Tuesday 26 February 1666/67

Up, and to the office, where all the morning. And here did receive another reference from Sir W. Coventry about the business of some of the Muster-Masters, concerning whom I had returned their small performances, which do give me a little more trouble for fear [Sir] W. Coventry should think I had a design to favour my brother Balty, and to that end to disparage all the rest. But I shall clear all very well, only it do exercise my thoughts more than I am at leisure for. At home find Balty and his wife very fine, which I did not like, for fear he do spend too much of his money that way, and lay [not] up anything. After dinner to the office again, where by and by Lord Bruncker, [Sir] W. Batten, [Sir] J. Minnes and I met about receiving Carcasses answers to the depositions against him. Wherein I did see so much favour from my Lord to him that I do again begin to see that my Lord is not right at the bottom, and did make me the more earnest against him, though said little. My Lord rising, declaring his judgement in his behalf, and going away, I did hinder our arguing it by ourselves, and so broke up the meeting, and myself went full of trouble to my office, there to write over the deposition and his answers side by side, and then home to supper and to bed with some trouble of mind to think of the issue of this, how it will breed ill blood among us here.

9 Annotations

First Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Carlingford to Ormond
Written from: London
Date: 26 February 1667

Communicates some further particulars of the arrangements, in progress or under proposal, concerning the approaching Treaty. ... The King is gone to Chatham, to judge how soon the ships lying there can be fitted [for sea]; "a good Fleet being a great contributor to a good Peace." ... "If we have none with the French," adds the writer, "Colbert assures Molony of an attempt upon Ireland." ... The Duke of Buckingham is put out of the Council, & Bedchamber, and out of his Lieutenancy [in MS.: "Lieutenantship"] of Yorkshire.

Arlington to Ormond
Written from: Whitehall
Date: 26 February 1667

The assurances given by Lord St Alban of the sincerity of the profession made by the Court of France, lead to a beginning of belief that they are in earnest. ... In Spain, the treaty is at a full stop. ... Lord Sandwich had put the articles into two parts, with distinct preambles. ... The Spaniards insisted on having them all in one. ...

Adds, in detail, an account of the circumstances under which the King suspended the Duke of Buckingham from the Privy Council ... and directed his committal as a close prisoner to the Tower. ...


Terry Foreman  •  Link

George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham was "debarred from high office by the influence of Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon, the Chancellor. Buckingham now plotted to effect the Chancellor's ruin. He organized parties in both houses of parliament to support a 1666 bill prohibiting the import of Irish cattle, partly to oppose Clarendon and partly to thwart the Duke of Ormonde. Having asserted during the debates that "whoever was against the bill had either an Irish interest or an Irish understanding", he was challenged by Lord Ossory. Buckingham avoided the encounter, and Ossory was sent to the Tower. A short time afterwards, during a conference between the two Houses on 19 December, he came to blows with the Marquess of Dorchester: Buckingham pulled off the marquess's periwig, and Dorchester also "had much of the duke's hair in his hand." According to Clarendon, no misdemeanour so flagrant had ever before offended the dignity of the House of Lords. The offending peers were both sent to the Tower, but were released after apologising; and Buckingham vented his spite by raising a claim to the title of Baron Ros, held by Dorchester's son-in-law. His opposition to the government had lost him the king's favour, and he was now accused of treasonable intrigues, and of having cast the king's horoscope. His arrest was ordered on 25 February 1667, and he was dismissed from all his offices."


cape henry  •  Link

"But I shall clear all very well..." Ask any politician about one of his or her conflicts of interest and you shall straightaway meet Samuel Pepys face to face.

Robert Gertz  •  Link

"At home find Balty and his wife very fine, which I did not like, for fear he do spend too much of his money that way, and lay [not] up anything."

Now if he'd just invest in silver plate...

cum salis grano  •  Link

"Now if he’d just invest in silver plate"
jam today , not yesterday, not tomorrow, twas not 'wot' the Bible meant, live for the moment.
7 years of goodies, then 7 years of dieting wholesale.
Pay the Bankers their bonus today for there be hunger tomorrow for the next earners.
Oh!How the world dothe turn.

Second Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"I did see so much favour from my Lord to him that I do again begin to see that my Lord is not right at the bottom, and did make me the more earnest against him, though said little. "

Pepys begins to see how Brouncker favors his clerk, Carkesse.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

"I did see so much favour from my Lord to him that I do again begin to see that my Lord is not right at the bottom, and did make me the more earnest against him, though said little."

We know ... but at this point Pepys did not know ... that Brouncker is out of money ("not right at the bottom"). Probably his former clerk is giving him some kick-backs???????????????????

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

I'm not sure how much was achieved by Buckingham challenging the title of Dorchester's son-in-law. Dorchester and John Manners, Lord Roos, didn't like each other.

'In 1659 Henry Pierrepont, Marquess of Dorchester quarreled with his son-in-law, John Manners, Lord Roos, who wrote to him, "if by your threatening to ram your sword down my throat, you do not mean your pills ... I am safe enough".28 
28. True and Perfect Copy of Lord Roos his Answer to Marquesse of Dorchester's Letter, Written 25 of February 1659 (1660).

John Manners, Lord Roos appears to have employed the poet and satirist Samuel Butler to draft his answer.  -- Oxford DNB sub Butler, Samuel."

There is, of course, a long time between 1659 and 1667.

From http://www.historyofparliamentonl…

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