Annotations and comments

arby has posted 94 annotations/comments since 17 February 2013.


Second Reading

About Wednesday 23 November 1664

arby  •  Link

Sam wasn't all that much older than his boy when he had his stone removed, so it's possible the diagnosis may be right.

About Tuesday 13 September 1664

arby  •  Link

"Oh, the poor rats!"
Many years ago I was a passenger on a German freighter sailing from the US to Australia, only nine of us, so we shared two tables at meals. The Captain headed the richer table, the first mate was at the one I was at. One person at the captain's table was a very wealthy older woman, and she listened to the captain tell the story of the ship burning not long before (it had been rebuilt in Japan). He told of the ship's dog being left behind accidentally, and it jumped from the bridge to safety. The elderly woman exclaimed, "Oh, what about the rats?" The captain hauled himself upright and sternly and loudly said "Madame, there are no rats on MY ship!" Thereafter, that woman was relegated to table #2 with the rest of us peasants.
By the way, that little dog was always the first at his station during a fire drill after that incident.

About Sunday 21 August 1664

arby  •  Link

The "how he do" construction reminded me of the Youtube series "True Facts About The Frog" or owl or praying mantis etc etc. He uses it in nearly every episode. I'm a little disappointed it isn't what Sam writ.

About Friday 5 August 1664

arby  •  Link

I took the plastering to be for decorative purposes, "whiting and colouring", not acoustic.

About Thursday 30 June 1664

arby  •  Link

Susan of 2007, I think I've mentioned before that Australian maggots are much quicker off the mark than most. The blow-fly eggs hatch very quickly, food can become "fly blown" in a few hours. I worked the night shift in Sydney, and the supper meal would be covered and put aside for me in a closed cabinet for my lunch. I had to abandon it several times because of maggots and go in search of peanut butter and bread instead.

About Wednesday 20 April 1664

arby  •  Link

More pedantry, anyone? "Genuine Corinthian Leather" is very rare, since it existed only in the minds of the marketers for Chrysler in the 1970s. I would be especially leery of a book bound with the stuff, it may be leather, but it probably came from New Jersey. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

About Tuesday 5 April 1664

arby  •  Link

I've seen workers eating their lunch while seated on a bloated cow carcass at a rendering plant, one of the foulest-smelling places I've ever encountered. The nose can adapt to almost anything with a little exposure.

About Tuesday 8 March 1663/64

arby  •  Link

Not only does it not deter deer and other pests, (specifically bunnies) human urine attracts them, I suppose for the salts. Cottontail rabbits will go straight for it quickly, as in overnight. Indeed, I could have my whole lawn mown if I drank more coffee and beer.

About Tuesday 9 February 1663/64

arby  •  Link

Why the difference between the 1000£ that he stands "bound" and the 700£ bond he shows Bess? More than one bond, didn't want her to know the full extent?

About Wednesday 6 January 1663/64

arby  •  Link

It was a leather strop indeed, SDS. Wikipedia tells me a strop can be made of other materials such as canvas too, something I didn't know.

About Thursday 31 December 1663

arby  •  Link

LH, I think George Carlin sums it up nicely, "Have you ever noticed how other people's stuff is sh*t, and your own sh*t is stuff?"
Happy New Year to Phil and all of Pepys peeps.

About Thursday 3 September 1663

arby  •  Link

I think it's cognitive dissonance only when the person is aware of the contradictions. I think we all know people who can float through life completely unaware of that some of their beliefs are in opposition.

About Sunday 30 August 1663

arby  •  Link

A recent Economist, Aug 13, had an article about the death of cash in Europe, especially in the northern countries, except Germany. Germany, southern and eastern Europe have not followed the trend, and the Italians especially remain wedded to cash, even for large purchases. What the tax man doesn't know, etc. In eastern Europe and Germany it's an historical aversion to being tracked, memories of Stazi and the like.
It now costs more money to handle cash than plastic, despite the bank fees added to plastic transactions. Some northern stores have "No Cash" policies.

About Saturday 29 August 1663

arby  •  Link

I'm glad to see that Barry Humphries, Dame Edna and her wigs are still at large in the world.

About Monday 10 August 1663

arby  •  Link

Thanks Ivan, that makes more sense. I'm surprised nobody gave the L&M version ten years ago, that "disgust" really didn't sound right.