3 Annotations

First Reading

Cumgranissalis  •  Link

"English Captain: William Poole
William Poole (Senior) served in the Restoration navy. In 1660, he commanded the 6th Rate Martin. In 1661, he commanded the Charity. In 1663, he commanded the Advice, and then in According to Thomas Allin's journal, William Poole was captain of the 2nd Rate London in 1664"
lifted from

Second Reading

Bill  •  Link

POOLE, Sir William ,—was descended from an ancient and honourable family established at Poole, in the hundred of Wirral, in Cheshire, Soon after the restoration he was appointed, by the duke of York, to command the Martin. In 1661 he was promoted to the Charity of forty-six guns. In 1663 he commanded the Advice, and was re-appointed to the same ship in the year 1665. Soon afterwards, the action taking place between the duke of York and the Dutch, he was put into the St. George, in all likelihood to supply the place, pro tempore, of her former commander, who had either been killed or removed into another ship, as he does not appear to have been regularly commissioned by the duke of York, as lord high admiral. In 1666 he commanded the Mary of fifty-eight guns, by commission from the joint admirals, prince Rupert and the duke of Albemarle. In 1669 he was appointed, by the duke of York, to command the Crown; and, in the year 1672, successively commanded the Jersey, Plymouth, and St. David. Towards the end of this year he was commodore of the expedition sent against Tobago, sir Tobias Bridges commanding the land forces, and to his personal exertion the success is principally owing. The troops being landed, in their first attempt, either through the ignorance, or treachery of the guide, in a place extremely unfavourable to future operation, and where they were momentarily in danger of being cut off, captain Poole went, himself, on shore to superintend their re-embarkation, which was effected without loss. On the following day, the 19th of December, 1672, the troops were re-landed, under cover of the St. David, after she had endured a most tremendous fire, from all the forts and batteries, for five hours. The success attending this action was as complete as the Undertaking was brilliant; a capitulation being immediately proposed, and the island surrendered without further bloodshed. For this service it is, most probable, he was knighted. On the 27th of February, 1676, he received a commission from the king to command the Leopard. In this ship he was sent commodore to Newfoundland, and from thence sailed, at the close of the year, as is customary, with the convoy for the streights. He returned io England, having the Streights fleet under his protection, in the month of May following. On the 11th of September, 1678, he was, under the same authority, appointed to command the Happy Return, and again sent to the Streights, where he continued for some time, diligently fulfilling every thing that could be expected from a prudent and active commander, affording, on every occasion, all the protection in his power to our own commerce, and leaving no means unattempted to check the depredations of the corsairs. On the 21st of June, 1685, he was appointed to the Samuel and Mary, which is the last ship he ever commanded.
---Biographia Navalis. J. Charnock, 1794.

Third Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

L&M: Jonas Poole had married a sister of Adm. Penn.

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Chart showing the number of references in each month of the diary’s entries.


  • Jun