> "while I went to the church expecting to see the young ladies of the school, Ashwell desiring me"
I read this as: while I attempted to visit the church to see the schoolgirls, as Ashwell had suggested…
> L&M note in part: "Henry Cromwell...cousin of the Protector, but a royalist, changed his surname...and adopted that of his early [16th c] ancestor, Richard Williams...."
According to the encyclopedia page, Henry Cromwell was the fourth son of Oliver Cromwell, not cousin. https://www.pepysdiary.com/encycl…
An updated link to Sasha's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d… The video has auto-generated German subtitles, which can also be switched to English.
Updated (and additional) links for Alastair's trompe l'oeil:
> One of the best trompe l'oeil paintings (as Sam would say) I have ever seen in my life is in Chatsworth House in Derbyshire and is of a violin & bow hanging on a door.
"She [Elizabeth] now read it, and it was so piquant, and wrote in English, and most of it true, of the retiredness of her life, and how unpleasant it was;"
The fact that Elizabeth's letter was written in English is worthy of comment, makes one think that she could speak a second language, i.e. French.
> Having nothing now in my mind of trouble in the world, but quite the contrary, much joy, except only the ending of our difference with my uncle Thomas, and the getting of the bills well over for my building of my house here, which however are as small and less than any of the others.
Louise Hudson said: "I take that to mean less than any of the other bills he has to pay."
Another interpretation is that his concerns are minor compared to those of others. To reinforce this point, he then records that Sir W. Penn is "fallen very ill again".
@San Diego Sarah: it's realtively straight-forward. - Find a broken link - Right click said link and select "Copy Link" - Go here: https://web.archive.org/ - There is a search box at the top of the page (it says "Enter a URL..."). Paste the link you just copied into here and press "Return" - You now see a timeline displaying the years in which this page was captured (normally multiple years). Click on the closest year to when the annotation was posted. E.g. if it was posted today in 2005, click on "2005". - You now see a calendar showing when captures were made in that year (blue dots on the calendar). - Identify the capture closest to when the link was posted (preferably before) — e.g. if the link was posted in November 2005 and there is a capture from October in the same year, that's the one we want. - Hover your mouse over the blue dot representing the desired capture. A new menu will pop out. - Click on the snapshot you want to view. There is normally only one. - That's it. The archived webpage should now open
Pauline wrote: "They (Samuel & Elizabeth) have been enjoying each other's company these days; and reading together, with her spoken French and his book-learnt French, sounds an enjoyable translation and reading exercise."
Is there any evidence that Elizabeth actually spoke French? Her father came to England ca. 1625 and Elizabeth was born in Devon in 1640. Her mother also appears to have been English.
> I have to agree with Bradford: I do think they were a fairly happy couple. The had their problems of course (being childless, Sam's pre-diary unfaithfulness, occasional quarrels), but who hasn't.
Is his unfaithfulness a documented thing? Or is that just supposition, as he and Elizabeth separated briefly pre-diary?
Third Reading
About Thursday 23 July 1668
Ruslan • Link
New link to the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z…
About Sunday 22 March 1662/63
Ruslan • Link
> "while I went to the church expecting to see the young ladies of the school, Ashwell desiring me"
I read this as:
while I attempted to visit the church to see the schoolgirls, as Ashwell had suggested…
> L&M note in part: "Henry Cromwell...cousin of the Protector, but a royalist, changed his surname...and adopted that of his early [16th c] ancestor, Richard Williams...."
According to the encyclopedia page, Henry Cromwell was the fourth son of Oliver Cromwell, not cousin.
About Wednesday 18 March 1662/63
Ruslan • Link
An updated link to Sasha's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d…
The video has auto-generated German subtitles, which can also be switched to English.
About Friday 20 February 1662/63
Ruslan • Link
Here's a picture of the Gloriana if anyone is interested: https://www.glorianaqrb.org.uk/wp…
Same image on the Internet Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20171…
About Monday 16 February 1662/63
Ruslan • Link
tld said: "I held my nose, I closed my eyes, I [post this link:]
Here's tld's link on the Internet Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20060…
It's the lyrics to Love Potion Number Nine.
About Thursday 12 February 1662/63
Ruslan • Link
"Englands Treasure by Forraign Trade. or The Ballance of our Forraign Trade is The Rule of our Treasure", by Thomas Mun of Lond., Merchant, 1664.
The original link is broken. Here it is on the Internet Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20051…
About Monday 26 January 1662/63
Ruslan • Link
Updated (and additional) links for Alastair's trompe l'oeil:
> One of the best trompe l'oeil paintings (as Sam would say) I have ever seen in my life is in Chatsworth House in Derbyshire and is of a violin & bow hanging on a door.
