Sunday 8 July 1666

(Lord’s day). Up, and pretty well of my pain, so that it did not trouble me at all, and I do clearly find that my pain in my back was nothing but only accompanied my bruise in my stones.

To church, wife and Mercer and I, in expectation of hearing some mighty preacher to-day, Mrs. Mary Batelier sending us word so; but it proved our ordinary silly lecturer, which made me merry, and she laughed upon us to see her mistake.

At noon W. Hewer dined with us, and a good dinner, and I expected to have had newes sent me of Knipp’s christening to-day; but, hearing nothing of it, I did not go, though I fear it is but their forgetfulness and so I may disappoint them.

To church, after dinner, again, a thing I have not done a good while before, go twice in one day.

After church with my wife and Mercer and Tom by water through bridge to the Spring Garden at Fox Hall, and thence down to Deptford and there did a little business, and so back home and to bed.

8 Annotations

First Reading

Mr. Gunning  •  Link

Stones = testicles

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"I expected to have had newes sent me of Knipp’s christening to-day"

L&M noted on 6 August that on that day her son was named Samuel after SP.

"To church..., a thing I have not done a good while before, go twice in one day."

L&M note the last time recorded was 9 April 1665.…

Robert Gertz  •  Link

L&M noted on 6 August that on that day her son was named Samuel after SP.

Hopefully Mr. Knipp's violence does not match his moroseness...After all, even family business is business...


"Hooke, my good fellow, come in."

"Eh, Pepys...You wouldn't happen by any chance to know a Christopher Knipp, horse trader, wife on the stage...Extremely..." Hooke makes gesture suggestive of imminent arrival of offspring.

"Why of course...Dear Babs Allen, I was just about to go and..."

"Ah, yes. Hmmn..."

"Any wrong, Hooke?"

"Just possibly...Perhaps. You see, I was looking for a volunteer to test my latest experimental solution. The one I said could possibly produce for us an army of supermen...?"

"Yes, I remember...Or instantly kill the subject."

"Well, in Natural Philosophy there are no failures, Pepys. Merely lessons learned..."

"Yes...About Knipp?"

"Well, he volunteered. Seemed quite enthusiastic in a rather morose way...Asked if you often visited the Society."

"Ah...Hooke, the poor man's not dead?"

"Oh, no. Quite the opposite...That's why I felt I ought to come by, you see. Seems I was on the right track after all...More or less..."

Crashing sounds...Howls far up the road...

"Yes...I only realized after he'd taken the solution that he seemed to bear you a deal of ill will. Something to do with his new son...Named after you, I understand. Congratulations."

Loud crashes... "Sam'l!" Bess' voice calling.

"Just a mo, dear! Many thanks, Hooke but just what effect did your medicine have on the man?"

"You're fond of 'Othello' aren't you, Pepys? I seem remember...Green-eyed monster and all that..."

"Yes...You mean he's insanely jealous?"

"No, I mean he's now a twenty-five foot tall green-eyed, green-skinned, all around green, monster. And I believe..."

Bellowing roar from the smashed gate... "PEEEEPPPYYYSSS!!! I think this belongs to you!!!"

Fireship hurles by window...

"...That's him."

"Ah...Well. I suppose congratulations would be in order if we had the time."

Michael Robinson  •  Link

" ... I mean he’s now a twenty-five foot tall green-eyed, green-skinned, all around green, monster. ..."

"In the tale, Sir Gawain accepts a challenge from a mysterious warrior who is completely green, from his clothes and hair to his beard and skin. The "Green Knight" offers to allow anyone to strike him with his axe if the challenger will take a return blow in a year and a day. Gawain accepts, and beheads him in one blow, only to have the Green Knight stand up, pick up his head, and remind Gawain to meet him at the appointed time. ..."……

Michael McCollough  •  Link

Very funny, RG! Though I'm not sure who I'd put my money on in a fight between the Hulk and a man who can refer so casually to his bruised testicles...

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