Thursday 16 January 1661/62

Towards Cheapside; and in Paul’s Churchyard saw the funeral of my Lord Cornwallis, late Steward of the King’s House, a bold profane talking man, go by, and thence I to the Paynter’s, and there paid him 6l. for the two pictures, and 36s. for the two frames. From thence home, and Mr. Holliard and my brother Tom dined with me, and he did give me good advice about my health. In the afternoon at the office, and at night to Sir W. Batten, and there saw him and Captain Cock and Stokes play at cards, and afterwards supped with them. Stokes told us, that notwithstanding the country of Gambo is so unhealthy, yet the people of the place live very long, so as the present king there is 150 years old, which they count by rains: because every year it rains continually four months together. He also told us, that the kings there have above 100 wives a-piece, and offered him the choice of any of his wives to lie with, and so he did Captain Holmes. So home and to bed.

37 Annotations

First Reading

Bradford  •  Link

Now where is this Gambo again? Near the yogurt-eaters of Bulgaria?

A. De Araujo  •  Link

most likely the Gambia; the Portuguese had been there 150 years earlier.

dirk  •  Link


There are several cities/regions in Africa named Gambo (from Ethiopia up to the Central African Republic), bur I agree with Araujo that (The) Gambia seems the most likely candidate, considering its history:

A Latvian Duke was the first to build a fortified trading post on an island in the river Gambia in 1651. The English captured the fort in 1661, subsequently known as Fort James or James Island, after James, Duke of York. This fort became a trading base for gold and ivory and later for slaves (Cf. Kunta Kinteh, "Roots"). The governor of James Island forced all non-English ships entering the River Gambia to pay taxes on their goods. Ships that tried to evade the taxes were fired upon. In 1695, Fort James was taken by the French after. It was returned in 1697 and then captured again in 1702.

This area was later to become the British colony known as Senegambia, whitch covered present day Senegal and The Gambia.

Summarized from:…

dirk  •  Link


According to

In 2002 (last year in the database), £6 from 1662 would have been worth £491.23, using the retail price index. And similarly 36s from 1662 would be £147.37

Take these values as a reasonable approximation of true purchasing power.

So, the portraits are costing Sam a considerable sum of money…

AussieAnnie  •  Link

Did Captain Stokes or Captain Holmes "lie" with the King's wife/wives? Are they not queens?

Did the advice regarding Sam's health include more leafy greens and less processed meat (eg brawn), and, even a bit of fruit, if possible? Sam's diet, as shown to us, leaves a lot to be desired.

Australian Susan  •  Link

"choice of wives to lie with"
Although, there appears to be a scanning error in the last line, it seems to read that both Stokes and Holmes took advantage of the King's unusually generous hospitality (or at least boasted they did), which is likely to confirm Sam's paranoia about Holmes being a womaniser and with naughty designs on Beth!

dirk  •  Link

The King's wives

Acording to local custom the King would have had many "wives", most of which would be called "concubines" in more modern terminology, and which would have been considered as his personal property (with absolute power over their life or death - and anything else). Nothing wrong in lending one to the powerful white man, no? :-)

(I remember reading a French book called "Segou” - I forgot by whom - some years ago, vividly describing this kind of thing.)

john lauer  •  Link

Since we all hope the Paynter jacked the price up on Sam, for the way he continually harassed him, I wonder how the price was negotiated, or was it fixed from the outset. What was the custom, I wonder; the paynter's clientele would have 'outranked' him, but he depended on their favor.

vicenzo  •  Link

Ah! The purchasing power of a Quid. 6 of them could get you a mayde for two years, or 120 chickens,180 lbs of sausages, 42 lbs of chocloate, or half a yard of flanders lace, or 8 silk stockings. It can be very confusing.

vicenzo  •  Link

Is it better to be an old man's darling or to be a young man's slave?"...kings there have above 100 wives a-piece..."

