Friday 25 November 1664

Up and at my office all the morning, to prepare an account of the charge we have been put to extraordinary by the Dutch already; and I have brought it to appear 852,700l.; but God knows this is only a scare to the Parliament, to make them give the more money.

Thence to the Parliament House, and there did give it to Sir Philip Warwicke; the House being hot upon giving the King a supply of money, and I by coach to the ’Change and took up Mr. Jenings along with me (my old acquaintance), he telling me the mean manner that Sir Samuel Morland lives near him, in a house he hath bought and laid out money upon, in all to the value of 1200l., but is believed to be a beggar; and so I ever thought he would be.

From the ’Change with Mr. Deering and Luellin to the White Horse tavern in Lombard Street, and there dined with them, he giving me a dish of meat to discourse in order to my serving Deering, which I am already obliged to do, and shall do it, and would be glad he were a man trusty that I might venture something along with him.

Thence home, and by and by in the evening took my wife out by coach, leaving her at Unthanke’s while I to White Hall and to Westminster Hall, where I have not been to talk a great while, and there hear that Mrs. Lane and her husband live a sad life together, and he is gone to be a paymaster to a company to Portsmouth to serve at sea. She big with child. Thence I home, calling my wife, and at Sir W. Batten’s hear that the House have given the King 2,500,000l. to be paid for this warr, only for the Navy, in three years’ time; which is a joyfull thing to all the King’s party I see, but was much opposed by Mr. Vaughan and others, that it should be so much. So home and to supper and to bed.

26 Annotations

First Reading

Robert Gertz  •  Link

"...and I have brought it to appear 852,700l.; but God knows this is only a scare to the Parliament, to make them give the more money..."

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Watch it, Sam. And for heaven's sake make sure Batten, Penn, or Minnes' signature is on everything.

andy  •  Link

hear that Mrs. Lane and her husband live a sad life

and Mrs Bagwell and her husband?

Robert Gertz  •  Link

"...and Mrs Bagwell and her husband?"

Beginning to grumble at the slow pace of Will B's promised promotion.

Put not your trust in Princes...Or head-swelled CoAs.

Martha  •  Link

Is Sam's cooking of the books part of the source for his feeling that people have an opinion of him that is higher than he actually deserves?

Of course, he's cooking the books for the best of reasons, right?

A. De Araujo  •  Link

"that Mrs Lane and her husband live a sad life together.........She big with child"
It can't be all that sad Sam.

Australian Susan  •  Link

Sad here may mean serious and non-frivolous, not how we usually mean sad today. Puritans used to be described (prior to Sam's time) as wearing sad garments - meaning drab ones.

cgs  •  Link

Sad has had many meanings.

2 sad, a. and adv. * [Com. Teut.: OE. sæd = OS. sad, MDu. sat (Du. zat), OHG., MHG. sat (mod.G. satt), ON. sa{edh}-r (rare: superseded by sadd-r, pa. pple. of the derived verb se{edh}ja to satiate), Goth. sa{th}-s (pl. sadai):{em}OTeut. *sa{dbar}o- full, satiated:{em}WIndogermanic *s{schwa}tó- in *{ncircbl}-s{schwa}to-s, Gr. {alenisacu}-{alpha}{tau}{omicron}{fsigma} insatiate (cf. L. sat, satis enough, satur satisfied, full, OIrish sathech satiated); the word is a pa. pple. with suffix -tó- from the root *s{amac}- to satisfy; cf. Gr. {aasperacu}
{eta}{nu} (:{em}*s{schwa}-d{amac}m), enough. A parallel form from the strong grade of the root (with unaccented suffix) is Goth. s{omac}{th} (:{em}pre-Teut. *s{amacacu}to-m) satisfaction, whence gas{omac}{th}jan to satisfy.]

3 sad, v.

