2 November 1669
2 November 16691
I begge you to beleive that I would not have beene ten daies returned into England without waiting on you2, had it not pleased God to afflict mee by the sickness of my wife, who, from the first day of her coming back into London3, hath layne under a fever soe severe as at this houre to render her recoverey desperate. Which affliction hath very much unfitted mee for those acts of civillitie and respect which, amongst the first of my friends, I should have paid to yourselfe, as hee to whome singly I owe the much greater part of the satisfaction I have met with in my late voyage. Next to you, I have my acknowledgements to make to Sir Samuel Tuke; to whome (when in a condition of doeing it) I shall beg your introducing mee, for the owneing of my obligations to him on the like behalfe. But Sir, I beg you heartilie to dispence with the ceremonie, till I am better qualified for paying it; and in the meane time receive the enclosed, which I should with much more satisfaction have delivered with my owne hands.
I am, Sir,
Your most obliged and obedient Servant,
I most humbly kiss your ladies hands, and pray my service be presented to Sir Richard Browne.4
2 Annotations
First Reading
Dr Owen Charles Parry-Jones • Link
I wonder has any sound medical theory been put forward as to what Elizabeth's diagnosis was? J Evelyn mentions that 'contagion' is about in parts of France. Apparently it allowed her to travel back to London before she became moribund. Any ideas where I might look further?
Chas Parry-Jones
Terry Foreman • Link
Dr. Parry-Jones, In the article on Elizabeth in the L&M Companion (Vol. X), the fever she died of is said to be "probably typhoid."