Australian Susan  •  Link

The King of Gambia
I think whether they were deemed wives or concubines would have mattered ne'er a jot - they would still have had no rights! Wish Sam had commented on this - intriguing to know if he was titilated, appalled, envious, disbelieving (the male conquest myth is like the fishing story myth...), or what.

Mary  •  Link

and so he did Captain Holmes.

No scanning error in this line according to the L&M edition. The sense is that the king offered one of his wives to Capt. Stokes and similarly (and so he did) offered one to Capt. Holmes.

L&M footnote records that a later voyager to Gambia in 1694, a Capt. Phillips, led a party that got into bad trouble merely by peeping into the wives' quarters.

Pedro.  •  Link


The Portuguese were first at Gambia in 1456, and called it "Cambio" meaning trade..

Maurie Beck  •  Link

The King's wives

Nothing wrong in lending one to the Englishmen unless they had the pox.

language hat  •  Link

"A Latvian Duke was the first to build a fortified trading post"

With that familiar adjective "Latvian" you write out of history one of my favorite forgotten historical entities, the Duchy of Courland:…

It reached its peak with the great Duke Jacob Kettler:

"Jacob established the merchant fleet of the Duchy of Courland, with its main harbours in Ventspils and Liepaja. In 1651 the Duchy even gained its first colony in Africa, St. Andrew's Island at the Gambia River and established Jacob Fort there. The main export goods were ivory, gold, furs, spices. Soon afterwards, in 1652, another colony was established in Tobago in the West Indies. There the main export goods were sugar, tobacco, coffee and spices."

Unfortunately, the Duchy was a victim of the Swedish-Polish wars and wound up becoming a province of Russia before the Revolution; it's now part of Latvia, but that's irrelevant to the seventeenth century.

vicenzo  •  Link

interesting constraint on 'free press'
Bill to prevent disorderly Printing.
Hodie 1avice lecta est Billa, "An Act for preventing the frequent Abuses in printing seditious, treasonable, and unlicensed Books and Pamphlets; and for regulating Printing, and (Footnote *) Printing Presses."

From: British History Online
Source: House of Lords Journal Volume 11: 16 January 1662. Journal of the House of Lords: volume 11, ().
Date: 18/01/2005

Pedro.  •  Link

John Evelyn on this day.

16 Having notice of his R: Highnesse the Duke of Yorks intention to visite my poor habitation and Garden this day, I returned; where he was pleasd to do me that honour of his owne accord: and to stay some time viewing such things as I had to entertaine his curiosity; after which he caused me to dine with him at the Treasurer of the Navys house, & to sit with him coverd at the same table: There were with his Highnesse The Duke of Ormond & severall Lords: Then they viewed some of my Ground, about a project of a Sasse or recep-tacle for ships to be moored in; which was laied aside, as a fancy of Sir Nic: Crisp &c: After this I accompanied the Duke to an East India vessel that lay at Black-Wall, where we had Entertainnt of several curiosities: among other spiritous drinks, as Punch &c, they gave us Canarie that had ben carried to, & brought back from the Indies, which was indeede incomparably good: So I returnd to Lond, with his highnesse. This night was acted before his Majestie the Widow, a lewd play:

Charlotte  •  Link


The amount scans in as 6l but I think it was established in a previous annotation that it is actually 6/- which means 6 shillings, not 6 pounds.

Mary  •  Link

6l. = £6

No scanning error here: the L&M (definitive modern)edition also shows italic l, abbreviation for ‘pounds’. The previous annotations also came to the conclusion that the sum in question was pounds and not shillings.

Wim van der Meij  •  Link

- Steward of the King - according to Warrington this should be: treasurer.

pat stewart cavalier  •  Link

6l. for the two pictures, and 36s. for the two frames.
Of course 6l = 6 £ (pounds) and 36s = 36 shillings.

