
This text was copied from Wikipedia on 12 September 2024 at 3:10AM.

Daniel Rawlinson (died 1679), of Graythwaite and London, was a vintner in London, where he kept the Mitre Tavern on Fenchurch Street.[1][2]


Rawlinson was educated at Hawkshead Grammar School.

He was a friend of Samuel Pepys and is mentioned a number of times in Pepys' diary.[1] According to a letter from Dr. Richard Rawlinson to Tom Herne, an antiquary at Oxford, he seems to have been a staunch royalist: "The Whiggs [sic] tell this, that upon the king's [Charles I] murder, January 30th, 1649, he hung his signe [sic] in mourning".[2]

His wife Margaret died in 1666 of plague and his business burned down in the Great Fire of that year.[1][2] He later rebuilt the Mitre.[2] His son Thomas Rawlinson became Lord Mayor of London in 1705, and his grandsons include Thomas Rawlinson and Richard Rawlinson,[2] the latter a great benefactor to the Bodleian Library.


  1. ^ a b c "Daniel Rawlinson (Biographical details)". British Museum.
  2. ^ a b c d e Pepys, Samuel (1896). The Diary of Samuel Pepys ... G. Bell and sons. p. 174. Retrieved 24 February 2018.

1893 text

Daniel Rawlinson kept the Mitre in Fenchurch Street, and there is a farthing token of his extant, “At the Mitetr in Fenchurch Streete, D. M. R.” The initials stand for Daniel and Margaret Rawlinson (see “Boyne’s Trade Tokens,” ed. Williamson, vol. i., 1889, p. 595) In “Reliquiae Hearnianae” (ed. Bliss, 1869, vol. ii. p. 39) is the following extract from Thomas Rawlinson’s Note Book R.: “Of Daniel Rawlinson, my grandfather, who kept the Mitre tavern in Fenchurch Street, and of whose being sequestred in the Rump time I have heard much, the Whiggs tell this, that upon the king’s murder he hung his signe in mourning. He certainly judged right. The honour of the Mitre was much eclipsed through the loss of so good a parent of the church of England. These rogues say, this endeared him so much to the churchmen that he soon throve amain and got a good estate.” Mrs. Rawlinson died of the plague (see August 9th, 1666), and the house was burnt in the Great Fire. Mr. Rawlinson rebuilt the Mitre, and he had the panels of the great room painted with allegorical figures by Isaac Fuller. Daniel was father of Sir Thomas Rawlinson, of whom Thomas Hearne writes (October 1st, 1705): “Sir Thomas Rawlinson is chosen Lord Mayor of London for ye ensueing notwithstanding the great opposition of ye Whigg party” (Hearne’s “Collections,” ed. Doble, 1885, vol. i. p. 51). The well-known antiquaries, Thomas and Richard Rawlinson, sons of Sir Thomas, were therefore grandsons of Daniel.

This text comes from a footnote on a diary entry in the 1893 edition edited by Henry B. Wheatley.

3 Annotations

First Reading

Pauline  •  Link

from L&M Companion
(1614-79). Landlord of the Mitre, Fenchurch St, one of the busiest and most elegant of London Taverns. A royalist, he draped his sign in black when Charles I was executed. The diary shows that Pepys's Uncle Wight was a friend or relative of his, and that Pepys more than once consulted him about private investments. One of his aquaintances anxious for a deputy-purser's place first made application to Rawlinson, begging him to 'move squire Pepys' to use his influence with Coventry. His house was burnt in the Fire; he rebuilt it in some splendour. He became Master of the Vintners' Company in 1678 and died possessed of a considerable estate, with landed propery in several counties, including his native Lancashire. His son Sir Thomas (also a vintner) was Lord Mayor 1705-6; Sir Thomas's sons Thomas and Richard were the well-known antiquaries. It was through the latter's enterprise and generosity that a large body of Pepys's papers found their way to the Bodleian Library.

Second Reading

Bill  •  Link

Dan Rawlinson, of whom Pepys speaks so familiarly, kept the Mitre Tavern in Fenchurch Street. He was a staunch royalist, and when the King was executed, "hung his sign in mourning." This, says Hearne, made him much suspected in the rump time; but "endeared him so much to the churchmen that he throve amain and got a good estate." The Mitre was burned in the Great Fire, but rebuilt and somewhat sumptuously adorned, the walls being painted by Isaac Fuller, who left so many specimens of his pencil in the Oxford colleges.
---London, Past and Present. H.B. Wheatley, 1891.

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Chart showing the number of references in each month of the diary’s entries.









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