Thursday 4 April 1661
To my workmen, then to my Lord’s, and there dined with Mr. Shepley. After dinner I went in to my Lord and there we had a great deal of musique, and then came my cozen Tom Pepys and there did accept of the security which we gave him for his 1000l. that we borrow of him, and so the money to be paid next week. Then to the Privy Seal, and so with Mr. Moore to my father’s, where some friends did sup there and we with them and late went home, leaving my wife still there. So to bed.
5 Annotations
First Reading
vincent • Link
It appears sign first, then collect the money later. Shows trust.
So he leaves the the missus and baby sis to commiserate with mother Pepys.
Mother still a little uptight about the maid?
vincent • Link
an aside: read the Rev Jossylyn
April. 1. 2. 3. I sow oats on ley, and other land. lord command a blessing for my hope is in thee. went towards London on Mr H. account, a sad providence, oh lord melt my bowels, accept my praises for my families health, reason, return to them in favour: die. 6. I came home, god with me in the journey.…
Susan • Link
I think Elizabeth and Pall would be more concerned to stay out of the workmen's mess than to be dutiful daughters!
Lawrence • Link
Would Pall be enjoying a well earned rest whilst at Mum and Dads? hope so...
Second Reading
Terry Foreman • Link
"then came my cozen Tom Pepys and there did accept of the security which we gave him for his 1000l. that we borrow of him"
L&M: See… and…