Annotations and comments

Dorothy has posted 11 annotations/comments since 21 May 2016.

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Second Reading

About Monday 16 November 1668

Dorothy  •  Link

He does sound like a lovesick teenager. It never occurs to him that this information his wife "let fall" is certain to be false. I'd bet Deb is on the other side of London from Holborn and Dr. Allbon. I assume "Cassandra" and the other books are to show his wife how much he thinks of her -- after he wastes almost an entire day hanging around hoping for a sight of Deb. Men!

About Friday 30 October 1668

Dorothy  •  Link

"That the Duke of York, in all things but in his cod-piece, is led by the nose by his wife."

Poor man! The image of being pulled one way by the nose and the other by ---- . Well, I'm an old-fashioned lady so I don't say it. But I can't imagine a more uncomfortable situation!

About Thursday 30 April 1668

Dorothy  •  Link

If the beating the boys took when they were "beating the bounds" was more than a symbolic tap, I'm surprised there were any boys left around when the time came for the procession!

About Monday 27 April 1668

Dorothy  •  Link

"that was but a boy the other day" I read this as referring to her husband, Mr. John Parkhurst, not to his wife. It seems much more likely.

About Sunday 29 March 1668

Dorothy  •  Link

Stephane, I don't understand your remark, "(and after all, 'her mother was one of the five women barbers', eeeew, 'nuff said)." Is there something I don't know about women barbers? My husband has, over the years, had his hair cut by several women barbers and he didn't notice anything.

About Tuesday 17 March 1667/68

Dorothy  •  Link

The idea of the Secretary of State dancing a jig reminds me of the Lilliputian rope dancers in Gulliver!

About Monday 9 March 1667/68

Dorothy  •  Link

I agree with Elissa. The "experts," usually from a large university, who make a simple process complicated are very familiar.

About Friday 29 March 1667

Dorothy  •  Link

I have been reading along for years now and never posted, but today john inspired me. I am sure Pepys' diary entries are more open about his true actions, feelings, motives, etc. than any of us could achieve if we kept a diary. We would all self-censor to make ourselves look good, even if was just to our future rereading self. But every day I see comments so smug and complacent they might as well adapt the words of the pharisee, "God, I thank you that I am not like this man." I have always thought reviews and comments tell more about the reviewer and commenters themselves than the subject under consideration and my years in this group have proven it to me.

About Wednesday 20 May 1663

Dorothy  •  Link

In Charles Dickens' "Bleak House" Prince Turveydrop provides the music for the dancing lessons he gives by playing a small violin called a "kit." I found this Wikipedia article on the subject.… It seems likely to me Mr. Pemberton may do something similar when he is giving a lesson.