Painting: https://www.gramophone.co.uk/feat…
Artist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan…
About Sunday 2 November 1662
Ruslan • Link
Having read a little further, there seems to be evidence in this entry: https://www.pepysdiary.com/diary/…
"She [Elizabeth] now read it, and it was so piquant, and wrote in English, and most of it true, of the retiredness of her life, and how unpleasant it was;"
The fact that Elizabeth's letter was written in English is worthy of comment, makes one think that she could speak a second language, i.e. French.
About Saturday 3 January 1662/63
Ruslan • Link
> Having nothing now in my mind of trouble in the world, but quite the contrary, much joy, except only the ending of our difference with my uncle Thomas, and the getting of the bills well over for my building of my house here, which however are as small and less than any of the others.
Louise Hudson said: "I take that to mean less than any of the other bills he has to pay."
Another interpretation is that his concerns are minor compared to those of others. To reinforce this point, he then records that Sir W. Penn is "fallen very ill again".
About Friday 28 November 1662
Ruslan • Link
Broken links on the WayBack machine.
Australian Susan's mourning jewellery: https://web.archive.org/web/20051…
Terry F's death of Matthew Boulton (the medallic token): https://web.archive.org/web/20051…
About Thursday 27 November 1662
Ruslan • Link
Broken link on the WayBack Machine:
pjk's image of Hobson's Conduit: https://web.archive.org/web/20051…
About Tuesday 25 November 1662
Ruslan • Link
A SFW version of Dirk's "Failed Armageddon Predictions" on the Wayback machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20051…
@San Diego Sarah: it's realtively straight-forward.
- Find a broken link
- Right click said link and select "Copy Link"
- Go here: https://web.archive.org/
- There is a search box at the top of the page (it says "Enter a URL..."). Paste the link you just copied into here and press "Return"
- You now see a timeline displaying the years in which this page was captured (normally multiple years). Click on the closest year to when the annotation was posted. E.g. if it was posted today in 2005, click on "2005".
- You now see a calendar showing when captures were made in that year (blue dots on the calendar).
- Identify the capture closest to when the link was posted (preferably before) — e.g. if the link was posted in November 2005 and there is a capture from October in the same year, that's the one we want.
- Hover your mouse over the blue dot representing the desired capture. A new menu will pop out.
- Click on the snapshot you want to view. There is normally only one.
- That's it. The archived webpage should now open
About Thursday 20 November 1662
Ruslan • Link
Broken link on the WaybackMachine:
> Australian Susan: This link shows a Bank Messenger (middle person) in his official uniform.
About Wednesday 12 November 1662
Ruslan • Link
> in order to the buying of some of Wood, and I bound it up in painted paper to lie by as a book for future use.
L&M have "the buying of some of [Mr.] Wood"
And from the WaybackMachine, Michael Robinson's link to marbled paper: https://web.archive.org/web/20050…
About Sunday 2 November 1662
Ruslan • Link
Pauline wrote: "They (Samuel & Elizabeth) have been enjoying each other's company these days; and reading together, with her spoken French and his book-learnt French, sounds an enjoyable translation and reading exercise."
Is there any evidence that Elizabeth actually spoke French? Her father came to England ca. 1625 and Elizabeth was born in Devon in 1640. Her mother also appears to have been English.
About Saturday 1 November 1662
Ruslan • Link
In case anyone else wonders what the references to Geraldo Rivera are all about, here's a brief summary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a…
About Wednesday 29 October 1662
Ruslan • Link
The lordmayorsshow domain above has expired, so here are the links on the WayBack Machine:
History of the show: https://web.archive.org/web/20140…
Reproduction of the famous Canaletto: http://www.lordmayorsshow.org/his…
Unfortunately, images weren't archived.
About Sunday 26 October 1662
Ruslan • Link
It seems that the Ludlow mentioned above is Edmund Ludlow: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edm…
About Friday 24 October 1662
Ruslan • Link
Dirk said (18 years ago):
> I have to agree with Bradford: I do think they were a fairly happy couple. The had their problems of course (being childless, Sam's pre-diary unfaithfulness, occasional quarrels), but who hasn't.
Is his unfaithfulness a documented thing? Or is that just supposition, as he and Elizabeth separated briefly pre-diary?
About Thursday 23 October 1662
Ruslan • Link
Sorry, typo.
Il est descendu les escaliers." (He has gone down the stairs) — descendre is transitive
Would love the ability to edit annotations :)