Second Reading

Louise Hudson  •  Link

Dirk : "In 2002 (last year in the database), £6 from 1662 would have been worth £491.23, using the retail price index. And similarly 36s from 1662 would be £147.37. . .

"So, the portraits are costing Sam a considerable sum of money.

Two hand-painted portraits would have cost a lot more than £491 in 2007. The frames would also cost more than £147 for two unless they were a poor grade and were bought at a discount store. Sam got a bargain compared to 2007.

jpmrb  •  Link

Very classy new design, congratulations!

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"the kings there have above 100 wives a-piece, and offered him the choice of any of his wives to lie with, and so he did Captain Holmes."

Cf, the description of a visit to one of these kings in Gambia by a slave-trader, Capt. Phillips, in 1694: A Collection of voyages and travels [microform] : some now first printed from original manuscripts, others now first published in English : in six volumes with a general preface giving an account of the progress of navigation from its first beginning by Churchill, Awnsham, d. 1728; Churchill, John, fl. 1695, vi. 214+. He estimated his royal host to be [age] c. 60but says that these tribes kept no account of time (other travelers report them as reckoning in lunar months). Phillips' party got into severe trouble by merely peeping into the royal wives' quarters. [L&M note)

Third Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Sir Arnold Braems ["Breames"; "Beames"] to Sandwich
Written from: Lix.-a Road [Lisbon Roads]
Date: 16/26 January 1662
Shelfmark: MS. Carte 73, fol(s). 531
Document type: Holograph

Reports some arrangements respecting a vessel "which may give conveyance" to his Excellency.
Adds that Mr. Montagu [probably Edward Montagu, eldest son of Edward, 2nd Lord Montagu of Boughton, afterwards Master of the Horse to Queen Catherine of Braganza], and Colonel Talbot are "this evening gone on shore"...

FROM: Carte Calendar Volume 33, January - August 1662
For more information on the Carte manuscripts and calendar, see the Carte Calendar Project homepage.
Shelfmark: MS. Carte Calendar 33
Extent: 488 pages…

This can't be Sir Arnold Braemes MP (1602 – 1681) an English merchant and politician who on 23 Oct. 1659 received a letter from Charles II ordering him to persuade Admiral Lawson to come over to the King’s side. His efforts were successful when, in March 1660, Lawson agreed to follow the orders of Edward Montagu. Braemas sat in the House of Commons in 1660. He was the son of Charles Braemes, a wealthy Dover merchant, and his wife Josina Spike of London. He was knighted by Charles II at Canterbury on his way to London, but his petition for a commissionership of customs failed. Braemes and Montagu/Sandwich were returned for Dover in 1660. He stood as a churchman against Lord Hinchingbrooke at the Dover by-election of 1670. https://www.historyofparliamenton…
But it might be his son? Clearly Charles owed something to Sir Arnold.
Col. Talbot might come from the Earl of Shrewsbury's family???
Edward "Ned" Montegu…

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Five weeks from London to Lisbon -- sounds right:

December 7, 1660: "Then came Mr. Moore, and he and I to Westminster and to Worcester House to see Mr. Montagu before he goes away (this night), but could not see him, nor do I think he has a mind to see us for fear of our demanding of money of him for anything."
Naughty Ned owes everyone money, after being given the privilege of housesitting the Westminster apartments.…

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

"the privilege of housesitting the Westminster apartments."
This should be the WHITEHALL apartments of course. Sorry.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

The Commons were their Royalist selves today:

Boyle's &c. Nat.
ORDERED, That the Name of Charlotte Boyle*, Daughter to Francis Lord Viscount Shannon, Brother to the Earl of Cork, born at Paris in France; Richard Boyle, Son to the said Lord Viscount Shannon, born at --- in France; Walbrough Howard, Wife to Thomas Howard, Brother to the Earl of Suffolk; Charles Howard and William Howard, Sons to the said Thomas Howard, born at the Hague in Holland; be inserted into the Bill for Naturalization.