Samuell's entree:

8. a. Of colour: Dark, deep. In later use, influenced by sense 5: Not cheerful-looking; neutral-tinted, dull, sober.
The Ger. satt and MDu. sat (Du. zat) have the sense ‘dark’ or ‘deep’ as applied to colours, as a direct development from the primary sense ‘full’ (see sense 1 above).
1609 C. BUTLER Fem. Mon. (1634) 105 The second Summer, this light yellow is changed to a sad. 1658 ROWLAND tr. Moufet's Theat. Ins. 936 Long and slender shanks of a very sad black colour. 1686 PLOT Staffordsh. 201 First of a dark greenish colour, growing sadder by degrees as the plant decays, till it approaches a black.

b. Dark-coloured, sober-coloured. Obs.
1560668 PEPYS Diary 24 Aug., My wife is upon hanging the long chamber..with the sad stuff that was in the best chamber.


A. adj. I. Of persons and immaterial things.

1. Having had one's fill; satisfied; sated, weary or tired (of something). Const. of (in OE. gen.) or inf.

2. Settled, firmly established in purpose or condition; steadfast, firm, constant. Obs.
c1315 S
3. Strong; capable of resisting; valiant. Obs.
. Orderly and regular in life; of trustworthy character and judgement; grave, serious. Often coupled with wise or discreet. Obs.

s. 1632 LITHGOW Trav. II. 71 The solid, and sad man, is not troubled with the floods and ebbes of Fortune. 1665 POWELL in Wood Life (O.H.S.) II. 48 An old donation of the College to a sad priest that preaches on that day.

b. Of looks, appearance:

Dignified, grave, serious. Obs.

c. Profoundly or solidly learned (in). Obs.

d. Of thought, consideration: Mature, serious. Obs. exc. arch. in the phrase in sad earnest, which as now used belongs rather to sense 5.

5. a. Of persons, their feelings or dispositions: Sorrowful, mournful.
?a1366 CHAUCER
1667 MILTON P.L. x. 18 Th' Angelic Guards ascended, mute and sad For Man. 1678 BUNYAN Pilgr. I. 196, I was very sad, I think sader than at any one time in my life.

c. Of looks, tones, gestures, costume, etc.: Expressive of sorrow.
c1386 CHAUCER Knt.'s T.

634 MILTON Comus 235 Where the love-lorn Nightingale Nightly to thee her sad Song mourneth well. 1660 F. BROOKE tr. Le Blanc's Trav. 221 A sad pale countenance. 1671 MILTON P.R. I. 43 Them amidst With looks agast and sad he thus bespake.
d. Of times, places, actions, etc.: Characterized by sorrow, sorrowful.

1662 J. DAVIES tr. Mandelslo's Trav. 252 This was the saddest night we had in all our Voyage. 1667 MILTON P.L. XI. 478 Immediately a place Before his eyes appeard, sad, noysom, dark, A Lazar-house it seemd.

e. Morose, dismal-looking. Obs.
1593 SHAKES. Rich. II, V. v. 70 And how com'st thou hither? Where no man euer comes, but that sad dogge That brings me food, to make misfortune liue?

f. Causing sorrow; distressing, calamitous, lamentable. In early use partly fig. of sense 7, ‘heavy’.

1667 MILTON P.L. I. 135 With sad overthrow and foul defeat. 1688 S. PENTON Guard. Instruct. (1897) 22 It quickly appear'd how sad is the condition of a Gentleman without Learning.

. Firmly fixed. Obs. exc. dial.

d. Of soil: Stiff, heavy. ? Obs. exc. dial.

e. Of bread, pastry, etc.: That has not ‘risen’ properly; heavy. Now dial.
1688 R. HOLME Armoury III. 317/1 Bakers Terms in their Art... Sad, heavy, close Bread.

Brian  •  Link

Wow, the House has been in session for only two days and has already approved such a large sum?? Things were much more efficient in the old days . . .

