Annotations and comments

Jude Russo has posted five annotations/comments since 30 August 2023.

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Third Reading

About Monday 3 December 1660

Jude Russo  •  Link

I wonder whether Sam's resolution has anything to do with the beginning of the church year with the First Sunday of Advent the day before.

About Wednesday 12 September 1660

Jude Russo  •  Link

Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655) was a well-regarded French philosopher and an astronomer by training. His life's project was reviving the atomic physics of the ancient Epicurean school; in the mid-1650s, these efforts made a bit of a splash in English academic circles, particularly after the 1654 publication of a work titled "Physiologia Epicuro-Gassendo-Charletoniana, or A Fabrick of Science Natural, upon a Hypothesis of Atoms, Founded by Epicurus, Repaired by Petrus Gassendus, and Augmented by Walter Charleton."

It's neat to see our man Pepys having the most cutting-edge scientific thinkers in his library---all the more interesting if, as Glyn persuasively suggests above, that it's his old college textbooks.

About Wednesday 29 August 1660

Jude Russo  •  Link

In re "which" above: The 1662 Book of Common Prayer has the wording "Our Father, which art in heaven"---still a perfectly acceptable use of the time, irrespective of the social standing of the antecedent!