3 Annotations

First Reading

Wim van der Meij  •  Link

John, son of Thomas Dawes of Putney. He married Christian, daughter and heir of William Lygons, Esq. of Barking, Essex, and was created a baronet in June 1663. His third son, Sir William Dawes became Archbishop of York. (Warrington)

Second Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Sunday 3 May 1663 (Lord’s day).
So made myself ready and to church, where Sir W. Pen showed me the young lady which young Dawes, that sits in the new corner-pew in the church, hath stole away from Sir Andrew Rickard, her guardian, worth 1,000l. per annum present, good land, and some money, and a very well-bred and handsome lady: he, I doubt, but a simple fellow. However he got this good luck to get her, which methinks I could envy him with all my heart.

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Chart showing the number of references in each month of the diary’s entries.


  • May
  • Aug
  • Oct