Saturday 9 December 1665

For Samuell Pepys Esqr

On[e] of the principall Officers

of his Majesties Navy

at the Navy Office


Sayes Court

9 December 16651


Your Letter of the 7th2 concerning our Prisoners in the Golden-hand3 and Prince William4 came not an houre since to me; by what neglect I know not: I have sent to my Martiall at Leeds5, to be here on Moneday (if possible) and to march away with them; so that those Vessells shall speedily be cleared: Sir William Coventry gives me hopes our Lazers6 shall be cloathed, but you must coöperate or we shall be forgotten: I am Sir, Stylo Læconico7

Your most faithfull Servant


1 Annotation

Second Reading


"Stylo Laeconico"

I would have thought this to translate to "in a laconic style". Thus the ending of the letter might read, "I am, Sir, in brief, your most faithful servant"

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