Mary  •  Link

"can't be all that sad, Sam"


Being big with child doesn't necessarily contribute to the happiness of the family. Nor does it necessarily imply that the family was happy several months ago when the child was conceived. Sad, here, may indeed mean 'unhappy, dreary, distressed etc.' In earlier entries Sam has expressed the opinion that Mrs. Lane's marriage is proving far from contented, at least as far as she is concerned.

jeannine  •  Link

"Wow, the House has been in session for only two days and has already approved such a large sum?? Things were much more efficient in the old days …"

Perhaps I' a cynic here but maybe there was a more direct link of the payment of grafts so that the buying of votes was easier?

Also, I'd be curious to know the motives of the voters and where they were making their own investments. With some much money at stake in terms of trade, etc. and the 'ownership' of the sea, I'd guess that quite a few of the people doing the voting had personal benefit in mind.

cgs  •  Link

Remember , in order to vote for thy favourite candidate, one had to be of substance with an income of net 10 libre and have thine own house , not a rental, and to have sworn allegiance to thy religion of the Carlos II picking, all others take what be handed out.
It be good reading the minutes of the house, checking out those that got to sit at whose behalf.
The chads of the day be checked out by fellow established members of the sitting ones.
As most of the members be of the trading class, getting free goods from those that got in the way of cannon shot was very tempting , they forgetting that the other side would grabbing booty too.
Then it was cheep calico and spices now it be blk goo for heating.

language hat  •  Link

"“Wow, the House has been in session for only two days and has already approved such a large sum?? Things were much more efficient in the old days"

War fever is still efficient in getting sweeping/expensive measures passed quickly and efficiently. Plus ça change...

Second Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"I have brought it to appear 852,700l.; but God knows this is only a scare to the Parliament, to make them give the more money."

£800,000 was the figure used in the King's speech at the opening of the session (… ). Coventry writing to Secretary Bennet (24 November), criticized even that as excessive.
(Per L&M footnote)

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"[I] hear that the House have given the King 2,500,000l. to be paid for this warr, only for the Navy, in three years’ time; which is a joyfull thing to all the King’s party I see, but was much opposed by Mr. Vaughan and others, that it should be so much."

The Royal Aid, voted by 172 to 102… ; the largest grant ever made to any Stuart government, though sufficient, Pepys thought, for only 2 1/2 years of war: Pepys to Sandwich, 3 December, Shorthand Letters, p. 20. Collection was to be made over three years. Vaughan had moved to reduce the total to £500,000. The proposal to make it 'only for the Navy' (i.e. to appropriate the proceeds to a naval war) was not pursued now, but was incorporated in the Additional Aid of 1665 of 1,250,000 voted on 9/10/1665:… (Per L&M footnote)

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

"... he telling me the mean manner that Sir Samuel Morland lives near him, in a house he hath bought and laid out money upon, in all to the value of 1200l., but is believed to be a beggar; ..."

My, how things change: Sir Samuel Morland lived in the '60s in Pall Mall; moved to Bloomsbury, in the year 1675 he obtained a lease of Vauxhall House, and by 1687 was living in what he called a 'hut' by Hyde Park gate.

A mean house on Pall Mall!

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"A mean house on Pall Mall!"

The homes there were of mixed quality in late 1664:
In 1662, Pall Mall was one of several streets "thought fitt immediately to be repaired, new paved or otherwise amended" under the Streets, London and Westminster Act 1662. The paving commissioners appointed to oversee the work included the Earl of St Albans. The terms of the act allowed commissioners to remove any building encroaching on the highway, with compensation for those at least 30 years old. The commissioners determined that the real tennis court and adjoining house at the northeast corner of Pall Mall and St James's Street should be demolished, and in 1664 notified Martha Barker, the owner of the Crown lease, to do so. Although Barker initially rejected £230 compensation, the court was demolished by 1679.

