2 Annotations

First Reading

Third Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Mary Aubrey was born to John Aubrey 1st Baronet and Mary South.

On 18 June, 1646, her future husband, William Montagu (age 28) and Elizabeth Freman were married.

On 7 December, 1651, William Montagu (age 33) and Mary Aubrey were married.

On 30 November, 1654, her sister-in-law Elizabeth Montagu, Countess of Lindsey, died.

Samuel Pepys' Diary January 2 1662. An invitation sent us before we were up from my Lady Sandwich's (age 37), to come and dine with her: so at the office all the morning, and at noon thither to dinner, where there was a good and great dinner, and the company, [her husband] Mr. William Montagu (age 44) and his Lady (but she seemed so far from the beauty that I expected her from my Lady's talk to be, that it put me into an ill humour all the day, to find my expectation so lost), Mr. Rurttball and Townsend and their wives.

Samuel Pepys' Diary January 20, 1664. At his lodgings this morning there came to him [her husband] Mr. W. Montague's (age 46) fine lady, which occasioned my Lord's calling me to her about some business for a friend of hers preferred to be a midshipman at sea. My Lord recommended the whole matter to me. She is a fine confident lady, I think, but not so pretty as I once thought her.

Samuel Pepys' Diary December 30, 1667. From the 'Change (where I met with Captain Cocke (age 50), who would have borrowed money of me, but I had the grace to deny him, he would have had 3 or £400) I with Cocke and Mr. Temple (whose wife was just now brought to bed of a boy, but he seems not to be at all taken with it, which is a strange consideration how others do rejoice to have a child born), to Sir G. Carteret's (age 57), in Lincoln's Inn Fields, and there did dine together, there being there, among other company, [her husband] Mr. Attorney Montagu (age 49), and his fine lady, a fine woman.

On 19 May 1671, her sister-in-law, Frances Montagu, Countess of Rutland (age 57) died at Bottesford, Leicestershire.

On 10 Mar 1700 Lady Mary Aubrey Montagu died.

In 1706 [her former husband] William Montagu (age 88) died at Weekley, Leicestershire.

Based on https://www.allabouthistory.co.uk…

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Chart showing the number of references in each month of the diary’s entries.


  • Jan