diary) refer to "their children" and provide details of said offspring.

About Tuesday 29 July 1662

Ruslan  •  Link

Australian Susan wrote:

"I used to live in Bristol and there is a road there called Blackboys' Hill which is where the little black boys so prized as pages were 'exhibited' (can't think of another word for this) having come on the ships from West Africa."

Not true.

First off, it's "Blackboy Hill". Secondly, the street name comes from the Black Boy Inn. The pub name was probably linked to King Charles II, who was known as ‘the Black Boy’ because of his dark hair and complexion, rather than to the transatlantic trade in enslaved Africans (not least because enslaved Africans never were auctioned on the Downs).

Source: https://collections.bristolmuseum…