27 Apr 1665, Samuel Pepys to John Evelyn (2 annotations)
From a letter this day come to my hand from a Shipp of ours (the little Guift) that in a Conflict with a Hollander on the Irish Coast (wherein shoe though much over matched hath acquitted her selfe very well)…
9 Aug 1665, Samuel Pepys to John Evelyn (0)
I am once more to trouble you with my old question concerning the provision made for the sick and wounded seamen in Ireland, for that a charge is and hath for a good while beene running on at Kinsale in…
26 Sep 1665, Samuel Pepys to John Evelyn (0)
As I will in every thing else, soe I have in your request this afternoone done what you with any moderate reason can expect of mee. But I beseech you consider that what I have done reaches but for foure…
12 Dec 1665, Samuel Pepys to John Evelyn (0)
His Royal Highness hath commanded, that the Golden hand and Prince William be imediatly sent to New Castle to fetch Coales for the poore of the Citty of London: I doe therefore entreat you that if they have any Dutch…
17 Feb 1666, Samuel Pepys to John Evelyn (1)
To tell you a litle more perticularly then I could in the middle of much businesse this morning my proceeding towards the advancement of your soe laudable designe of publique Infirmarys I did the very next meeting after your Honouring…
8 Feb 1668, Samuel Pepys to John Evelyn (0)
You will not wonder at the backwardness of my thankes for the Præsent you made mee soe many days since of the Prospect of Medway, while the Hollander rode Master on't, when I have seriously told you, that the sight…
1 Jul 1669, Samuel Pepys to Capt. Thomas Elliot (0)
Upon the late arrival of the news of Sir Robert Brookes's death who served as one of the Burgesses for the Town of Aldeburgh, his Royal Highness was pleased upon considerations of his own to command me to endeavour after…
2 Nov 1669, Samuel Pepys to John Evelyn (2)
I begge you to beleive that I would not have beene ten daies returned into England without waiting on you, had it not pleased God to afflict mee by the sickness of my wife, who, from the first day of…
6 Jan 1670, Samuel Pepys to the Brooke House Commissioners (0)
Your Lordships' silence to what I (now some weeks since) presented you with relating to the common defence of this Office, joined with what hath lately come to my notice touching your acceptance of separate answers on the same subject…
8 Jan 1670, Samuel Pepys to Charles II (0)
Your Majesty's having been pleased with one hand to receive what has been offered you in charge against the Officers of your Navy, I cannot without offence to your justice doubt your vouchsafing me the other, for what in most…
3 Mar 1670, Samuel Pepys to Capt. Thomas Elliot (0)
I beg you earnestly to believe that nothing but the sorrow and distraction I have been in by the death of my wife, increased by the suddenness with which it pleased God to surprise me therewith, after a voyage so…
26 Mar 1670, Samuel Pepys to Sir Richard Browne (0)
I have a sudden occasion offered me of asking your friendship, as well as a full assurance that I shall. 'Tis this: Mr Ascew, Clerk of Trinity House, is dead. I have a brother of my own (John Pepys), whose…
26 Mar 1670, Samuel Pepys to John Pepys (brother) (0)
Something hath offered itself which may prove of advantage to you, that makes it necessary for me to have you here on Tuesday night next. It is an employment into which some or other must be elected on Wednesday morning.…
2 May 1670, Samuel Pepys to Anthony Deane (0)
I have yours of the 28th of the last with the enclosed particulars relating to the Office of the Ordnance, and shall in that, as well as in what respects our own Office, endeavour to procure you all the satisfaction…
22 Jun 1672, Samuel Pepys to Balthazar St Michel (0)
I came last night home from the fleet, where I have spent about five days. I thank God I am well, saving some little disorder an un-easy lodging for so many nights hath given me. At my coming back I…
20 Aug 1672, Samuel Pepys to Lord Henry Howard (0)
Having by his Royal Highness's appointment understood his Highness's recommending me with success to your Lordship for the Burgess-ship of Rising, upon the expected removal of Sir Robert Paston to the House of Lords, I hold it my duty to…
2 Sep 1672, Samuel Pepys to Henry Savile (0)
I am surprised with the coming back to my hand of a packet directed to you so long ago as you will find by its date to Burlington Bay, occasioned (I suppose) by the fleet's departure thence, and its being…
17 Sep 1672, Samuel Pepys to Henry Savile (0)
Enclosed are the accompts his Royal Highness expects from me for the use of the Comte D'Estrées, viz., one of the gratuities given by the King to the relations of persons slain in his service at sea. Concerning which I…
17 Sep 1672, Samuel Pepys to Col. Thomas Middleton (0)
These are only to acquaint you, that by several express commands from his Majesty, the enclosed ought to want no possible care in its dispatch to him; it being intended (as I suppose) for the use of the Comte D'Estrées…
17 Sep 1672, Samuel Pepys to James Southerne (0)
In answer to your letter of the 14th, the rate his Majesty pays to seamen for Short-Allowance at 6 to 4, is twopence per diem, it being not the practice of the Navy to put seamen to any broken proportion…