
By Francis Potter, 1642.

7 Annotations

First Reading

Michael Robinson  •  Link

Potter, Francis, 1594-1678.

An interpretation of the number 666. Wherein, not onely the manner, how this number ought to be interpreted, is clearely proved and demonstrated: but it is also shewed, yt [sic] this number is an exquisite and perfect character, truly, exactly, and essentially describing that state of goverment, to wch [sic] all other notes of Antichrist doe agree. With all knowne objections, solidly, and fully answeared, yt [sic] can be materially made against it. By Francis Potter B.D.
Oxford : printed by Leonard Lichfield, 1642.

[18], 214, [2] p. : ill. (woodcuts, metal cut) ; 4⁰.
Title page engraved, and signed: W. Marshall sculp:, leaf X4 a cancel, last leaf blank. Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), P3028

Pepsyian Library 1769

Later reprinted, without a cancel and final blank, with the imprint:

Oxford : printed by L. Litchfield & are to be sould by R. Mynne & G. Bedell at the signe of St Paul in Little Brittaine & at the middle Temple gate, 1647.
Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), P3029

GrahamT  •  Link

yt = þt (thorn + t) = abbreviation for "that"

cgs  •  Link

who wants the number ^^6: this town does not want the telephone code:
"Reeves, LA (AHN) - Beginning January 2, the city of Reeves, Louisiana will no longer carry the mark of the beast. After 40 years of carrying a stigma for having the number 666 as its area code, Reeves starts 2008 with a new code; 749. "

Second Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

An interpretation of the number 666 wherein, not onely the manner, how this number ought to be interpreted, is clearely proved and demonstrated : but it is also shewed [that] this number is an exquisite and perfect character, truly, exactly, and essentially describing that state of government to [which] all other notes of Antichrist doe agree : with all knowne objections solidly and fully answered [that] can be materially made against it / by Francis Potter ...
Potter, Francis, 1594-1678.
Oxford: Printed by Leonard Lichfield, 1642.
Early English Books Online…

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Potter, F. An Interpretation of the Number 666, wherein not onely the Manner how this Number ought to be Interpreted, is clearely proved and Demonstrated, but it is also shewed, yt this Number is an exquisite and perfect Character, truly exactly and essentially describing that State of Government, to wich all other notes of Antichrist doe agree. With all Knowne objections, solidly, and fully answeared, yt can be materially made against it. - Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield, 1642…

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Chart showing the number of references in each month of the diary’s entries.