Annotations and comments

MartinVT has posted 211 annotations/comments since 10 January 2016.


Third Reading

About Wednesday 17 June 1663

MartinVT  •  Link

"Up before 4 o’clock, which is the hour I intend now to rise at"

This explains the opening of yesterday's entry about sleeping a tad late (due to many toasts drunk the night before no doubt). Today's entry demonstrates some kind of new resolve of industriousness on Sam's part:
-- up at the crack of dawn
-- office business
-- a little haggling with the tar guys
-- a meeting with the boss
-- a solitary lunch with only a little fiddling
-- no morning draughts, no afternoon wine or theater
-- back to the office till late
-- home and to bed

All of this is consistent with the vows he has occasionally alluded to but not shown much fortitude in keeping very long. Let's see how long this lasts.

About Tuesday 16 June 1663

MartinVT  •  Link

"Up, but not so early as I intend now"

I don't think Sam has mentioned it before, but apparently he has resolved to rise earlier these days. This is not so easy when, as last night, "My head akeing with the healths I was forced to drink to-day..."

About Wednesday 12 June 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

"At which occasion of getting something I was very glad."

Presumably, Montagu has told Sam specifically to keep some portion of the 300l. for himself. How much? Maybe we'll see. I doubt that Sam would, on his own initiative and without authorization, skim something for himself out of the 300l. allowance. Generally when Sam uses "getting something" we need to understand it as "earning something," and not "stealing something." Montagu himself has previously schooled Sam on the ways of building wealth, including this practice.

About Friday 7 June 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

Just another small data point on the sociolinguistic conversation around "dinner" — growing up in the Netherlands in the latter half of the 1950s, we generally ate the main meal (potatoes, vegetables and meat, in that order of consideration) mid-day, and secondary meals in the morning and early evening (usually just bread, butter, and something on the bread like cheese, ham, jam, etc.). At some point, maybe 1958, we switched to an evening dinner. I suspect that in my family's centuries-long farming roots, the main meal/dinner had always been mid-day and that this was the first time that transition (described in the OED as occurring in the 1890s) was made.

About Thursday 6 June 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

"My head hath aked all night, and all this morning, with my last night’s debauch."

And then several trips "by water", which must have been a trial. No mention of lunch, consequently.

About Saturday 1 June 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

The link for "my Lady" goes to Jemima Mountagu. It seems more likely that Sam means Mrs. Batten, no?

About Wednesday 29 May 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

Just to reiterate the point of Emilio's post from 2004, which may have been missed by subsequent commenters still focused on "new matter" — L&M apparently have this as:
"He reads all, and his sermon very simple, but I looked for no better" — which makes a lot more sense in the context of Sam's view of Radcliffe's youth and inexperience.

About Mrs Shipman

MartinVT  •  Link

According to a footnote in "Everybody's Pepys", Mrs. Shipman "was a friend of the Battens at Walthamstow, where she owned a large dairy."

About Sunday 26 May 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

"a good sermon at our own church, where I have not been a great many weeks"

I had noticed that on Sundays Sam has tended to be elsewhere for quite a while; now in his home church (where he shared the expenses of a special pew) twice in one day! And as ever, the stranger preached a dull sermon in the p.m.

About Saturday 25 May 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

It sounds like, at last the workmen are done, everything is cleaned up, and besides a new set of stairs as originally planned, the Pepyses now have a brand new kitchen "hearth and range" as well; maybe more. Here's another illustration of what the range might have looked like:…, the hearth would have been a large fireplace with spit for roasting, and perhaps a bread oven in the wall.

About Wednesday 15 May 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

"Home and found all my joyner’s work now done,"

Sam the optimist. All my joyner's work is done! Except for one small job! Actually, except for two small jobs! And except for sweeping up all the shavings! And then some work left for the painters or stainers! But the project is basically done!

About Monday 13 May 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

John & A. Hamilton: As I've mentioned previously, given the length of time the workers have been at it already, and not quite finished, the work at Sam's house must entail more than just a new stairway — perhaps more wainscoting, cabinetry, new flooring, etc., all made from scratch with hand tools. When it is all done, we may find out more about the scope of work.

About Saturday 11 May 1661

MartinVT  •  Link


As a resolution to this conundrum, I offer the following:
(a) As John Wheater showed, above, by quoting Chris Gutteridge's page which includes nine uses by Sam of "fallow" to mean "follow", but:
(b) Mary (2004) et al, above, show that the OED offers no 17thC citations for "fallow" to mean "follow", therefore:
(c) "Fallow" in place of "follow" in this instance and others in the diary is just an occasional misspelling unique to Sam and therefore not picked up by the OED, but correctly used by L&M since they aim to reflect the exact text of the diary, warts, misspellings and all.

That said, Sam does know how to spell "follow" correctly, because he does so 220 times in the entire diary. So his misspelling here is really just a glitch in his shorthand, which has its imperfections on a regular basis. Or alternatively, "fallow" is just an occasional glitch in L&M's rendition of the shorthand, since there is apparently some ambiguity in how vowel marks are to be interpreted.

About Wednesday 8 May 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

1. Until antibiotics came along in C20, having a tooth pulled could absolutely be fatal in a non-trivial percentage of cases, due to infection in the wound. Sam may know that "the greatest of dirt" in his house is not the best place to convalesce, hence being first "troubled" and later on "angry" about her return.

2. But speaking of "I am now in the greatest of all my dirt," we still want to know the scope of work in these renovations, clearly more than just putting in a pair of stairs. But looking back to March 25 (… ), Sam told us then: "This morning came workmen to begin the making of me a new pair of stairs up out of my parler, which, with other work that I have to do, I doubt [believe] will keep me this two months and so long I shall be all in dirt; but the work do please me very well." I missed, in commenting earlier, that there was "other work" besides the stairs, and that at the start he estimated completion in two months — so it is pretty major work; right now about six weeks in and still it's a filthy mess. I'm going to guess the workers won't finish before the end of May.

About Saturday 4 May 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

Yesterday they slept in a room lately occupied by the queen, today in one where the king slept a while back. More brags for Sam to bring back to London! (Surely there was a surcharge by the innkeeper for both of these rooms!)

About Tuesday 30 April 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

To further protract the "black" discussion: My grandmother's family was from province Zeeland in the Netherlands where family tradition and some genealogical evidence had it that they had Huguenot roots, and that those Huguenot ancestors were responsible for their generally dark hair and eyes. Allegedly, this streak of "blackness" came from Moorish roots of some Huguenots, something that was also part of the oral tradition in my family.

About Wednesday 24 April 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

"advised with my wife about ordering things in my house"

OK, he says "my house" rather than "our house", but he does, apparently, consult with her, and perhaps turns over some purchasing responsibility to her. This project of having "a pair of stairs" built has obviously expanded to included further renovations and furnishings for the house, whoever's it is.

About Saturday 20 April 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

"in his night habitt he is very plain man"

To continue the comparisons:

"Even the President of the United States sometimes must have to stand naked" — Bob Dylan (It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding))

"The emperor has no clothes" — Hans Christian Andersen (The Emperor's New Clothes)

"Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus" — Francis P. Church (Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus)

About Thursday 18 April 1661

MartinVT  •  Link

Still "up with my workmen" this morning. How long does it take to build a new "pair of stairs?" Is he adding little side projects to the main job as they go along?