The street was developed extensively during 1662–1667. The Earl of St Albans had a lease from the Crown in 1662 on 45 acres (18 ha) of land previously part of St James's Fields.…

Bill  •  Link

"Mrs. Lane and her husband live a sad life"

SAD, sorrowful, melancholy, dull.
---N. Bailey. An universal etymological English dictionary, 1734

Louise Hudson  •  Link

However it’s defined, Mrs. Lane, big with child, is in sad circumstances with a husband far away (and it was far away in those days). Let’s hope she has decided to stay behind only until the birth, perhaps with her mother, as many a young wife of the time did.

StanB  •  Link

Off topic guys but I thought worth a mention as History is made today.....

Royal Navy sailors in uniforms of blue and white will replace the Queen's Coldstream guards at Buckingham Palace in a historic first
The Changing of the Guard can be traced back to the reign of Henry VII, when a ‘Royal Body Guard’ was created to protect the Sovereign.
Guards Regiments were formed to protect King Charles II in 1656, when he was in exile and since then have provided highly trained Officers and Soldiers for the Royal Guards.

Sailors from across the Royal Navy are preparing for the honour of guarding Her Majesty The Queen and other members of the Royal Family
The Royal Navy Guard will deploy to London over the next week and begin their time in the limelight with the prestigious ‘Changing of the Guard’ at Buckingham Palace on 26 November
Over a further two weeks they will also mount guards at Windsor Castle, St James’s Palace and the Tower of London where they will be guarding the crown jewels.

Louise Hudson  •  Link

Interesting, Stan B. Do you know why this change has been made after so long? Does it mean the end of the red uniforms and Busbys? It won’t be the same.

StanB  •  Link

Hi Louise
No it won't mean we lose one of the biggest tourist grabbers in the capital as Terry mentions its to celebrate the year of the Navy, It's had quite a mixed reception here in the UK to be honest from tourists and the natives and from ex-servicemen also, I must admit it does look rather strange to see the Jack-Tars parading in place of the traditional guard but no things will soon return to normal and has they say "The more things change the more they stay the same"

Matt Newton  •  Link

The historic event is to commemorate 2017 as the Year of the Navy, the BBC reported.

But 2017 is nearly over. Why didn't it start 10 months ago?

StanB  •  Link

Matt The guard change is merely one part of a whole raft (scuse the pun) of events to celebrate the year of the Navy
Key milestones in 2017 include:
HMS Queen Elizabeth, will sail from Rosyth, ready to conduct sea trials in summer and debut in Portsmouth later in the year;
Her younger sister HMS Prince of Wales will enter the water for the first time in the summer as work on her continues and is due to be formally named in the autumn;
Design and Manufacture will begin on the multi-million pound Crowsnest, the early-warning ‘eyes in the sky’ system for the helicopters that will protect the new carriers;
In the summer, steel will be cut on the first of eight Type 26 frigates in Glasgow;
The first of four Tide-class tankers, RFA Tidespring – crucial for supporting the new aircraft carriers – will arrive from South Korea in the spring to undergo UK customisation work;
Similarly, in the spring, the first of the Navy’s five next-generation patrol ships, HMS Forth will begin her sea trials;
The fourth Astute Class submarine will enter the water for its commissioning phase in spring;
The keel for the seventh and final Astute-class submarine – as yet unnamed – will be laid in 2017 as work continues apace on the fifth and sixth, HMS Anson and HMS Agamemnon in Barrow;
The opening of the first permanent Royal Navy base East of Suez in nearly half a century.
On the operational front:
Vanguard-class submarines will carry out the 48th year of continually providing our at-sea nuclear deterrent;
HMS Ocean will continue to lead the US Navy’s carrier task group in the Gulf until February, supported by Type 45 destroyer HMS Daring providing air defence;
Royal Marines and the Commando Helicopter Force will carry out three months of winter training in Norway to protect NATO’s northern flank;
40 Commando Group, based near Taunton, will assume the responsibility of on-call Royal Marines unit from May;
and numerous frigates, Minehunters survey and patrol ships of the Royal Navy and support ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary will continue to protect UK interests in the Baltic, Gulf, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, Caribbean, North and South Atlantic.
So, has you can see there is lots planned

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