Wednesday 26 November 1662

In the morning to the Temple to my cozen Roger, who now desires that I would excuse him from arbitrating, he not being able to stand for me as he would do, without appearing too high against my uncle Thomas, which will raise his clamour. With this I am very well pleased, for I did desire it, and so I shall choose other counsel.

Thence home, he being busy that I could not speak more with him. All day long till twelve o’clock at night getting my house in order, my wife putting up the red hangings and bed in her woman’s chamber, and I my books and all other matters in my chamber and study, which is now very pretty. So to bed.

6 Annotations

First Reading

A. De Araujo  •  Link

"All day long till twelve o'clock at night getting my house in order"
It is beggining to sound like OCD,Obsessive Compulsive Disorder!

Paul Chapin  •  Link

No, just the normal aftermath of remodeling. I just went through it myself.

Terry F  •  Link

Or, in Sam's case, anything for the sake of making very pretty -- after months of dirt.

Terry F  •  Link

Sam's lately been treated to some pretty fancy digs; perhaps it's about appearances, or keeping up with the Mennes's.

Robert Gertz  •  Link

"Cousin Samuel, you know I would do anything for you and your dear father, but..." Roger looks nervously round.

in Aqua Scripto  •  Link

3 way move, he to his den, Eliza has her boudoir, and the singing companion hers, and hers be Red, very powerful?
Sam gets mobile when under the pain of worry and very touchy, when things like lawsuits be hanging over his 'ead and he cannot figure out the result.

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