3 Annotations

First Reading

Pedro  •  Link

King Salamon

Appears to have been in New Amsterdam in 1654…

On Trinity Sunday, 1654, the Swedes surprised and captured Fort Casimir, which had no powder in its magazine, and named it Fort Trinity. Stuyvesant, after reporting to the Company the “infamous surrender,” was ordered to retake the fort and drive out the Swedes. Having an expected attack from New England to provide for, he postponed his expedition until the warships King Solomon, Great Christopher, and the Balance, with a French privateer, the Hope, had come over from Amsterdam


Second Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

King Salamon

Dutch merchantman: sunk 1664/12/19
(L&M Index and Diary, VI.19 footnote)

Cornelis van de Merwe  •  Link

Proper Dutch name was "Koning Salomon". The ship and the sinking thereof was mentioned in the "Vaderlandsche Historie" by 18th century historian Jan Wagenaar (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan…) available in Google Books:
The Dutch government were aware that Charles II wanted to attack the Dutch Smyrna fleet, through information from ambassador Van Gogh, seven days before the attack. It came too late to act upon it though. The fleet, defended by three Dutch warships, was attacked by seven English warships under Allen. The commander of the three, Pieter van Brakel, was killed early on in the fight. Only two merchantmen were taken by Allen. The Koning Salomon, commanded by Jan Roelofszoon, defended itself alone against four English warships but was badly damaged and sunk after being boarded. The captain escaped in the life boat.

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Chart showing the number of references in each month of the diary’s entries.