2 Annotations

First Reading

Michael Robinson  •  Link

(1615 - 1670) "In 1663-1664, Sorbière visited England, where he was inducted into the Royal Society. In 1664 he published a satirical account of his stay, which provoked Thomas Sprat (then spokesman for the Society) to publish Observations upon Monsieur de Sorbier's Voyage into England as a reply to Sorbière's perceived insults against both English culture and the Society in particular. In order to avoid further international controversy, Sorbière was held under arrest for four months in France, and Charles II of England prohibited any further responses."

Wim van der Meij  •  Link

Sorbiere published his voyage into England; this was described by Voltaire as a dull, scurrilous satire upon a nation of which the author knew nothing.

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Chart showing the number of references in each month of the diary’s entries.