Saturday 11 July 1668

At the office all the morning. After dinner to the King’s playhouse, to see an old play of Shirly’s, called “Hide Parke” the first day acted; where horses are brought upon the stage but it is but a very moderate play, only an excellent epilogue spoke by Beck Marshall. Thence home and to my office, and then to supper and to bed, and overnight took some pills… [Continued tomorrow. P.G.]

5 Annotations

First Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"...“Hide Parke” the first day acted; where horses are brought upon the stage...."

L&M note the stage directions do not demand a horse-spectacle, but there is a racing-scene in Act IV.

Robert Gertz  •  Link

"Hyde Park...Where gaming and gambling rule and men and women are played...Hyde Park, the revived play by James Shirley..." Hmmn...Bess eyes poster.

"Beck Marshall was ok." Sam notes. "And I did like that bug-eyed character, the nervous bureaucrat who never wanted to be seen in a hackey, taking his pleasures, always scribbling notes as he did so. Great comic relief."

"The philandering jackass who looked rather pathetic chasing everything female?" Bess eyes him.

"Exactly...What a twit. Though his persistence and attention to business was commendable..,And he did tell that story well."

"He did have saving graces, I suppose...I would have liked to see more of his wife though. She seemed an interesting character."

Jenny  •  Link

Well done, Robert!

Second Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

'Charles II: July 1668', in Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II, 1667-8, ed.…

July 11. 1668
Chas. Whittington to Williamson.

Three Hull vessels have sailed for Holland
and 2 for France, laden with lead, cloth, and butter,
also one for North Bergen with corn.

Three ships have come in from the East, laden with pitch, tar, iron, and flax,
which last is a drug in this port, as at an isle 20 miles distant, there is as good flax and hemp as any brought from the East or Holland, and far cheaper,
which has already spoiled that trade in these parts.

The merchants are much troubled at the Act for imposing the 16/. a tun on French wines, &c., as none will gain but the vintners, who have mostly furnished themselves with great quantities beforehand, and not entered with the Commissioners the 10th part.

A multitude of disaffected persons hereabouts speak much against the Government, and I believe there never were more private meetings than at the present.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 242, No. 200.]

July 11. 1668
requiring the Master and Wardens of the Stationers' Company of London not to permit any stationers to continue to print common law books,
till the judges have given their opinion on a cause in the High Court of Chancery, between the said stationers and Rich. Atkins and others,
interested in a patent granted by King James and not yet expired, for the sole printing of the said law books.

With note that this order was, upon a more particular information, revoked and made void.
[S.P. Dom., Entry Book 25, f 65.]

July 11. 1668
John Badcock to the Navy Commissioners.

The master of the ship that has the stores requests that the sails may be put on shore, as he lies among many ships in King-road, and a great many rats come on board, and will gnaw and spoil them.

Mr. Bodman, sail-maker, will take them on shore if their Honours will send an order.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 242, No. 205.]

July 11. 1668
Merlin, King road.
Captain [John] Clements to the Navy Commissioners.

Having brought Lord Orrery from Ireland to Minehead 15 June last,
he ordered me to go to Plymouth, but after putting out twice, I was forced back again by bad weather;
having spent all the provisions, I was necessitated to go for Bristol, damaging my mast in a storm.
I entreat an order to the victualler for provisions;

I am in a strange place, and have neither money nor credit;
also an order to your agent for the mast to be fished, and for cordage, and other stores;
they would not allow me any when I came from Deptford, nor at any place since;

I have been driven to such exigencies as none of the King's ships have ever been put to before, not having a fathom of spare rope in the yacht, and all the rigging is worn to pieces.
[Unsigned S.P. Dom., Car. II. 242, No. 207.]

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