Searching for mr hill, in diary entries, ordered by relevancy.

143 found.

Saturday 10 March 1659/60

… f letting her be at Mr. Bowyer's. Thence to the Treasurer of t … ft 200l. of it with Mr. Rawlinson at his house for Sheply, I w … vern on Fish Street Hill, where Mr. Hill, Stevens and Mr. Hater of the Navy Office had invited m … a fine breakfast of Mr. Hater. Then by coach home, where I too … ling to continue at Mr. Bowyer's in my absence. After this to see Mrs. Jem and paid her maid 7l., and then to Mr. Blackburne, who told me what Mr. Creed did say upon the news of my comi … ffice, whither also Mr. Madge comes half foxed and played the …

Sunday 5 August 1660

… where I dined with Mr. Sheply (my Lord dining at Kensington). … Church. I sat with Mr. Hill in his pew; Mr. Hill that married in Axe Yard and that was a … rch done I went and Mr. Sheply to see W. Howe at Mr. Pierces, where I staid singing of song … very pleasant with Mrs. Pierce and him. Thence to my Lord's, w … lked and drank with Mr. Sheply. After that to Westminster stai …

Saturday 25 February 1659/60

… , brother, and I to Mr. Widdrington, at Christ's College, who … gdalene College, to Mr. Hill, with whom I found Mr. Zanchy, Burton, and Hollins, and was e … to see them, where Mr. Fairbrother came to us. Here we sat a … er's chamber, while Mr. Fairbrother, my Cozen Angier, and Mr. Zanchy, whom I met at Mr. Merton's shop (where I bought 'Elenchu … given my former to Mr. Downing when he was here), to the Thre … broke up and I and Mr. Zanchy went to Magdalene College, wher … handsome supper at Mr. Hill's chambers, I suppose upon a club among … aturday nights. And Mr. Zanchy told me that there was no such …

Wednesday 14 February 1665/66

… orning called up by Mr. Hill, who, my wife thought, had been come to … ointment to deliver Mr. Howe's accounts to my Lord. Which done … h my Lord I brought Mr. Hill to kisse his hands, to whom my Lord pro … being gone, I took Mr. Hill to my Lord Chancellor's new house that … him to his paynter, Mr. Hales, who is drawing his picture, whi … nner abroad, taking Mrs. Mary Batelier with us, who was just co … ind my wife gone to Mrs. Mercer's to be merry, but presently come in with Mrs. Knipp, who, it seems, is in towne, and …

Sunday 3 September 1665

… e church time comes Mr. Hill (Mr. Andrews failing because he was to rece … ellent company with Mr. Hill and discourse of musique. I took my Lad …

Tuesday 31 October 1665

… fice again, leaving Mr. Hill if he can to get Mrs. Coleman at night. About nine at night … ome, and there find Mrs. Pierce come and little Fran. Tooker, and Mr. Hill, and other people, a great many dancing, and anon comes Mrs. Coleman with her husband and Laneare. … and to sing, which Mrs. Coleman do very finely, though her voi … , at the request of Mr. Hill, bring two or three the finest prints f … ther things, we got Mrs. Coleman to sing part of the Opera, tho … roke up and to bed. Hill and I together again, and being very sl …

Friday 23 February 1665/66

… e and away hence to Mr. Hales's with Mr. Hill and two of the Houblons, who come thith … leases me well, but Mr. Hill's picture never a whit so well as it di … e again. Anon comes Mrs. Knipp to see my wife, who is gone out, … to look my wife at Mrs. Pierce's and Unthanke's, but find her … , in all. So she to Mrs. Turner's to lie, and we to bed. Mighti …

Sunday 7 May 1665

… . After dinner come Mr. Andrews and spent the afternoon with m … after sermon comes Mr. Hill and a gentleman, a friend of his, one Mr. Scott, that sings well also, and then comes Mr. Andrews, and we all sung and supped, a … f one Browne, which Mr. Hill helps her to, and, by her beginning upo …

Wednesday 1 February 1664/65

… of a business with Mr. Gifford and Hubland [Houblon] for brin … , by agreement with Mr. Young the flag-maker, and there was met by Mr. Hill, Andrews, and Mr. Hubland, a pretty serious man. Here tw …

Friday 2 March 1665/66

… by appointment find Mr. Hill come to sup and take his last leave of … by and by in comes Mr. James Houbland to bear us company, a m … heartily sorry for Mr. Hill's leaving us, for he is a very worthy g …

Sunday 4 September 1664

… and took physique, Mr Hollyard['s]. But it being cold weather … s, and then came in Mr. Hill and he sung with us a while; and he bei … n to the singing of Mr. Porter's mottets, and it is a great jo … ing at first sight. Mr. Hill came to tell me that he had got a gentl … an for my wife, one Mrs. Ferrabosco, that sings most admirably. …

Wednesday 15 February 1659/60

… office, thence with Mr. Hill of Worcestershire to Will's, where I ga … the country. So to Mr. Crew's, where the dining room being full, Mr. Walgrave and I dined below in the butt … my father's, where Mr. Hill came to me and I gave him direction wha … Lord privily. So to Mrs. Jem and sat with her, who dined at Mr. Crew's to-day, and told me that there … were secluded, for Mr. Walgrave told me that there were about …