Poor Relief.
A Bill for the constituting Corporations in the Cities, Boroughs, and Market Towns, in the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, for the better Relief and Employment of the Poor; and for the preventing of Poor, by the Settling of them; and for the better Executing of the Laws against Rogues and Vagabonds; was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That this Bill be read again the Second time Tomorrow Morning, after the other Bill for the Poor of the Cities of London, Westminster, and Borough of Southwerke, is read.

Preachers thanked.
Ordered, That the Thanks of this House be returned to Mr. Dean Ryve and Dr. Bolton, for the Sermons by them preached Yesterday, before this House, at St. Margaret's Church, Westminster: And that they be desired to print their Sermons: And Serjeant Charleton is desired to return Thanks to Dean Ryve; and Sir Charles Harbord, to Dr. Bolton.

Captives at Algiers. &c.
A Petition of poor Captives, taken and kept in Slavery by the Pirates of Algiers and Tunis, was this Day read.

Ordered, That the Matter of the said Petition, as to the Arrears and Discoveries of Monies received upon the Accompt, and for Relief of the said Captives, be referred to the Committee which is appointed to take the Accompt of the Monies in Arrear upon the Poll Bill; and the other Monies raised for paying off and discharging the Army, to examine, and make Report to this House, touching the same: And they are to sit de die in diem: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.

Relief of Loyalists.
Ordered, That Leave be given for the bringing in a Bill for Provision and Relief of such maimed and wounded Soldiers as have served his late or now King's Majesty, by enlarging the Powers given by the Act of 43 Eliz. to impose Two Shillings and Sixpence, instead of Ten-pence, a Month.

Executing Regicides.
Ordered, That the Committee to whom the Bill for Executing certain Persons attainted of High Treason is committed, be revived: And that Mr. Gawdy, be added to the said Committee.

Answer to Message.
Mr. Secretary Morrice reports, That, in Obedience to the Commands of this House, he, and the other Members of this House, who were of his Majesty's Privy Council, did remind his Majesty, to remand Lambert and Vane, and also Waller, and the other Persons attainted of High Treason, who were sent away: And that his Majesty graciously received the Message, and would take present Care about it:

San Diego Sarah  •  Link


And, that his Majesty having, to gratify this House, enlarged the Time for accepting the late Coin in Payments to his Majesty, from the First of March till the First of May; and was informed, by several Officers of his Exchequer and Mint, that it would be a great Loss and Prejudice, and very mischievous, to his Majesty, and of Advantage only to some private Persons, who had ingrossed and bought up the said Coin; and therefore was advised to recall his Proclamation; and to confine the making passable of the said Coin, in Payments to his Majesty, to the First of March only: And, though it was much his Majesty's Interest so to do; yet he would not do the same, till he had advised with this House therein.


* Henrietta Boyle was an illigitimate daughter of Charles II.

From ROYAL BASTARDS by Peter Beauclerk-Dewar and Roger Powell, page 44:

Born in Paris in 1640 to Elizabeth Killigrew Boyle (daughter of Sir Robert Killigrew, Vice Chamberlain to Queen Henrietta Maria). She was 28, and Charles II was 20. This is the only recorded case of Charles having an affair with an older woman. [NOT TRUE - SDS]

In 1638 Elizabeth Killigrew married Francis Boyle (4th surviving son of the 1st Earl of Cork) in the Chapel Royal, Whitehall. She was 16.

In 1654 Francis Boyle created Viscount Shannon by Charles II in Paris.

James Butler, Duke of Ormonde, describes Francis Boyle, Viscount Shannon, as "a plain, honest gentleman," a kindly and fair-minded man."

In early 1663 Charlotte Jemima Henrietta Maria Boyle was granted naturalization papers.

March 9, 1663 Charlotte Jemima Henrietta Maria Boyle married James Howard, grandson of Theophilus Howard, 2nd Earl of Suffolk in Heston, Middlesex. They were both 13.

In 1667 Charles II grants Charlotte Jemima Henrietta Maria [Boyle] FirtzRoy and James Howard an annual pension of 500l., which continued throughout her life. It is thought Charles did not formally recognize Charlotte because Elizabeth Killigrew Boyle wanted to hide her indiscretion, and Francis had recognized her. However, Charlotte resembled Charles in character and features, with a merry disposition and lively intelligence.

James Howard died at 19 in 1669. He and Charlotte Jemima Henrietta Maria Boyle Howard had a daughter, Stuarta Howard (later a maid-of-honor to Mary II, and died in 1703).

In 1672 Charlotte Jemima Henrietta Maria Boyle Howard married William Paston (later 2nd Earl of Yarmouth). ...

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

The Lords were less interesting IMHO:

Bill concerning Quakers.
The Earl of Bridgwater reported, "That the Committee have considered again the Bill concerning the Quakers, and have thought fit to make One more Alteration therein, which they offer to the Consideration of the House; and that the Committee are of Opinion, That the Title and the Body of the Bill do not cross one another."

Upon some Debare hereof: It is ORDERED, That the said Bill be re-committed to the same Committee, that it may extend only to Quakers: And the Committee are to meet To-morrow Morning, at Eight of the Clock; and the Lord Mohun is added to this Committee.

Bill to prevent disorderly Printing.
Hodie 1a vice lecta est Billa, "An Act for preventing the frequent Abuses in printing seditious, treasonable, and unlicensed Books and Pamphlets; and for regulating Printing, and (fn. 1) Printing Presses."

Bp. St. David's Thanks for his Sermon.
The House, by the Lord Chancellor, this Day gave Thanks to the Lord Bishop of St. David's, for his Pains in Preaching Yesterday at the Fast.

Bill to regulate Hackney Coaches.
ORDERED, That the Committee concerning Hackney Coaches do meet this Afternoon.

Charles Miller  •  Link

“and thence I to the Paynter’s, and there paid him 6l. for the two pictures, and 36s. for the two frames”

Another way to convert this to a modern value (putting aside the rather suspect retail price index) would be to look at how SP might have paid this. The total comes to 7 guineas 2 crowns (a Guinea being £1 1/- and a crown 5/- each). If paid in golden guineas, these weighed about 8g each and had a high content of 22ct, equating to roughly £500 at scrap value today, so one could argue a closer figure would be nearer £3,500.00 for these today, and I’ve not added the scrap for the silver crowns as that’s quite modest. I think that’s a more realistic figure for a pair of pics and frames from a workmanlike artist, and one who may have taught SP that you pay for what you get leading to his using better artists such as Hayls and Riley later in his career - he paid John Hayls £14 in 1666 for the famous one with him holding his composition ‘Beauty Retire’, you can do the maths!

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Interesting pics, Mountain Man. I see the pulpit where they used to preach from, but don't see the cross or the stocks.

Stephane Chenard  •  Link

Interesting data point in the State Papers today: A warrant "to advance to Sir George Carteret 417,220£. for the use of the navy at sea and in harbour, for a year".

We'll try another time to reconcile this with other Accounts seen here and there. For now, assuming Sam's painting is the same size as the famous Pepys-with-piece-of-paper portrait (0.47 m2 as per…) it cost £6.4 per square meter and so we compute that the naval budget could buy about 65,200 m2 of Pepys portraiture, about half of the (modern) Westminster palace area (details at…) Just in case anyone needs a conversation piece for dinner.

MaxG  •  Link

A useful site for comparing monetary values over time is here:…. It seems to me that the best option is to use the labour value/earnings/cost as that gives the best indication of the financial impact of the expenditure. Stuff has got relatively much cheaper (or, if you prefer, people have got more expensive) over time, so you really should multiply 1660s prices by almost 3,000 to get a feel for what the modern expenditure equivalent would be.

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