Sunday 29 October 1665

… coach toward Erith, Mr. Deane riding along with us, where we d … wife was gone with Mr. Hill and Mercer this day to see me at Greenw … ough the yarde) and Mrs. Barbary being there I was well at ease … th me, among others Mr. Browne, who was there, would go, I wal … wich, where I found Mr. Hill with my wife, and very glad I was to se …

Sunday 31 July 1664

… im yesterday, comes Mr. Hill, at which I was a little troubled, but … ourse. After dinner Mr. Hill and I to my house, and there to musique …

Friday 8 December 1665

… by appointment met Mr. Gawden, and he and I to the Pope's Hea … pany come; that is, Mrs. Knipp, and an ill, melancholy, jealous … his wife, and Rolt, Mrs. Worshipp and her daughter, Coleman and … by chance to towne Mr. Hill to see us. Most excellent musique we ha … a pleasant scene of Mrs. Knipp's rising sicke from table, but w … up, and we to bed, Mr. Hill and I, whom I love more and more, and h …

Friday 9 February 1665/66

… s Houblons come and Mr. Hill, and a very good supper we had, and goo … ect was principally Mr. Hill's going for them to Portugall, which wa …

Monday 11 January 1663/64

… nt, which I sent to Mrs. Lane by my promise on Saturday night l … James's; where, at Mr. Coventry's chamber, I dined with my Lo … lis Layton, and one Mr. Seymour, a fine gentleman; were admira … merchant, his name Mr. Hill, that has travelled and I perceive is a … cquaintance of that Mr. Hill. This morning I stood by the King argui …

Sunday 29 January 1664/65

… In the evening come Mr. Andrews and Hill, and we up to my chamber and there good … leasing to me. Then Mr. Hill (the other going away) and I to supper … lar vain humours of Mr. Povy, which are very extraordinary ind … d Captain Cocke and Mr. Pen, junior [L&M suggest this is "Mr. Fen Junior". P.G.]. Here a great deal …

Sunday 27 November 1664

… In the evening come Mr. Andrews and Hill, and we sung, with my boy, Ravenscroft' … rest discourse with Mr. Hill about Rome and Italy; but most pleasant …

Thursday 7 November 1661

… is morning came one Mr. Hill (sent by Mr. Hunt, the Instrument maker), to teach … to dinner, and got Mr. Pett the Commissioner to dinner with m … , and after that to Mr. Moore to advise, and so returned home …

Monday 5 February 1665/66

… ange, and there met Mr. Hill, newly come to town, and with him the H … companied home with Mr. J. Houblon and Hill, whom I invited to sup with me on Frida …

Sunday 11 June 1665

… n the evening comes Mr. Andrews and his wife and Mr. Hill, and staid and played, and sung and sup …

Sunday 18 June 1665

… , after the battle. Mr. Mills made a sorry sermon to prove tha … ternoon. Anon comes Mr. Andrews to see and sing with me, but Mr. Hill not coming, and having business, we soo … arted, there coming Mr. Povy and Creed to discourse about our …

Wednesday 2 September 1668

… but a cold dinner, Mr. Gibson with me; and this evening comes Mr. Hill to discourse with me about Yeabsly and … gh a kind one, from Mr. Jessop, to attend the Commissioners of …

Sunday 10 September 1665

… t to Blackewall for Mr. Andrews. I walked to Woolwich, and there find Mr. Hill, and he and I all the morning at musiqu … ry good. Anon comes Mr. Andrews, though it be a very ill day, … by an expresse from Mr. Coventry, telling me the most happy ne … there sending away Mr. Andrews, I to Captain Cocke's, where I … so Sir W. Doyly and Mr. Evelyn); but the receipt of this newes … o Sir J. Minnes and Mr. Evelyn such a spirit of mirth, that in … mong other humours, Mr. Evelyn's repeating of some verses made …

Friday 22 December 1665

… well. At noon comes Mr. Hill to towne, and finds me out here, and brings Mr. Houbland, who met him here. So I was c … brothers, of which Hill had his and the other two of his, and m … eing called upon by Mr. Andrews, I having sent for him, and by …

Wednesday 16 May 1666

… attend the Duke and Mr. Coventry, and so I was wiling to carry … vexes me. Thence to Mr. Hales, and paid him for my picture, and Mr. Hill's, for the first 14l. for the picture, … e, to dinner, where Mrs. Barbara Sheldon come to see us and din … I took my wife and Mrs. Barbary and Mercer out by coach and we …

Sunday 18 December 1664

… hen home, and there Mr. Andrews and Hill come and we sung finely, and by and by Mr. Fuller, the Parson, and supped with me … At and after supper Mr. Fuller and I told many storys of appar …

Sunday 26 February 1664/65

… n the evening comes Mr. Andrews and Hill, and so home and to singing. Hill staid and supped with me, and very good …